%$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/doc/README,v 1.11 2011/02/22 01:25:28 takayama Exp $ cd OpenXM/src/util; make install cd OpenXM/src/asir-doc; make install are required for "make install" or "make install-document" in this directory. ------------------------------------------------------------- * Reconstruct all rm .*done ; make clean ; ./make-configure ; make make install ** To check ${BROWSER} ${OpenXM_HOME}/doc/asir-contrib/ja/cman-html/cman-ja_toc.html ** Partial reconstruction make clean --> e.g., cd top ; rm .*done ----------- * How to generate the OpenXM-contrib documents: make install-document You will get html, dvi, ps, pdf documents under the directories ${OpenXM_HOME}/doc/asir-contrib/en and ${OpenXM_HOME}/doc/asir-contrib/ja ------------------------------------------------------ * How to generate the OpenXM-contrib online helps: make install You will have online helps under the directories ${OpenXM_HOME}/lib/asir/help-en/xm.help and ${OpenXM_HOME}/lib/asir/help-ja/xm.help ------------------------------------------------------ * In order to get a document in the directory xxx, cd xxx make ( generating texinfo files) make gen-dvi-ja ( generating dvi (ja) documents) make gen-dvi-en ( generating dvi (en) documents) make gen-html-ja ( generating html (ja) documents) make gen-html-en ( generating html (en) documents) --------------------------------------------------------- * How to write a new document for your package. Please read oxgentexi/readme-ja.txt ------------------ How to add new documents? Edit Makefile.in Edit top/misc.oxw Edit top/fix-links.sh See todo_parametrize as an example. See also f_res and mt_graph. If it is not written in texinfo style, please only refer in top/misc.oxw ------------------ How to check links to subdocuments. (2009.02.14, for texi2html 1.76 on Debian/Etch) cd asir-contrib rm .*done ./make-configure cd packages/doc make clean make install make install-html-doc make fix-links cd ${OpenXM_HOME}/doc/asir-contrib/ja and open cman-html/cman-ja/cman-ja.html The -split mode of texinfo makes different behavior between version. Asir contrib no longer uses the split mode. 2009.02.15