%% This package requires kan/sm1 version 2.981101 or later. /factor-a.version (2.981101) def (factor-a.sm1 : kan/sm1 package to factor polynomials by calling risa/asir.) message ( : kan/sm1 package to simplify rationals by calling risa/asir.) message ( Version : ) messagen factor-a.version message factor-a.version [(Version)] system_variable gt { (This package requires the latest version of kan/sm1) message (Please get it from http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/KAN) message error } { } ifelse [(factor) [(polynomial factor list_of_strings) (Example: (x^2-1). factor :: ---> [[$1$ $1$] [$x-1$ $1$] [$x+1$ $1$]]) (cf.: data_conversion, map, get, pushfile) (Note: The function call creates work files asir-tmp.t, asir-tmp.tt,) ( asir-tmp-out.t, asri-tmp-log.t and asir-tmp-out.tt ) ( in the current directory.) ] ] putUsages %% /f (Dx^10*d*a-d*a) def /factor-asir-1 { /arg1 set [/f /fd /fnewline] pushVariables [ arg1 /f set %% (factor-asir-1 is tested with Asir version 950831 on Linux.) message (asir-tmp.t) (w) file /fd set /fnewline { fd 10 (string) data_conversion writestring } def fd $output("asir-tmp-out.t");$ writestring fnewline fd $fctr($ writestring fd f writestring fd $); output(); quit(); $ writestring fnewline fd closefile (/bin/rm -f asir-tmp.tt) system (sed "s/D/kanD/g" asir-tmp.t | sed "s/E/kanE/g" | sed "s/Q/kanQ/g" >asir-tmp.tt) system (/bin/rm -f asir-tmp-out.t asir-tmp-out.tt asir-tmp-log.t) system (asir asir-tmp-log.t) system (sed "s/\[1\]/ /g" asir-tmp-out.t | sed "s/\[2\]/ /g" | sed "1s/1/ /g"| sed "s/\[/{/g" | sed "s/\]/}/g" | sed "s/kanD/D/g" | sed "s/kanE/E/g" | sed "s/kanQ/Q/g" >asir-tmp-out.tt) system ] pop popVariables } def /clean-workfiles { (/bin/rm -f asir-tmp-out.t asir-tmp-out.tt asir-tmp.t asir-tmp.tt sm0-tmp.t sm0-tmp-out.t asir-tmp-log.t) system } def %% comment: there is not data conversion function from string --> array %% e.g. (abc) ---> [0x61, 0x62, 0x63] %% We can do (abc) 1 10 put, but "get" does not work for strings. %% f factor-asir-1 %%/aaa %% ({{1,1},{x-1,1},{x+1,1},{x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1,1},{x^4-x^3+x^2-x+1,1}}) %%def /asir-list-to-kan { /arg1 set [/aaa /ftmp /ftmp2] pushVariables [ /aaa arg1 def [ aaa to_records pop ] /ftmp set ftmp { to_records pop [ 3 1 roll ] } map /ftmp2 set /arg1 ftmp2 def ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /foo { (input string is in f) message f :: f factor-asir-1 %% (asir-tmp-out.tt) run %% (answer in @asir.out) message %% bug of run. (asir-tmp-out.tt) pushfile /@asir.out set @asir.out asir-list-to-kan /ff2 set (answer in ff2) message } def /factor { (string) data_conversion factor-asir-1 (asir-tmp-out.tt) pushfile asir-list-to-kan } def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% macros for simplification (reduction, cancel) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [(cancel) [(polynomial cancel list_of_strings) (This function simplifies rationals.) (Example: $x^2-1$. $x+1$. div cancel :: ---> [[$x-1$ , $1$]]) (Note: The function call creates work files asir-tmp.t, asir-tmp.tt,) ( asir-tmp-out.t, asri-tmp-log.t and asir-tmp-out.tt ) ( in the current directory.) ] ] putUsages /reduce-asir-1 { /arg1 set [/f /fd /fnewline] pushVariables [ arg1 /f set %% (reduce-asir-1 is tested with Asir version 950831 on Linux.) message (asir-tmp.t) (w) file /fd set /fnewline { fd 10 (string) data_conversion writestring } def fd $output("asir-tmp-out.t");$ writestring fnewline fd $AsirTmp012=red($ writestring fd f writestring fd $)$ writestring fd ($ ) writestring fnewline fd $AsirTmp013=ptozp(nm(AsirTmp012))$ writestring fd ($ ) writestring fnewline fd $AsirTmp014=red(nm(AsirTmp012)/AsirTmp013)$ writestring fd ($ ) writestring fnewline fd $[[nm(AsirTmp014)*AsirTmp013,dn(AsirTmp014)*dn(AsirTmp012)]];output();quit(); $ writestring fnewline fd closefile (/bin/rm -f asir-tmp.tt) system (sed "s/D/kanD/g" asir-tmp.t | sed "s/E/kanE/g" | sed "s/Q/kanQ/g" >asir-tmp.tt) system (/bin/rm -f asir-tmp-out.t asir-tmp-out.tt asir-tmp-log.t) system (asir asir-tmp-log.t) system (sed "s/\[1\]/ /g" asir-tmp-out.t | sed "s/\[2\]/ /g" |sed "s/\[3\]/ /g" |sed "s/\[4\]/ /g" |sed "s/\[5\]/ /g" | sed "1s/1/ /g"| sed "s/\[/{/g" | sed "s/\]/}/g" | sed "s/kanD/D/g" | sed "s/kanE/E/g" | sed "s/kanQ/Q/g" | sed "s/kanLeftBrace/\[/g" | sed "s/kanRightBrace/\]/g" | sed "s/kanComma/\,/g" >asir-tmp-out.tt) system ] pop popVariables } def /cancel { (string) data_conversion reduce-asir-1 (asir-tmp-out.tt) pushfile asir-list-to-kan } def (Loaded macros "factor", "cancel") message