How to use OpenXM/Risa/Asir for Windows
(a distributed system for computational mathematics)?

System requirements

The system OpenXM/Risa/Asir for Windows works on Windows 2000/XP. It is a developing version and supports only a subset of the OpenXM package. The full support is available only on the unix version of OpenXM/Risa/Asir. OpenXM/Risa/Asir also works on Windows 98/ME, but it is slow because the communication speed among OpenXM components through TCP/IP is very slow on Windows 98/ME.

How to start OpenXM/Risa/Asir on CD.

You do not necessarily need to install OpenXM/Risa/Asir to the hard disk. You can directly start the OpenXM/Risa/Asir on this CD.
  1. Open the "My Computer" on your desktop and Open the CD.
  2. Open the "OpenXM-win" folder in the CD, and next open the "asir" folder, and finally open the "bin" folder. Double-click "asirgui-cd" in the "bin" folder, then you can start OpenXM/Risa/Asir.

Programs for OpenXM/Risa/Asir should be written by a text editor like notepad.

The batch files in OpenXM-win\bin-windows are developping version. They will not work.

How to start Risa/Asir for Windows

The asirgui under OpenXM-win\asir\bin is the (plain) Risa/Asir, Kobe distribution.

How to install OpenXM-win to your harddisk C:

  1. Open the CD (Open "My Computer" and next open the CD).
  2. Open the harddisk C: (Open "My Computer" and next open the harddisk "C:").
  3. Copy the folder "OpenXM-win" in the CD to the harddisk "C:\" by drag and drop.
  4. Starting method is the same with the starting method of OpenXM/Risa/Asir on CD. You may create a shortcut of asirgui-cd by clicking the right button of the mouse and put the shorcut on your desktop.
Do not copy OpenXM-win to the desktop or folders which use non-ascii characters and the space letter as their names. It is a developing version and will not work.

How to uninstall?

Just move OpenXM-win to the trash box.

How to install OpenXM-win from the archive file OpenXM-win.tgz on the OpenXM ftp cite.

Use winzip . The extracted folder OpenXM-win should be put under c:\ If you do not have winzip and do not want to use it, an alternative is to get "tar.exe" and "gzip.exe" for windows and extract OpenXM-win by
tar xzvf OpenXM-win.tgz
in the command prompt. The files "tar.exe" and "gzip.exe" are obtainable from and


Manuals can be found under the "help" menu or at (documents) or you can find manuals by inputting fctr asir in the search field of google

How to start kan/sm1 for Windows

The sm1 under OpenXM-win\bin is the Kan/sm1 binary for Windows. You can start sm1 by double clicking OpenXM-win\bin\sm1 in the CD. If you install OpenXM-win in your hard disk but did not install under c:\ , you need to set some environemental variables properly. See the source of asirgui-cd.bat

$OpenXM: OpenXM/misc/packages/Windows/Readme-CD/readme-en.html,v 1.5 2002/09/30 05:59:26 takayama Exp $