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File: [local] / OpenXM_contrib2 / windows / Attic / makepkg.bat (download)

Revision 1.10, Thu Aug 20 17:44:35 2015 UTC (9 years, 1 month ago) by ohara
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.9: +4 -3 lines

Registerd libraries to makefiles and scripts for Visual Studio.

@rem $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/windows/makepkg.bat,v 1.10 2015/08/20 17:44:35 ohara Exp $
@echo off

if exist asir ( rmdir /q /s asir )

if /i "%Platform%" == "X64" (
  if not exist asir32gui\asirgui.exe ( call makebin64.bat )
) else (
  if not exist asir32gui\asirgui.exe ( call makebin32.bat )

mkdir asir\bin asir\help\ja asir\lib\asir asir\lib\asir-contrib asir\share\editor asir\share\skel

for %%i in ( asir32gui\asirgui.exe asir32gui\ja.dll engine2000\engine.exe mcpp\cpp.exe post-msg-asirgui\cmdasir.exe ..\asir2000\asir.exe curl.exe unzip.exe ) do (
  copy /b %%i asir\bin

if /i "%Platform%" == "X64" (
  copy /b gmp\x64\*.dll asir\bin
) else (
  copy /b gmp\win32\*.dll asir\bin

pushd help
if not exist ja ( call makehelp2.bat ja )
if not exist en ( call makehelp2.bat en )

copy /b help\ja\*.chm asir\help\ja
copy /b help\en\*.chm asir\help

echo import("names.rr")$ > asir\share\skel\.asirrc
echo end$ >> asir\share\skel\.asirrc

for %%i in ( asirgui.mac  asir-mode.el install-ja-sjis.txt ) do ( 
  copy /b post-msg-asirgui\%%i asir\share\editor
copy /b ..\asir2000\LICENSE asir
copy /b gmp\COPYING.LIB asir
xcopy /q /s ..\asir2000\lib asir\lib\asir
del /q asir\lib\Makefile*
del /q asir\lib\help*.uu

xcopy /q /s  ..\..\OpenXM\src\asir-contrib\packages\src asir\lib\asir-contrib
copy /b ..\..\OpenXM\src\asir-contrib\testing\noro\ndbf.rr asir\lib\asir-contrib\nn_ndbf.rr
for %%i in ( de.rr gw.rr module_syz.rr mwl.rr pd.rr rewrite.rr ) do (
  copy /b ..\..\OpenXM\src\asir-contrib\testing\noro\%%i asir\lib\asir-contrib\noro_%%i
del /q asir\lib\asir-contrib\Makefile.in
del /q asir\lib\asir-contrib\y_prime\.keepme

for %%i in ( doc-asir2000.zip doc-asir-contrib.zip doc-other-docs.zip ) do (
  if not exist ..\..\OpenXM_dist\%%i (
    curl http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/Current/archive-01/%%i -o ..\..\OpenXM_dist\%%i
  unzip ..\..\OpenXM_dist\%%i -d asir

if /i "%Platform%" == "X64" (
  zip -r asir_win64_%DATE:/=.%.zip asir
) else (
  zip -r asir_win32_%DATE:/=.%.zip asir

exit /b 0