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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/plot/plotg.c, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! noro        1: /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir99/plot/plotg.c,v 1999/11/10 08:12:34 noro Exp $ */
        !             2: #include "ca.h"
        !             3: #include "parse.h"
        !             4: #include "ox.h"
        !             5: #include "ifplot.h"
        !             6:
        !             7: int stream;
        !             8:
        !             9: DISPLAY *display;
        !            10: CURSOR normalcur,runningcur,errorcur;
        !            11:
        !            12: Window rootwin;
        !            13: GC drawGC,dashGC,hlGC,scaleGC,clearGC,xorGC,colorGC;
        !            14: XFontStruct *sffs;
        !            15:
        !            16: struct canvas *canvas[MAXCANVAS];
        !            17: struct canvas *current_can;

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