/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Kan/parser.c,v 1.10 2015/09/27 08:12:42 takayama Exp $ */ /* parser.c parser for poly.c */ #include #include #include "datatype.h" #include "setjmp.h" #include "stackm.h" #include "extern.h" #include "extern2.h" #if defined(__MSYS__) #define setjmp(e) _setjmp(e) #define sigsetjmp(e,n) _setjmp(e) #endif #define NUM 1 /* NUM means struct Bignum */ #define POL 0 static struct ring Ring0; extern int SerialCurrent; union valObject { MP_INT *ival; POLY p; }; #if defined(__CYGWIN__) static sigjmp_buf EnvOfParser; #else static jmp_buf EnvOfParser; #endif static char *String; static int StrPtr = 0; /* String and StrPtr are used in getcharFromStr() */ static int Ch = ' '; static int Symbol ; static int Value; static int Spt = 0; static int Spv = 0; /* stack pointer */ #define SSIZE 20000 static int TagStack[SSIZE]; static union valObject ValStack[SSIZE]; #define NAME_MAX 2000 static char Name[NAME_MAX]; static union valObject ValTmp; #define BIGNUM_ILIMIT 10000 static char Bwork[BIGNUM_ILIMIT]; static int Bp = 0; static MP_INT *BigValue; static int ShowPass0 = 0; /* show the out of parserpass0.c */ static int push(int tag,union valObject val); static int tpop(void); static union valObject vpop(void); static int mytolower(int c); static int getcharFromStr(void); static int getoken(void); static void parse(void); static void expr(void); static void term(void); static void factor(void); static void monom(void); static int isSpace(int c); static int isDigit(int c); static int isAlphabetNum(int c); static void errorParser(char *s); static int push(tag,val) int tag; union valObject val; { if (Spv<0) { errorParser(" parser.c stack underflow.\n"); } if (Spv != Spt) { errorParser(" parser.c push(). incompatible Spv,Spt values.\n"); } TagStack[Spt] = tag; ValStack[Spv] = val; Spv++; Spt++; if (Spv>SSIZE) { errorParser(" parser.c stack overflow.\n"); } } static int tpop() { if (Spt<0) { errorParser(" parser.c stack underflow.\n"); } return(TagStack[--Spt]); } static union valObject vpop() { if (Spv<0) { errorParser(" parser.c stack underflow.\n"); } return(ValStack[--Spv]); } /* Warning. tpop() & vpop(). */ POLY stringToPOLY(s,ringp) char *s; struct ring *ringp; { /* call init() [ poly.c ] before you use strToPoly(). */ POLY ppp; char *ss; int k; /* Important NOTE. Parser assumes that the input is an element of Z[x]. modulop() maps the input into R[x] where R=Z, Z/Zp or ringp->next. Z[x] <---> Ring0 R[x] <---> ringp So, you cannot use @vname when ringp->next != NULL. */ Ring0 = *ringp; Ring0.p = 0; Ring0.next = (struct ring *)NULL; #if defined(__CYGWIN__) if (sigsetjmp(EnvOfParser,1)) { #else if (setjmp(EnvOfParser)) { #endif fprintf(stderr,"\nERROR: You have syntax errors in the expression: %s\n",s); errorKan1("%s\n"," parser.c : Syntax error in the input polynomial."); return( POLYNULL ); /* error */ } else { } ss = (char *)sGC_malloc( strlen(s)+6 ); /* This parser think that an expression -1+.. is error. ----> Improved at 1992/03/04.