/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/hgm/mh/src/sfile.c,v 1.7 2013/02/24 21:36:49 takayama Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include "sfile.h" #define SSIZE 5 int MH_DEBUG = 0; void *mh_malloc(int s) { void *p; p = (void*)malloc(s); if (p == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"No memory.\n"); mh_exit(-1); } return(p); } mh_free(void *p) { if (MH_DEBUG) printf("mh_free at %p\n",p); free(p); return(0); } mh_exit(int n) { static int standalone=0; if (n == MH_RESET_EXIT) { standalone=1; return(0);} if (standalone) exit(n); else { fprintf(stderr,"Fatal error mh_exit(%d) in mh-w-n.\n",n); return(n); } } struct SFILE *mh_fopen(char *name,char *mode,int byFile) { struct SFILE *sfp; sfp = (struct SFILE *)mh_malloc(sizeof(struct SFILE)); sfp->byFile=0; sfp->s=NULL; sfp->pt=0; sfp->len=0;sfp->limit=0; sfp->fp=NULL; sfp->forRead=1; sfp->copied=0; if (byFile) { sfp->byFile = 1; if (strcmp(name,"stdout")==0) { sfp->fp = stdout; }else{ sfp->fp = fopen(name,mode); } if (sfp->fp == NULL) return(NULL); else return(sfp); }else if (strcmp(mode,"r")==0) { sfp->byFile=0; sfp->s=name; sfp->pt=0; sfp->len=strlen(name); sfp->limit=sfp->len+1; sfp->forRead=1; return(sfp); }else if (strcmp(mode,"w")==0) { sfp->byFile=0; sfp->s=(char *)mh_malloc(SSIZE); sfp->s[0]=0; sfp->pt=0; sfp->len=0; sfp->limit= SSIZE; sfp->forRead=0; return(sfp); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"Error: unknown mode %s in the string mode.\n",mode); return NULL; } } char *mh_fgets(char *str,int size,struct SFILE *sfp) { int i,pt,len; char *s; if (sfp->byFile) return fgets(str,size,sfp->fp); s = sfp->s; len = sfp->len; pt = sfp->pt; if (s[pt] == 0) return NULL; if (pt >= len) return NULL; if (size != 0) str[0]=0; for (i=0; ipt = pt; if (s[pt] == 0) return str; if (pt >= len) return str; if (str[i] == '\n') return str; } } return str; } int mh_fputs(char *str,struct SFILE *sfp) { int i,pt,len,limit; int inputLen; char *s; if (sfp->byFile) return fputs(str,sfp->fp); s = sfp->s; len = sfp->len; pt = sfp->pt; limit=sfp->limit; inputLen=strlen(str); if (inputLen+len+1 > limit) { limit = (inputLen+len+1)*2; s = (char *) mh_malloc(limit); if (s == NULL) return(EOF); strcpy(s,sfp->s); free(sfp->s); } strcpy(&(s[len]),str); len += inputLen; /* printf("mh_fputs(%d):[%s]\n",len,s); */ sfp->s=s; sfp->len=len; sfp->limit=limit; return(0); } /* Note: copy the resulting string sfp->s before mh_fclose */ int mh_fclose(struct SFILE *sfp) { if (!sfp) return(-1); if (sfp->byFile) return fclose(sfp->fp); if (! (sfp->forRead)) { if (!sfp->copied) fprintf(stderr,"Warning in mh_fclose. sfp->s has not been copied, but deallocated.\n"); if (sfp->s != NULL) { free(sfp->s); sfp->s = NULL; } } free(sfp); } int mh_outstr(char *str,int size,struct SFILE *sfp) { int i; if (sfp->byFile) { fprintf(stderr,"Error in mh_outstr. mh_outstr is called in the file i/o mode.\n"); return 0; } if (size) str[0] = 0; for (i = 0; (ilen); i++) { str[i] = (sfp->s)[i]; str[i+1] = 0; } sfp->copied=1; return(i); } #ifdef TEST /* for debugging */ dump(struct SFILE *sfp) { printf("byFile=%d\n",sfp->byFile); if (sfp->s) printf("sfp->s=%s\n",sfp->s); printf("pt=%d\n",sfp->pt); printf("len=%d\n",sfp->len); printf("limit=%d\n",sfp->limit); printf("fp=%p\n",sfp->fp); } #define TESTSIZE 1024 main() { struct SFILE *sfp; char str[TESTSIZE]; int i; /* sfp = mh_fopen("hoge\nafo\nbho\ncat\ndot\ndolphin\n","r",0); while (mh_fgets(str,1024,sfp)) { printf(str); } mh_fclose(sfp); sfp = mh_fopen("sfile.h","r",1); while (mh_fgets(str,1024,sfp)) { printf(str); } mh_fclose(sfp); */ sfp = mh_fopen("","w",0); for (i=0; i<3; i++) { mh_fputs("hoge\n",sfp); mh_fputs("hage\n",sfp); dump(sfp); } mh_fputs("end end\n",sfp); printf("result=%s\n",sfp->s); mh_outstr(str,TESTSIZE,sfp); mh_fclose(sfp); } #endif