%% $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/k097/lib/minimal/k0-tower.sm1,v 1.2 2000/05/06 07:58:37 takayama Exp $ %% It is used to check the mmLarger_tower, 1997, 10/26 at Heidelberg. %% It is used to check the mmLarger_tower, 1997, 10/27 -- 29 at Oberwolfach. %% 1997, 11/7 s_ring_of_differential_operators at Kobe %% 1998, 1/28 Homogenize_vec = 0; %% 1998, 11/5 Doc/tower.sm1 %% %% tower.sm1 is kept in this directory for the compatibility to %% old demo programs and packages. It is being merged to %% resol0.sm1 cf. r-interface.sm1, tower.sm1, tower-sugar.sm1 %% /tower.version (2.981105) def tower.version [(Version)] system_variable gt { (This package requires the latest version of kan/sm1) message (Please get it from http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/KAN) message error } { } ifelse /debug.res0 1 def /debug.sResolution 0 def /stat.tower 0 def /tower.verbose 0 def %(tower-test.sm1) run tower.verbose { (Doc/tower.sm1 is still under construction.) message } { } ifelse [(sResolution) [( sResolution constructs the Schreyer resolution.) ( depth f sResolution r where ) ( r = [starting Groebner basis g, [ s1, s2 , s3, ...], order-def].) ( g is the reduced Groebner basis for f, ) ( s1 is the syzygy of f,) ( s2 is the syzygy of s1,) ( s3 is the syzygy of s2 and so on.) (Note that es and ES are reserved for schreyer ordering.) (Note also that schreyer order causes troubles for other computations) (except sResolution in kan/sm1.) (Example:) $ [(x,y) s_ring_of_differential_operators$ $ [[(Dx) 1 (x) -1]] s_weight_vector$ $ 0 [(schreyer) 1]] define_ring$ $ $ $ [( x^3-y^2 ) tparse$ $ ( 2 x Dx + 3 y Dy + 6 ) tparse$ $ ( 2 y Dx + 3 x^2 Dy) tparse$ $ ] sResolution /ans set ; $ ]] putUsages /offTower { [(AvoidTheSameRing)] pushEnv [ [(AvoidTheSameRing) 0] system_variable [(gbListTower) [[ ]] (list) dc] system_variable ] pop popEnv } def /tparse { /arg1 set [/f /ans /fhead /val] pushVariables [ /f arg1 def (report) (mmLarger) switch_function /val set f isString { } { f toString /f set } ifelse (mmLarger) (matrix) switch_function f expand /f set [(AvoidTheSameRing)] pushEnv [ [(AvoidTheSameRing) 0] system_variable (mmLarger) (tower) switch_function ] pop popEnv /ans (0). def { f (0). eq {exit} { } ifelse (mmLarger) (matrix) switch_function f init /fhead set f fhead sub /f set [(AvoidTheSameRing)] pushEnv [ [(AvoidTheSameRing) 0] system_variable (mmLarger) (tower) switch_function ] pop popEnv ans fhead add /ans set } loop (mmLarger) val switch_function /arg1 ans def ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /toes { %% [x+2, y x ] ===> x + 2 + y x es (sorted by the schreyer order.) /arg1 set [/vec] pushVariables [ /vec arg1 def vec isPolynomial { /vec [vec] def } { } ifelse [(toes) vec] gbext /arg1 set ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /toE { %% [x+2, y x ] ===> x e + 2 e + y s e (sorted by the schreyer order.) /arg1 set [/n /vec /oures /i /ppp] pushVariables [ /vec arg1 def /oures @@@.esymbol . def vec isPolynomial { /vec [vec] def } { } ifelse vec isArray { } {(error: vec toE, vec must be an array) message error} ifelse /n vec length def 0 1 n 1 sub { /i set vec i get oures degree 0 eq { } {(error: vec toE, vec must not contain the variable e) message error} ifelse } for [ 0 1 n 1 sub { /i set oures i power } for ] /ppp set %% ppp message vec ppp mul /arg1 set ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /res0 { /arg1 set [/g /t.syz /nexttower /m /t.gb /skel /betti /gg /k /i /j /pair /tmp /si /sj /grG /syzAll] pushVariables [ /g arg1 def %% g = [g_1, ..., g_m] g_i does not contain h and es. [(Homogenize)] system_variable 0 eq { tower.verbose { (Warning: Homogenization option is automatically turned on. ReduceLowerTerms = 1) message } { } ifelse [(Homogenize) 1] system_variable [(ReduceLowerTerms) 1] system_variable } { } ifelse g length 0 eq { (error: [ ] argument to res0.) message error } { } ifelse g { toes } map /g set stat.tower { (Size of g is ) messagen g length messagen } { } ifelse stat.tower { (, sizes of each element in g are ) messagen g { length } map message } { } ifelse debug.res0 {(es expression of g: ) messagen g message } { } ifelse stat.tower { (Computing