$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/R/r-packages/note.txt,v 1.3 2015/03/24 07:49:06 takayama Exp $ See also OpenXM/src/hgm/note.txt * C source codes. C sources and headers should be developed and edited in the directory OpenXM/src/hgm in order to provide a standalone mode without R in the OpenXM project. They are copied by rsync to hgm/src from OpenXM/src/hgm/ See the Makefile. * How to develope and tests. (1) Develope the system in OpenXM/src/hgm as a standalone system. See OpenXM/src/hgm/so3 as an example. (2) Add rsync-[projectname] to OpenXM/src/R/r-packages/Makefile See the example of the project so3. (3) Example in the case of hgm. R CMD check hgm It generates pdf documents and shared libraries. hgm.Rcheck/hgm-Ex.Rout contains the result of the execution of examples embedded in the documents in man. hgm.Rcheck/hgm-manual.pdf is the PDF manual. See also http://fe.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/Movies/oxvh, 2012-09-05-r-package[.mov] 2013-02-06-Ropenxm[.mov] R CMD INSTALL hgm R library(hgm) You can check hgm.so3nc by hand. R CMD REMOVE hgm It is used to remove the test library. R --help (4) Binary build on Windows. R CMD INSTALL --build hgm ( Check R CMD INSTALL --help for details. ) or R CMD build --binary hgm (perhaps, obsolete style) * Notes. library.dynam() shows a list of shared libraries loaded. dyn.load("hgm.so") can be used to load shared library by hand. getwd() gets the current working directory. * Undocumented functions which are removed temporary fro NAMESPACE. 2015.03.24 export(hgm.so3nc) export(hgm.normalizingConstantOfFisherDistributionOnSO3) export(hgm.normalizingConstantOfOrthant) export(hgm.normalizingConstantOfBinghamDistribution) export(hgm.z.mleDemo) export(hgm.ssFB)