module de; localf split_lexgb; localf sort_lex_dec,sort_lex_inc; localf inverse_or_split, linear_dim; localf dp_monic_mod,monic_gb; localf membership_test; localf dp_chrem,intdptoratdp,intdpltoratdpl; localf comp_by_ht,dp_gr_mod,gr_chrem; localf construct_sqfrbasis; localf split; /* * G : a 0-dim lex gb, reduced * if there exists a non-monic g = g(x')x^k+... * then g(x') is a zero divisor and Id(G) splits */ def split_lexgb(G,V) { G = map(ptozp,G); G = sort_lex_dec(G,V); TG = G; for ( ; TG != []; TG = cdr(TG) ) { F = car(TG); for ( TV = V; !deg(F,car(TV)); TV = cdr(TV) ); VF = car(TV); DF = deg(F,VF); CF = coef(F,DF,VF); if ( type(CF) == 2 ) { L = inverse_or_split(V,G,CF); R = map(split_lexgb,L,V); return append(R[0],R[1]); } } return [G]; } /* * V : a variable list * Id : a 0-dim radical ideal represented by a lex basis * F : a poly * if F is a unit of Q[V]/Id, then 1/F is returned * else F is a zero divisor and Id = (Id:F)\cap(Id+) * [GB(Id:F),GB(Id+)] is returned. */ def inverse_or_split(V,Id,F) { Id = map(ptozp,Id); N = length(V); dp_ord(2); set_field(Id,V,2); DF = dptodalg(dp_ptod(F,V)); Ret = inv_or_split_dalg(DF); if ( type(Ret) == 1 ) { /* Ret = 1/F */ Dp = dalgtodp(Ret); return dp_dtop(Dp[0],V)/Dp[1]; } else { /* Ret = GB(Id:F) */ /* compute GB(Id+) */ Gquo = append(map(ptozp,map(dp_dtop,Ret,V)),Id); /* inter-reduction */ Gquo = nd_gr_postproc(Gquo,V,0,2,0); DTotal = linear_dim(Id,V,2); Dquo = linear_dim(Gquo,V,2); Drem = DTotal-Dquo; B = cons(F,Id); Grem = gr_chrem(B,V,2|dim=Drem); return [map(ptozp,Gquo),map(ptozp,Grem)]; } } def split(V,Id,F,Ord) { Id = map(ptozp,Id); N = length(V); dp_ord(Ord); set_field(Id,V,Ord); DF = dptodalg(dp_ptod(F,V)); Ret = inv_or_split_dalg(DF); /* Ret = GB(Id:F) */ /* compute GB(Id+) */ Gquo = append(map(ptozp,map(dp_dtop,Ret,V)),Id); /* inter-reduction */ Gquo = nd_gr_postproc(Gquo,V,0,Ord,0); DTotal = linear_dim(Id,V,Ord); Dquo = linear_dim(Gquo,V,Ord); Drem = DTotal-Dquo; B = cons(F,Id); Grem = gr_chrem(B,V,Ord|dim=Drem); return [map(ptozp,Gquo),map(ptozp,Grem)]; } /* add F(X,V) to Id(B) */ /* returns a list of splitted ideals */ /* B should be a triangular basis */ def construct_sqfrbasis(F,X,B,V) { if ( type(F) == 1 ) return []; B = sort_lex_dec(B,V); V1 = cons(X,V); F = nd_nf(F,reverse(B),cons(X,V),2,0); D = deg(F,X); H = coef(F,D,X); if ( type(H) == 2 ) { Ret = inverse_or_split(V,B,H); if ( type(Ret) == 4 ) { /* H != 0 on Id_nz, H = 0 on Id_z */ B0=construct_sqfrbasis(F,X,Ret[0],V); B1=construct_sqfrbasis(F,X,Ret[1],V); return append(B0,B1); } else F = nd_nf(F*Ret,reverse(B),cons(X,V),2,0); } B1 = cons(F,B); /* F is monic */ M = minipoly(B1,V1,2,X,zzz); S = sqfr(M); S = cdr(S); if ( length(S) == 1 && car(S)[1] == 1 ) return [cons(F,B)]; else { R = []; for ( T = S; T != []; T = cdr(T) ) { G = nd_gr_trace(cons(subst(car(T)[0],zzz,X),B1),V1,1,1,2); R1 = split_lexgb(G,V1); R = append(R1,R); } return R; } } def sort_lex_dec(B,V) { dp_ord(2); B = map(dp_ptod,B,V); B = vtol(qsort(ltov(B),de.comp_by_ht)); B = map(dp_dtop,B,V); return reverse(B); } def sort_lex_inc(B,V) { dp_ord(2); B = map(dp_ptod,B,V); B = vtol(qsort(ltov(B),de.comp_by_ht)); B = map(dp_dtop,B,V); return B; } def linear_dim(G,V,Ord) { dp_ord(Ord); MB = dp_mbase(map(dp_ptod,G,V)); return length(MB); } def membership_test(B,G,V,O) { B = map(ptozp,B); G = map(ptozp,G); for ( T = B; T != []; T = cdr(T) ) if ( nd_nf(car(T),G,V,O,0) ) return 0; return 1; } def gr_chrem(B,V,O) { /* linear dimension */ Dim = getopt(dim); if ( type(Dim) == -1 ) Dim = -1; B = map(ptozp,B); G = []; HS = []; Mod = 1; for ( I = 0; ; I++ ) { P = lprime(I); GM = nd_gr(B,V,P,O); if ( Dim >= 0 ) if ( linear_dim(GM,V,O) != Dim ) continue; L = monic_gb(GM,V,O,P); GM = L[0]; HSM = L[1]; G = dp_chrem(G,HS,Mod,GM,HSM,P); Mod *= P; if ( G != [] ) HS = HSM; M = idiv(isqrt(2*Mod),2); R1 = intdpltoratdpl(G,Mod,M); if ( R1 ) { if ( Found && R == R1 && (GB=nd_gr_postproc(map(dp_dtop,R,V),V,0,O,1)) && membership_test(B,GB,V,O) ) break; else { R = R1; Found = 1; } } } return GB; } def comp_by_ht(A,B) { HA = dp_ht(A); HB = dp_ht(B); if ( HA > HB ) return 1; else if ( HA < HB ) return -1; else return 0; } def intdpltoratdpl(G,Mod,M) { for ( R = []; G != []; G = cdr(G) ) { T = intdptoratdp(car(G),Mod,M); if ( !T ) return 0; else R = cons(T,R); } R = reverse(R); return vtol(qsort(newvect(length(R),R),de.comp_by_ht)); } def intdptoratdp(F,Mod,M) { for ( T = F, N = 0; T; T = dp_rest(T), N++ ); C = newvect(N); for ( I = 0, T = F; I < N; T = dp_rest(T), I++ ) { L = inttorat(dp_hc(T),Mod,M); if ( !L ) return 0; else C[I] = (L[0]/L[1])*dp_ht(T); } for ( R = 0, I = N-1; I >= 0; I-- ) R += C[I]; return R; } def dp_chrem(G,HS,Mod,GM,HSM,P) { if ( G == [] ) return GM; if ( HS != HSM ) return []; R = []; M1 = inv(Mod,P); ModM1 = Mod*M1; for ( ; G != []; G = cdr(G), GM = cdr(GM) ) { E = car(G); EM = car(GM); E1 = E+(EM-E)*ModM1; R = cons(E1,R); } return reverse(R); } def monic_gb(G,V,O,P) { dp_ord(O); setmod(P); D = map(dp_ptod,G,V); D = map(dp_monic_mod,D,P); D = vtol(qsort(newvect(length(D),D),de.comp_by_ht)); return [D,map(dp_ht,D)]; } def dp_monic_mod(F,P) { FP = dp_mod(F,P,[]); return dp_rat(FP/dp_hc(FP)); } endmodule; end$