the skelton.) message } { } ifelse [(schreyerSkelton) g] gbext /skel set /betti skel length def stat.tower { (Done. Number of skelton is ) messagen betti message } { } ifelse debug.res0 { ( ) message (g=) messagen g message (init of original g : ) messagen g {init} map message (length of skelton ) messagen betti message (schreyerSkelton g : ) messagen skel message (Doing reduction ) messagen } { } ifelse %(red@) (debug) switch_function %(red@) (module1v) switch_function /grG g (gradedPolySet) dc def [ 0 1 betti 1 sub { pop 0 } for ] /syzAll set 0 1 betti 1 sub { /k set [ /pair skel k get def pair 0 get 0 get /i set pair 0 get 1 get /j set pair 1 get 0 get /si set pair 1 get 1 get /sj set si g i get mul sj g j get mul add grG reduction /tmp set % si g[i] + sj g[j] + \sum tmp[2][k] g[k] = 0. debug.res0 { ( ) message (pair=) messagen pair message (reducing ) messagen si g i get mul sj g j get mul add message (by g=) messagen g message (The result is tmp=) messagen tmp message ( ) message } { } ifelse tmp 0 get (0). eq { tower.verbose { (.) messagen [(flush)] extension pop } { } ifelse } { (Error: the result of resolution is not zero) message ( [i,j], [si,sj] = ) messagen [ [ i j ] [si sj ]] message error } ifelse /t.syz tmp 2 get def << tmp 1 get >> si mul << t.syz i get >> add /si set << tmp 1 get >> sj mul << t.syz j get >> add /sj set t.syz i si put t.syz j sj put ] pop syzAll k t.syz put } for /t.syz syzAll def tower.verbose { ( Done. betti=) messagen betti message } { } ifelse /nexttower g {init } map def /arg1 [t.syz nexttower] def ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /sResolution { /arg1 set /arg2 set %% optional parameter. [/g /gbTower /ans /ff /opt /count /startingGB /opts /vectorInput ] pushVariables [ /g arg1 def /opt arg2 def setupEnvForResolution /count -1 def %% optional parameter. opt isInteger { /count opt def } { } ifelse (mmLarger) (matrix) switch_function %% new code of 1999, 5/18 g 0 get isArray { /vectorInput 1 def } { /vectorInput 0 def } ifelse vectorInput { tower.verbose { (tower.sm1: Vector input is homogenized : ) message [g { sHomogenize2 } map ] message } { } ifelse [g { sHomogenize2 } map ] groebner 0 get /g set } { tower.verbose { (tower.sm1: Homogenize the scalar input : ) message [g {sHomogenize} map ] message } { } ifelse [g {sHomogenize} map ] groebner 0 get /g set } ifelse /startingGB g def debug.sResolution { (g is ) messagen g message (---------------------------------------------------) message } { } ifelse /ans [ ] def % /gbTower [g {init} map ] def /gbTower [ ] def [(AvoidTheSameRing)] pushEnv [ [(AvoidTheSameRing) 0] system_variable (mmLarger) (tower) switch_function ] pop popEnv { g res0 /ff set ans ff 0 get append /ans set %% store the syzygy. debug.sResolution { (Syzygy : ) messagen ff 0 get message (----------------------------------------------------) message } { } ifelse [ff 1 get] gbTower join /gbTower set /g ff 0 get def g length 0 eq { exit } { } ifelse [(AvoidTheSameRing)] pushEnv [ [(AvoidTheSameRing) 0] system_variable [(gbListTower) gbTower (list) dc] system_variable ] pop popEnv count 0 eq { (Resolution procedure stoped because counter == 0.) message exit } { } ifelse count 1 sub /count set } loop restoreEnvAfterResolution /arg1 [startingGB ans gbTower] def ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /sHomogenize { /arg1 set [/ff ] pushVariables [ /ff arg1 def ff homogenize toString tparse %% homogenization may destroy the order. %% cf. 97feb4.txt 1997, 10/29 /arg1 set ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /sHomogenize2 { /arg1 set [/ff /vectorInput /f2deg /f2 /tt /f2max /ttdeg /ans] pushVariables [ /ff arg1 def %% (sHomogenize2) message %% ff message %% print_switch_status show_ring ff isArray{ ff homogenize /f2 set f2 {toString tparse} map /f2 set f2 {/tt set [(grade) tt] gbext} map /f2deg set [-1] f2deg join shell reverse 0 get /f2max set f2 { /tt set [(grade) tt] gbext /ttdeg set tt [@@@.hsymbol (^) f2max ttdeg sub toString] cat . mul } map } { ff homogenize toString tparse %% homogenization may destroy the order. %% cf. 97feb4.txt 1997, 10/29 } ifelse /ans set %% [f2 f2deg f2max @@@.hsymbol] { message } map %% ans message /arg1 