# $OpenXM: OpenXM/misc/packages/Makefile,v 1.16 2000/03/13 00:57:44 takayama Exp $ VERSION=1.1.2 TAG=HEAD ## TAG=RELEASE_1_1_2 TAR_WORK=$(HOME)/tmp NAME=taka # It must be equal to TAR_WORK. To work as a super user. Used in build-on-pear. TAR_WORK_EXPLICIT=/home/${NAME}/tmp JDK=jdk1.1.8 FTP_AREA=/export/home01/ftp/pub/OpenXM/${VERSION} ## TAG for the CVS server. # Modify below for priting. PS=a2ps-j LPR=lpr -Pdousan usage : @echo "Targets " @echo " clean " @echo " print " @echo "Do not forget to put java and javac in your search path." @echo "Put your rcvs script by the name cvs-OpenXM under your search path." @echo " (See Generic/openxm/Makefile for details) " @echo "1. generate-tar-balls" @echo " (update-plist)" @echo "2. build-on-orange (do not forget to set .rpmrc. See Linux/RPM/Makefile)" @echo "3. build-on-pear (do it as a super user)" @echo "4. build-on-redhat (do not forget to set .rpmrc)" @echo "5. build-on-unkei" @echo "6. copy-to-ftp-area " clean : -(cd Generic/openxm ; make clean-work) -(cd FreeBSD ; make clean) -(cd Linux/RPM ; make clean) print: $(PS) Makefile | $(LPR) $(PS) README | $(LPR) $(PS) Generic/openxm/Makefile | $(LPR) $(PS) Linux/RPM/Makefile | $(LPR) $(PS) Linux/RPM/openxm-*spec.in | $(LPR) $(PS) FreeBSD/openxm-ports/openxm-1.1.2/Makefile | $(LPR) $(PS) FreeBSD/Makefile | $(LPR) generate-tar-balls: -mkdir ${TAR_WORK} make clean (cd Linux/RPM ; make make-directory) (cd Linux/RPM ; make link-for-real-openxm) (cd Generic/openxm ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} tar-ball) (cd Generic/openxm ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} tar-ball-01) make update-plist (cd FreeBSD ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} make-tar-ball-for-openxm-port) update-plist: (cd FreeBSD ; make VERSION=${VERSION} TAG=${TAG} update-plist ) # set path=(/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin $path) ; rehash build-on-orange: (cd Generic/openxm ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} binary-tar-ball) (cd Generic/openxm ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} shared-tar-ball) (cd Generic/openxm ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} clean-work) (cd Linux/RPM ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} build-shared-rpm) (cp Linux/RPM/work/RPMS/i386/*.rpm ${TAR_WORK}) # You should be a super user. build-on-pear: cp ${TAR_WORK_EXPLICIT}/openxm-${VERSION}.tar.gz /usr/ports/distfiles (cd /usr/ports/math ; /bin/rm -rf openxm ; tar xzvf ${TAR_WORK_EXPLICIT}/openxm-port.tar.gz) (PATH=/usr/local/${JDK}/bin:$(PATH) ; export PATH ; cd /usr/ports/math/openxm ; make install ; make package ; make deinstall ; cp openxm-${VERSION}.tgz ${TAR_WORK_EXPLICIT} ; chown ${NAME} ${TAR_WORK_EXPLICIT}/openxm-${VERSION}.tgz) build-on-redhat: (cd Generic/openxm ; make clean-for-make) (cd Generic/openxm ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} binary-tar-ball) (cd Linux/RPM ; make build-binary-rpm) (cp Linux/RPM/work/RPMS/i386/*.rpm ${TAR_WORK}) # set path=(/usr/ccs/bin /usr/local/bin $path); rehash # (Note for taka). On unkei, cd Solaris/OpenXM/misc/packages and make build-on-unkei build-on-unkei: (cd Generic/openxm ; make fetch) (cd Generic/openxm ; make clean-for-make) (cd Generic/openxm ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} binary-tar-ball) copy-to-ftp-area: -mkdir ${FTP_AREA} cp ${TAR_WORK}/openxm*rpm ${FTP_AREA} cp ${TAR_WORK}/openxm01-${VERSION}.tar.gz ${FTP_AREA} cp ${TAR_WORK}/OpenXM-*.tgz ${FTP_AREA} cp ${TAR_WORK}/openxm-${VERSION}.tgz ${FTP_AREA} ls -l ${FTP_AREA}