/** * $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/OpenMath/OMproxy.java,v 1.35 2000/03/15 15:02:06 tam Exp $ */ import JP.ac.kobe_u.math.tam.OpenXM.*; import java.util.Stack; import java.io.*; class OMproxy implements Runnable{ private OpenXM ox; private Stack stack = new Stack(); protected boolean debug = false; final int version = 200001190; public OMproxy(String host,int ControlPort,int DataPort) throws IOException{ ox = new OpenXM(this,host,ControlPort,DataPort); } public void run(){ OM2OXM P = new OM2OXM(); debug("OMproxy started."); try{ while(true){ try{ OXmessage message = ox.receive(); int ox_tag = message.getTag(); switch(ox_tag){ case OpenXM.OX_COMMAND: StackMachine((SM)message.getBody()); break; case OpenXM.OX_DATA: stack.push(message.getBody()); debug("push: "+ stack.peek()); break; } }catch(RuntimeException e){ System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); debug("error occured. stack was cleared."); } } }catch(IOException e){ System.err.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("error occured, and recovering processes seems to be impossible."); }finally{ System.out.println("breaking..."); } } /* public void stop(){ System.out.println("OMproxy Stoping..."); synchronized(ox){ //this.stop(); while(!stack.empty()){ stack.pop(); } System.out.println("OMproxy Stopped"); } } */ private void SM_popCMO() throws java.io.IOException{ try{ if(stack.empty()){ ox.send(new CMO_NULL()); }else{ debug("sending CMO: "+ stack.peek()); ox.send((CMO)stack.pop()); } }catch(MathcapViolation e){ try{ ox.send(new CMO_ERROR2(new CMO_STRING("MathcapViolation: "+ e.getMessage()))); }catch(MathcapViolation tmp){} } } private void SM_executeFunction() throws java.io.IOException{ String function_name; CMO[] argv; int argc; if(!(stack.peek() instanceof CMO_STRING)){ stack.push(new CMO_ERROR2(new CMO_NULL())); return; } function_name = ((CMO_STRING)stack.pop()).getString(); argc = ((CMO_INT32)stack.pop()).intValue(); argv = new CMO[argc]; for(int i=0;i