This is a port of OpenXM. It contains mathematical software systems complient to the OpenXM protocol. The OpenXM protocol is an infrastracture for communications between mathematical software systems. The directory structure of this port is not following the standard of the FreeBSD port system. All binaries, documents and libraries are under the directory of OpenXM. Scripts to start clients are copied to ${PKG_PREFIX}/bin for the convinience. The following clients are under the bin directory: asir ---- a general computer algebra system. sm1 ---- a computer algebra system for the ring of differential operators. oxmath --- A script to start mathematica with the OpenXM support. To use oxmath, you need to buy Mathematica. The following servers are available: ox_asir --- asir server (factorization, simplification of rational functions, primary ideal decomposition, Grobner basis computation etc.) ox_sm1 --- sm1 server (Grobner basis in the ring of differential operators) ox_phc --- phc server (Solving systems of algebraic equations) ox_tigers --- TiGERs server (Enumerating all the Grobner basis for toric ideal) ox_gnuplot --- gnuplot server OMproxy ---- OpenMath/XML support ox_math ---- mathematica server Experimental servers and clients are provided only in the source distribution. These are under OpenXM/src. As to details, see OpenXM/doc directory. Nobuki Takayama