# $OpenXM: OpenXM/misc/packages/Linux/RPM/openxm.spec.in,v 1.2 2000/03/09 08:35:43 takayama Exp $ # openxm.spec.in # %define ver 1.1.2 %define prefix /usr/local %define work /var/tmp Summary: The OpenXM package is a collection of mathematical softwares integrated by the OpenXM protocol. Name: openxm Version: %ver Release: test Copyright: See OpenXM/Copyright Group: Mathematical Software Source: ftp://ftp.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/pub/OpenXM/openxm-1.1.2.tar.gz URL: http://www.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM BuildRoot: %{work}/%{name}-root %description The OpenXM package is a collection of mathematical softwares that support the OpenXM protocol. Main clients are asir and mathematica (math). Servers are ox_asir, ox_sm1, ox_gnuplot, ox_math, ox_phc, ox_tigers. %prep %setup %build make configure make %install /bin/rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/OpenXM make install PREFIX=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix} %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files # %defattr(-, root, root) %{prefix}/OpenXM/bin/* %{prefix}/OpenXM/lib/* %{prefix}/OpenXM/man/* %{prefix}/OpenXM/include/* %{prefix}/OpenXM/rc/* %{prefix}/OpenXM/Copyright/* %doc %{prefix}/OpenXM/doc/* ## Comment out the following for the test. %{prefix}/bin/asir %{prefix}/bin/sm1 %{prefix}/bin/oxmath %{prefix}/bin/oxMathematica %{prefix}/bin/openxm ## end of comment out.