*/ if (ss == (char *)NULL) errorParser("No more space."); k=0; while (s[k] == ' ') k++; /* This method is quite adhoc. */ /* if (s[k] == '+' || s[k] == '-') { strcpy(ss,"0"); strcat(ss,&(s[k])); }else strcpy(ss,&(s[k])); */ strcpy(ss,&(s[k])); /* we introduce new parser which recognize unary - */ k = strlen(ss); ss[k] = ';'; ss[k+1] = '\0'; /* add ; by ad-hoc method */ ss = str2strPass0(ss,&Ring0); if (ShowPass0) { printf("Pass0: %s \n",ss); } /* add * and change names to xn and Dn */ String = ss; StrPtr = 0; /* initialization for getcharFromStr() */ Ch = ' '; Spt = Spv = 0; /* initializetion for parser globals */ getoken(); parse(); if (tpop()==POL) { ValTmp = vpop(); ppp = (ValTmp).p; }else { ValTmp = vpop(); ppp = bxx((ValTmp).ival,0,0,&Ring0); } ppp = modulop(ppp,ringp); if (ppp != POLYNULL && ppp->m->ringp != ringp) fprintf(stderr,"???\n"); return( ppp ); } static int mytolower(c) int c; { /*if (c>='A' && c<= 'Z') return( c + 0x20 ); else return( c ); */ return(c); /* 1992/06/27 : do nothing now. ***/ } static int getcharFromStr() { if (String[StrPtr] != '\0') return(mytolower(String[StrPtr++])); /* All symbols are changed to lower*/ else return(String[StrPtr]); } static int getoken() { int i; if (Ch == '\0') return( -1 ); while (isSpace(Ch)) Ch = getcharFromStr(); if (isDigit(Ch)) { Symbol = NUM; Bp = 0; do { Bwork[Bp] = Ch; Bwork[Bp+1] = '\0'; Ch = getcharFromStr(); Bp++; if (Bp >= BIGNUM_ILIMIT-1) { errorParser(" Too big big-num. "); } } while (isDigit(Ch)); BigValue = newMP_INT(); mpz_set_str(BigValue,Bwork,10); /* BigValue = strToBignum(Bwork); */ } else if (Ch=='x' || Ch=='d') { Symbol = Ch; Ch = getcharFromStr(); if (isDigit(Ch)) { /* Symbol = NUM; Don't do that. */ Value = 0; do { Value = Value*10+(Ch-'0'); Ch = getcharFromStr(); } while (isDigit(Ch)); }else errorParser(" Number is expected after x or d. "); } else if (Ch == '@') { Symbol = '@'; i = 0; do { Name[i] = Ch; Name[i+1] = '\0'; i++; if (i+2 >= NAME_MAX) { errorParser("Too long name begining with @."); } Ch = getcharFromStr(); } while (isAlphabetNum(Ch)); }else { Symbol = Ch; Ch = getcharFromStr(); } /***/ /* if (Symbol == NUM) { fprintf(stderr,"\nToken type = number"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"\nToken type = %c",Symbol); } fprintf(stderr," value is %d ",Value); */ } static void parse() { expr(); if (Symbol == ';') return; else errorParser(" ; is expected."); } static void expr() { MP_INT *f,*g; int op; union valObject utmp; int gtype, ftype; /* data type. NUM or POL */ POLY gp; POLY fp; POLY rp; /* g -> gp, f->fp, r -> rp , if they are polynomials */ POLY tmpp; term(); while (Symbol == '+' || Symbol == '-') { op = Symbol; getoken(); term(); gtype = tpop(); ftype = tpop(); if (gtype == NUM) { ValTmp = vpop(); g = (ValTmp).ival; } else if (gtype == POL) { ValTmp = vpop(); gp= (ValTmp).p; }else ; if (ftype == NUM) { ValTmp = vpop(); f = (ValTmp).ival; } else if (ftype == POL) { ValTmp = vpop(); fp= (ValTmp).p; }else ; /* debug */ /* pWritef(gp,3); printf("\n\n"); sleep(5); */ if (op == '+') { if (ftype == NUM && gtype == NUM) { mpz_add(f,f,g); utmp.ival = f; push(NUM,utmp); }else