# # $Header: feprc.sample,v 4.3 88/11/13 15:53:17 utashiro Exp $ # This is a sample .feprc file. # set alarm-on-eof set savehist=50 #set editmode=vi echo "Welcome to fep! Editmode is" $editmode echo "I'm a front end processor for" $command if $editmode == emacs fep-bind delete-to-kill-buffer "\^X\^W" endif if $command == sh set ignore-eof set history-file .fephistdir/sh set delimiters=" \"';&<>()|^%" set auto-repaint set clear-repaint alias cd 'fep-cd !$;cd !$' alias chdir 'fep-cd !$;cd !$' if $editmode == vi fep-bind list-file-name "\^D" endif elseif $command == adb set history-file .fephistdir/adb elseif $command == bc unset alarm-on-eof unset alarm-on-eof elseif $command == dbx set history-file .fephistdir/dbx else echo "History will be saved to" $history-file endif fep-bind suspend "\^Z" #Fujimoto's setting fep-bind delete-previous-character "\^H" fep-bind backward-character "\^[[D" fep-bind forward-character "\^[[C" # fep-bind beginning-of-line "\^A" # fep-bind end-of-line "\^E" fep-bind previous-history "\^[[A" fep-bind next-history "\^[[B"