ans def ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /s_ring_of_differential_operators { /arg1 set [/vars /n /i /xList /dList /param] pushVariables [ (mmLarger) (matrix) switch_function (mpMult) (diff) switch_function (red@) (module1) switch_function (groebner) (standard) switch_function (grade) (module1v) switch_function (isSameComponent) (x) switch_function [arg1 to_records pop] /vars set %[x y z] vars reverse /xList set %[z y x] vars {@@@.Dsymbol 2 1 roll 2 cat_n} map reverse /dList set %[Dz Dy Dx] [(H)] xList join [(es) @@@.esymbol ] join /xList set %% You cannot change the order of es and e, because %% mmLarger_tower automatically assumes es is at the bottom %% of [nn,n-1] variables. [(h)] dList join [(ES) @@@.Esymbol ] join /dList set [0 1 1 1 << xList length >> 1 1 1 << xList length 2 sub >> ] /param set [ xList dList param ] /arg1 set ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /s_weight_vector { /arg2 set /arg1 set [/vars /univ /w-vectors /www /k /order1 /order2] pushVariables /vars arg1 def /w-vectors arg2 def [ /univ vars 0 get reverse vars 1 get reverse join def [ 0 1 << w-vectors length 1 sub >> { /k set univ w-vectors k get w_to_vec } for ] /order1 set %% order1 :: vars s_reverse_lex_order 3 get /order2 set vars [ << order1 order2 join >> ] join /arg1 set ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /s_reverse_lex_order { %% [x-list d-list params] elimination_order %% vars %% [x-list d-list params order] /arg1 set [/vars /univ /order /perm /univ0 /compl] pushVariables /vars arg1 def [ /univ vars 0 get reverse vars 1 get reverse join def << univ length 3 sub >> 0 eliminationOrderTemplate /order set [[1]] [[1]] oplus order oplus [[1]] oplus /order set vars [order] join /arg1 set ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /setupEnvForResolution { getOptions /opts set [(Homogenize_vec)] system_variable 1 eq { [(Homogenize_vec) 0] system_variable (grade) (module1v) switch_function tower.verbose { (Homogenize_vec is automatically set to 0. grade is set to module1v) message } { } ifelse } { } ifelse [(Schreyer)] system_variable 1 eq { } {(Error: You can compute resolutions only in the ring defined with) message $the [(schreyer) 1] option. cf. s_ring_of_differential_operators$ message error } ifelse (report) (mmLarger) switch_function (tower) eq { } { tower.verbose { $Warning: (mmLarger) (tower) switch_function is executed.$ message } { } ifelse [(AvoidTheSameRing)] pushEnv [ [(AvoidTheSameRing) 0] system_variable (mmLarger) (tower) switch_function ] pop popEnv } ifelse } def /restoreEnvAfterResolution { [(AvoidTheSameRing)] pushEnv [ [(AvoidTheSameRing) 0] system_variable [(gbListTower) [[ ]] (list) dc] system_variable ] pop popEnv opts restoreOptions } def %%%%% 1998, 4/11. To get frame for homogenized resolutions. /sResolutionFrame { /arg1 set /arg2 set %% optional parameter. [/g /gbTower /ans /ff /opt /count /startingGB /opts] pushVariables [ /g arg1 def /opt arg2 def stat.tower { [(Statistics) 1] system_variable } { } ifelse /count -1 def %% optional parameter. opt isInteger { /count opt def } { } ifelse (mmLarger) (matrix) switch_function [g {sHomogenize} map ] groebner 0 get /g set g { init } map /g set setupEnvForResolution-sugar /startingGB g def debug.sResolution { (g is ) messagen g message (---------------------------------------------------) message } { } ifelse /ans [ ] def % /gbTower [g {init} map ] def /gbTower [ ] def [(AvoidTheSameRing)] pushEnv [ [(AvoidTheSameRing) 0] system_variable (mmLarger) (tower) switch_function ] pop popEnv { g res0Frame /ff set ans ff 0 get append /ans set %% store the syzygy. debug.sResolution { (Syzygy : ) messagen ff 0 get message (----------------------------------------------------) message } { } ifelse [ff 1 get] gbTower join /gbTower set /g ff 0 get def g length 0 eq { exit } { } ifelse [(AvoidTheSameRing)] pushEnv [ [(AvoidTheSameRing) 0] system_variable [(gbListTower) gbTower (list) dc] system_variable ] pop popEnv count 0 eq { (Resolution prodecure stoped because counter == 0.) message exit } { } ifelse count 1 sub /count set } loop restoreEnvAfterResolution-sugar /arg1 [startingGB ans gbTower] def ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /newPolyVector { /arg1 set /arg2 (0). def [ 1 1 arg1 { pop arg2 } for ] } def /res0Frame { /arg1 set [/g /t.syz /nexttower /m /t.gb /skel /betti /gg /k /i /j /pair /tmp /si /sj /grG /syzAll /gLength] pushVariables [ /g arg1 def %% g = [g_1, ..., g_m] g_i does not contain h and es. [(Homogenize)] system_variable 1 eq { (Warning: Homogenization and ReduceLowerTerms options are automatically turned off.) message [(Homogenize) 0] system_variable [(ReduceLowerTerms) 0] system_variable } { } ifelse g length 0 eq { (error: [ ] argument to res0.) message error } { } ifelse g { toes } map /g set stat.tower { (Size of g is ) messagen g length messagen } { } ifelse stat.tower { (, sizes of each element in g are ) messagen g { length } map message } { } ifelse debug.res0 {(es expression of g: ) messagen g message } { } ifelse stat.tower { (Computing the skelton.) message } { } ifelse [(schreyerSkelton) g] gbext /skel set /betti skel length def stat.tower { (Done. Number of skelton is ) messagen betti message } { } ifelse debug.res0 { (init of original g : ) messagen g {init} map message (length of skelton ) messagen betti message (schreyerSkelton g : ) messagen skel message (Doing reduction ) messagen } { } ifelse g length /gLength set /grG g (gradedPolySet) dc def [ 0 1 betti 1 sub { pop 0 } for ] /syzAll set 0 1 betti 1 sub { /k set [ /pair skel k get def pair 0 get 0 get /i set pair 0 get 1 get /j set pair 1 get 0 get /si set pair 1 get 1 get /sj set % si g[i] + sj g[j] + \sum tmp[2][k] g[k] = 0. (.) messagen [(flush)] extension pop /t.syz gLength newPolyVector def t.syz i si put t.syz j sj put ] pop syzAll k t.syz put } for /t.syz syzAll def ( Done. betti=) messagen betti message /nexttower g {init } map def /arg1 [t.syz nexttower] def %% clear all unnecessary variables to save memory. /g 0 def /t.syz 0 def /nexttower 0 def /t.gb 0 def /skel 0 def /gg 0 def /k 0 def /tmp 0 def /grG 0 def /syzAll 0 def ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /s_ring_of_polynomials { /arg1 set [/vars /n /i /xList /dList /param] pushVariables [ (mmLarger) (matrix) switch_function (mpMult) (poly) switch_function (red@) (module1) switch_function (groebner) (standard) switch_function (isSameComponent) (x) switch_function [arg1 to_records pop] /vars set vars length evenQ { } { vars [(PAD)] join /vars set } ifelse vars length 2 idiv /n set [ << n 1 sub >> -1 0 { /i set vars i get } for ] /xList set [ << n 1 sub >> -1 0 { /i set vars << i n add >> get } for ] /dList set [(H)] xList join [(es) @@@.esymbol ] join /xList set %% You cannot change the order of es and e, because %% mmLarger_tower automatically assumes es is at the bottom %% of [nn,n-1] variables. [(h)] dList join [(ES) @@@.Esymbol ] join /dList set [0 %% dummy characteristic << xList length 2 sub >> << xList length 2 sub >> << xList length 2 sub >> << xList length >> %% c l m n << xList length 2 sub >> << xList length 2 sub >> << xList length 2 sub >> << xList length 2 sub >> %% cc ll mm nn es must belong to differential variables. ] /param set [xList dList param] /arg1 set ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /setupEnvForResolution-sugar { getOptions /opts set [(Homogenize)] system_variable 1 eq { (Warning: Homogenization and ReduceLowerTerms options are automatically turned off.) message [(Homogenize) 0] system_variable [(ReduceLowerTerms) 0] system_variable } { } ifelse [(Schreyer)] system_variable 1 eq { } {(Error: You can compute resolutions only in the ring defined with) message $the [(schreyer) 1] option. cf. s_ring_of_differential_operators$ message error } ifelse (report) (mmLarger) switch_function (tower) eq { } { $Warning: (mmLarger) (tower) switch_function is executed.$ message [(AvoidTheSameRing)] pushEnv [ [(AvoidTheSameRing) 0] system_variable (mmLarger) (tower) switch_function ] pop popEnv } ifelse } def /restoreEnvAfterResolution-sugar { %% Turn off tower by (mmLarger) (tower) switch_function %% and clear the tower of orders by [(gbListTower) [[]] (list) dc] system_variable [(AvoidTheSameRing)] pushEnv [ [(AvoidTheSameRing) 0] system_variable [(gbListTower) [[]] (list) dc] system_variable ] pop popEnv opts restoreOptions } def