if (ftype== POL && gtype == NUM) { rp = ppAdd(fp,bxx(g,0,0,&Ring0)); utmp.p = rp; push(POL, utmp); }else if (ftype==NUM && gtype == POL) { rp = ppAdd(bxx(f,0,0,&Ring0),gp); utmp.p = rp; push(POL,utmp); }else if (ftype==POL && gtype== POL) { rp = ppAdd(fp,gp); utmp.p = rp; push(POL,utmp); }else ; }else { if (ftype == NUM && gtype == NUM) { mpz_sub(f,f,g); utmp.ival = f; push(NUM,utmp); }else if (ftype== POL && gtype == NUM) { rp = ppSub(fp,bxx(g,0,0,&Ring0)); utmp.p = rp; push(POL, utmp); }else if (ftype==NUM && gtype == POL) { rp = ppSub(bxx(f,0,0,&Ring0),gp); utmp.p = rp; push(POL,utmp); }else if (ftype==POL && gtype== POL) { rp = ppSub(fp,gp); utmp.p = rp; push(POL,utmp); }else ; } } } static void term() { MP_INT *f,*g; int op; union valObject utmp; int gtype, ftype; /* data type. NUM or POL */ POLY gp; POLY fp; POLY rp; /* g -> gp, f->fp, r -> rp , if they are polynomials */ POLY tmpp; /* Unary + and -. For example -(1+6), -5*3, so on and so forth. term : factor | ( + | - )factor | factor ( * | / ) factor ... | ( + | - )factor ( * | / ) factor ... */ if (Symbol == '+') { getoken(); factor(); } else if (Symbol == '-') { getoken(); factor(); /* We must change the sign */ gtype = tpop(); if (gtype == NUM) { ValTmp = vpop(); g = (ValTmp).ival; mpz_neg(g,g); /* g = -g; */ utmp.ival = g; push(NUM,utmp); } else if (gtype == POL) { ValTmp = vpop(); gp = (ValTmp).p; gp = ppMult(cxx(-1,0,0,&Ring0),gp); utmp.p = gp; push(POL,utmp); } else ; } else { factor(); } while (Symbol=='*' || Symbol=='/') { op = Symbol; getoken(); factor(); gtype = tpop(); ftype = tpop(); if (gtype == NUM) { ValTmp = vpop(); g = (ValTmp).ival; }else if (gtype == POL) { ValTmp = vpop(); gp= (ValTmp).p; }else ; if (ftype == NUM) { ValTmp = vpop(); f = (ValTmp).ival; }else if (ftype == POL) { ValTmp = vpop(); fp= (ValTmp).p; }else ; if (op == '*') { if (ftype == NUM && gtype == NUM) { mpz_mul(f,f,g); utmp.ival = f; push(NUM,utmp); }else if (ftype== POL && gtype == NUM) { fp = ppMult(bxx(g,0,0,&Ring0),fp); utmp.p = fp; push(POL, utmp); }else if (ftype==NUM && gtype == POL) { gp = ppMult(bxx(f,0,0,&Ring0),gp); utmp.p = gp; push(POL,utmp); }else if (ftype==POL && gtype== POL) { rp = ppMult(fp,gp); utmp.p = rp; push(POL,utmp); }else ; }else { if (ftype == NUM && gtype == NUM) { errorParser("num/num is not supported yet.\n"); mpz_div(f,f,g); utmp.ival = f; push(NUM,utmp); }else if (ftype== POL && gtype == NUM) { errorParser("POLY / num is not supported yet.\n"); /*pvCoeffDiv(BbToCoeff(g),fp); utmp.p = fp; push(POL, utmp);*/ }else if (ftype==NUM && gtype == POL) { errorParser(" / POLY is not supported yet.\n"); }else if (ftype==POL && gtype== POL) { errorParser(" / POLY is not supported yet.