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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib2/windows/pari20/win32/pariinl.h, Revision 1.3

1.1       noro        1: /*   This file contains declarations/definitions of functions that
                      2:  *   _can_ be inlined.
                      3:  */
                      4: /* $Id: pariinl.h,v 1999/09/16 13:48:38 karim Exp $ */
1.3     ! ohara       6: // #ifndef WINCE
        !             7: #if defined(_M_IX86)
1.2       noro        8: #  include "../pari-2.0.17.beta/src/kernel/ix86/level0.h"
1.1       noro        9: #else
1.2       noro       10: #  include "../pari-2.0.17.beta/src/kernel/none/level0.h"
1.1       noro       11: #endif
1.2       noro       13: #include "../pari-2.0.17.beta/src/kernel/none/level1.h"
1.1       noro       14:

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