/* This is automatically generated. Do not edit it.*/ oxprintfe("$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/hgm/mh/src/usage-jack-n.h,v 1.2 2016/02/09 10:30:18 takayama Exp $\n"); oxprintfe("\n"); oxprintfe("hgm_jack-n\n"); oxprintfe(" [--idata input_data_file] [--x0 x0] [--degree approxm] [--help]\n"); oxprintfe(" [--automatic n] [--assigned_series_error e] [--x0value_min e2]\n"); oxprintfe("\n"); oxprintfe("The command hgm_jack-n [options] evaluates the matrix hypergeometric function pFq by \n"); oxprintfe("the Koev-Edelman algorithm and generates an input for hgm_w-n.\n"); oxprintfe("\n"); oxprintfe("Parameters are specified by the input_data_file. Otherwise, default values are used.\n"); oxprintfe("By executing ./hgm_jack-n without argument, a sample input file is output.\n"); oxprintfe("The format of the input_data_file specified by --idata: \n"); oxprintfe("# or %%%% are used for a comment line.\n"); oxprintfe("The value of a parameter xyz is specified by %%xyz=value\n"); oxprintfe("Input data file should start with the line for the latest input data format: %s\n",VSTRING); oxprintfe("\n"); oxprintfe(" p_pFq : p of pFq, a_1, ..., a_p\n"); oxprintfe(" q_pFq : q of pFq, b_1, ..., b_q\n"); oxprintfe(" Mg: m (the number of variables).\n"); oxprintfe(" Beta: vector of length m. Evaluation is done on the line Beta*x\n"); oxprintfe(" X0g: evaluation point of x (when --x0 option is used after --idata, this value is used).\n"); oxprintfe(" ef_type: exponential or scalar factor type.\n"); oxprintfe(" case 0: rare pFq (Todo, not tested)\n"); oxprintfe(" case 1: It is for the case of evaluating \n"); oxprintfe(" Pr({y | ytest2.txt\n"); oxprintfe(" ./hgm_w-n --idata test2.txt --gnuplotf test-g\n"); oxprintfe(" gnuplot -persist