\n"); }else ; } } } static void factor() { MP_INT *f,*g; int gtype, ftype; /* data type. NUM or POL */ POLY gp; POLY fp; POLY rp; /* g -> gp, f->fp, r -> rp , if they are polynomials */ POLY tmpp; union valObject utmp; monom(); while (Symbol == '^') { getoken(); monom(); gtype = tpop(); ftype = tpop(); if (gtype == NUM) { ValTmp = vpop(); g = (ValTmp).ival; }else if (gtype == POL) { ValTmp = vpop(); gp= (ValTmp).p; }else ; if (ftype == NUM) { ValTmp = vpop(); f = (ValTmp).ival; }else if (ftype == POL) { ValTmp = vpop(); fp= (ValTmp).p; }else ; if (1) { if (ftype == NUM && gtype == NUM) { /* printf("\nf=");mpz_out_str(stdout,10,f); printf("\ng=");mpz_out_str(stdout,10,g); */ mpz_pow_ui(f,f,(unsigned long int) mpz_get_si(g)); utmp.ival = f; push(NUM,utmp); }else if (ftype== POL && gtype == NUM) { rp = pPower(fp,(int)mpz_get_si(g)); utmp.p = rp; push(POL,utmp); }else if (ftype==NUM && gtype == POL) { errorParser("( ) ^ Polynomial is not supported yet.\n"); }else if (ftype==POL && gtype== POL) { errorParser("( ) ^ Polynomial is not supported yet.\n"); }else ; } } } static void monom() { union valObject utmp; struct object obj = OINIT; POLY f; extern struct context *CurrentContextp; if (Symbol == 'x' || Symbol == 'd') { if (Symbol == 'x') { utmp.p = cxx(1,Value,1,&Ring0); push(POL,utmp); }else { utmp.p = cdd(1,Value,1,&Ring0); push(POL,utmp); } getoken(); }else if (Symbol == '@') { obj = findUserDictionary(&(Name[1]),hash0(&(Name[1])),hash1(&(Name[1])), CurrentContextp); if (isNullObject(obj)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s",Name); errorParser(" cannot be found in the user dictionary."); } if (obj.tag != Spoly) { fprintf(stderr,"%s",Name); errorParser(" must be polynomial object."); } f = pcmCopy(obj.lc.poly); if (f==POLYNULL) { utmp.p = f; push(POL,utmp); }else{ if (f->m->ringp->n != Ring0.n) { fprintf(stderr,"%s ",Name); errorParser("should be a polynomial in the current ring.\n"); } utmp.p = modulo0(f,&Ring0); push(POL,utmp); } getoken(); }else if (Symbol == NUM) { utmp.ival = BigValue; push(NUM,utmp); getoken(); }else if (Symbol=='(') { getoken(); expr(); if (Symbol != ')') errorParser(" ) is expectected. "); getoken(); }else errorParser(" error in monom()."); } static int isSpace(c) int c; { if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n') return( 1 ); else return( 0 ); } static int isDigit(c) int c; { if (c >='0' && c <= '9') return(1); else return(0); } static int isAlphabetNum(c) int c; { if (c>='A' && c<='Z') return(1); if (c>='a' && c<='z') return(1); if (c>='0' && c<='9') return(1); return(0); } static void errorParser(s) char s[]; { int i; extern char *GotoLabel; extern int GotoP; extern int ErrorMessageMode; extern int RestrictedMode, RestrictedMode_saved; int j; char tmpc[1024]; RestrictedMode = RestrictedMode_saved; cancelAlarm(); if (ErrorMessageMode == 1 || ErrorMessageMode == 2) { sprintf(tmpc,"\nError(parser.c): "); if (strlen(s) < 1000-strlen(tmpc)) { strcat(tmpc,s); } strcat(tmpc," The error occured around: "); j = strlen(tmpc); for (i=(((StrPtr-5) >= 0)?StrPtr-5:0) ; (i= 1023) break; } pushErrorStack(KnewErrorPacket(SerialCurrent,-1,tmpc)); } if (ErrorMessageMode != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",s); fprintf(stderr,"The error occured around: "); for (i=(((StrPtr-5) >= 0)?StrPtr-5:0) ; (i>. It is also aborted.\n",GotoLabel); GotoP = 0; } #if defined(__CYGWIN__) siglongjmp(EnvOfParser,1); #else longjmp(EnvOfParser,1); #endif }