$OpenXM: OpenXM/misc/packages/Windows/readme.txt,v 1.4 2002/10/01 00:05:54 takayama Exp $ THIS IS A NOTE FOR DEVELOPPERS. In order to build asir on cygwin, set the following path. export PATH=/usr/X11R6/bin:$PATH <1> Type in make clean make all [ make remove-experimental ] in this directory OpenXM/misc/packages/Windows Copy OpenXM-win to the root of your CD. NOTE: make ASIR_LANG=en all (generating English version of CD) asirbinary for windows will be downloaded from ftp.math.kobe-u.ac.jp <2> make build-tgz make binary-tgz You will get OpenXM-win.tgz <3> pub/OpenXM/Head/OpenXM-win-en.tgz [make clean-work] ## To remove windows binary at the work area. make clean make ASIR_LANG=en all ; make ASIR_LANG=en copy-to-ftp-area <3'> pub/OpenXM/Head/OpenXM-win-ja.tgz [make clean-work] ## To remove windows binary at the work area. make clean make all ; make copy-to-ftp-area <4> pub/OpenXM/asir-book/asir-book-ja.tgz [make clean-work] ## To remove windows binary at the work area. make clean make all make copy-asir-book-to-ftp-area