/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/rc/repl.c,v 1.15 2004/02/13 03:10:19 takayama Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BUFSIZE 10000 #define SSIZE 1024 /* If you make the following two strings longer, increase the number SSIZE */ #define REPL_IMGFILE "repl_test.img" #define REPL_PSFILE "repl_test.ps" int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { char s[BUFSIZE]; char cwd[BUFSIZE]; char *slash; char type = 'b'; FILE *fp; int fd; char sss_png[SSIZE]; char sss_gif[SSIZE]; if (argc >= 2) { if (strcmp(argv[1],"csh")==0) { type = 'c'; } } if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "getcwd: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((slash = strrchr(cwd, '/')) == cwd) { fprintf(stderr, "The current working directory is /.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } *slash = 0; while (fgets(s,BUFSIZE,stdin) != NULL) { if (strcmp(s,"OpenXM_HOME=$HOME/OpenXM\n") == 0) { printf("OpenXM_HOME=%s\n",cwd); }else if (strcmp(s,"setenv OpenXM_HOME $HOME/OpenXM\n") == 0) { printf("setenv OpenXM_HOME %s\n",cwd); }else{ printf("%s",s); } } /* Configuring environmental variables. */ /* Check if pstoimg (src/asir-contrib) supports png format. */ if ((fp = fopen(REPL_PSFILE,"w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fopen: %s", strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fprintf(fp,"/Times-Roman findfont 10 scalefont setfont\n"); fprintf(fp," 390 290 moveto (F) show \n"); fprintf(fp,"showpage \n"); while (fclose(fp) != 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; break; } sprintf(sss_png,"pstoimg -type png %s -out %s >/dev/null",REPL_PSFILE,REPL_IMGFILE); sprintf(sss_gif,"pstoimg -type gif %s -out %s >/dev/null",REPL_PSFILE,REPL_IMGFILE); if (!system(sss_png)) { if (type == 'b') { printf("export OpenXM_PSTOIMG_TYPE=png\n"); }else{ printf("setenv OpenXM_PSTOIMG_TYPE png\n"); } }else if (!system(sss_gif)) { if (type == 'b') { printf("OpenXM_PSTOIMG_TYPE=gif\n"); printf("export OpenXM_PSTOIMG_TYPE\n"); }else{ printf("setenv OpenXM_PSTOIMG_TYPE=gif\n"); } }else { printf("OpenXM_PSTOIMG_TYPE=no\n"); printf("export OpenXM_PSTOIMG_TYPE\n"); } while (unlink(REPL_IMGFILE) != 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; break; } while (unlink(REPL_PSFILE) != 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; break; } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }