% $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Doc/httpd-rpc-8090.sm1,v 1.1 2002/11/04 05:40:39 takayama Exp $ %% This file overrides definitions in httpd-rpc.sm1 %% See also httpd-rpc.sh [(parse) (httpd-rpc.sm1) pushfile] extension pop /httpd.textarea.name (rpc) def /httpd.oxasir.timer 1 def %% 1 to use timer, but it accepts only one command %% 0 not to use timer. It accepts programs. %% /httpd_action { } def /httpd.title (

OpenXM/Risa/Asir Online

) def /httpd.msg1 [ (Input example---factorization: fctr(x^3-1)) (
) [( AsirManual (En) , )] cat [( AsirManual (Ja) )] cat httpd.oxasir.timer { (
It accepts only one command. The limit of CPU time is 30 seconds. Do not put ; (semi-colon) after the command. ) }{ } ifelse (
) [(You can also retrieve the result by GET /?) httpd.textarea.name (=) ( encoded_codes HTTP/1.0)] (
) ] cat def %% A sample macro /cookedCommand.simplest { /arg1 set [/in-cookedCommand /httpd.com] pushVariables [ /httpd.com arg1 def [(if (1) {) httpd.com (; };)] cat /arg1 set ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /cookedCommand { /arg1 set [/in-cookedCommand /httpd.com /fff] pushVariables [ /httpd.com arg1 def httpd.oxasir.timer not { [(if (1) {) httpd.com (; };)] cat /fff set }{ [$timer(30,$ httpd.com $,"Computation is aborted with the resource limit ( 30 seconds) or there was a syntax error.");$ ] cat /fff set } ifelse (cooked command is ) messagen fff message /arg1 fff def ] pop popVariables arg1 } def /httpd.refusedCommands [(shell) (eval_str) (ox_) (sm1_) (m_start) (m_N_) (m_Inverse) (m_TexForm) %(m_) (connect) (load) (bload) (bsave) (end) (quit) (output) (bload27) (open) (plot) (ctrl) (debug) (error) (port) (bind) (accept) (draw) (peek) (poke) ] def