/*$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Kan/scanner.c,v 1.4 2001/05/04 01:06:25 takayama Exp $*/ /* scanner.c (SM StackMachine) */ /* export: struct tokens getokenSM(actionType kind,char *str); scanner.c is used to get tokens from streams. files: none */ #include #include "datatype.h" #include "stackm.h" struct tokens lookupTokens(struct tokens t); int isLiteral(char *s); struct object lookupLiteralString(char *s); char *getLOAD_SM1_PATH(); /**************** defined in stackm.h **************************** typedef enum {INIT,GET,PUT,OPEN} actionType; struct tokens{ char *token; int kind; }; #define ID 2 #define DOLLAR 3 strings enclosed by dollar sign #define EXECUTABLE_STRING 4 strings enclosed by {} #define EXECUTABLE_ARRAY 8 Don't set it in this file. ******************************************************************/ /******* declaration-part of lexical analizer ********************/ /* #define mygetchar() getSM() */ /* to use getSM() ( input from StringSM ), setup StringSM; getokenSM(INIT); */ /* to use getchar(), getokenSM(INIT); */ FILE *BaseFp = NULL; /* Initialized to stdin in stackmachine_init(). file pointer of the first file. */ int EchoInScanner = 0; /* echo in scanner */ #define BUF0LIMIT 20000 static char *StringSM; static int StrpSM = 0; static char BufSMorg[BUF0LIMIT]; static char *BufSM = BufSMorg; static int Buf0limit = BUF0LIMIT; static int ExistSM = 0; static int TypeSM = ID; #define FILESTACK_LIMIT 10 static FILE * Cfp; /* current input file pointer */ static FILE * FileStack[FILESTACK_LIMIT]; static int FileStackP = 0; /**************** end of declaration part of lexical analizer ******/ static int getSM(); static putSM(); static struct tokens flushSM(); static isSpaceSM(); static isDollarSM(); static isBraceSM(); static isKakkoSM(); static isSymbolSM(); static mygetchar(); static myungetchar(); /* static mygetchar() { return( getc(Cfp) ); } */ static mygetchar() { int c; if (EchoInScanner) { c = getc(Cfp); if (c==EOF) { printf("\n%% EOF of file %x\n",(int) Cfp); }else{ printf("%c",c); } return( c ); }else{ return( getc(Cfp) ); } } static myungetchar(c) int c; { return( ungetc(c,Cfp) ); } /**************** code part of lexical analizer ********************/ static int getSM() /* get a letter from StringSM */ { int c; c = StringSM[StrpSM++]; if (c == '\0') { StrpSM--;return(EOF); } else return(c); } static putSM(c) int c; /* put a letter on BufSM */ { char *new; int i; BufSM[ExistSM++] = ((c=='\n')? ' ' : c); if (ExistSM >= Buf0limit-1) { new = (char *) sGC_malloc(sizeof(char *)*Buf0limit*2) ; if (new == (char *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"No more memory in parserpass0.c\n"); exit(18); } fprintf(stderr,"\nSystem Message: Increasing BufSM to %d in scanner.c\n",Buf0limit*2); for (i=0; i -10 */ return(r); } BufSM[ExistSM] = '\0'; ExistSM = 0; token = (char *)sGC_malloc((strlen(BufSM)+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(token,BufSM); r.token = token; r.kind = TypeSM; if (r.kind == ID) { if (isLiteral(r.token)) { r.object = lookupLiteralString(r.token); }else{ r = lookupTokens(r); /* Compute hashing values */ } } return(r); } static isSpaceSM(c) int c; { if ((c <= ' ') && (c!= EOF)) return(1); else return(0); } static isDollarSM(c) int c; { if (c == '$') return(1); else return(0); } static isBraceSM(c) int c; { if (c == '{') return(1); else return(0); } static isKakkoSM(c) int c; { if (c == '(') return(1); else return(0); } static isSymbolSM(c) int c; { if ((c == '{') || (c == '}') || (c == '[') || (c == ']') || (c == '(') || (c == ')')) return(1); else return(0); } struct tokens getokenSM(kind,str) actionType kind; char *str; { static int c; static struct tokens rnull; int level; char fname[1024]; if (kind == INIT) { StrpSM = 0; ExistSM = 0; Cfp = BaseFp; /* set the file name to BaseFp */ FileStackP = 0; /* Clear the file stack */ myungetchar('\n'); /* dummy */ c = mygetchar(); /* Notice that you need at least on input to return from the getokenSM(INIT); ^^^^^^^^*/ rnull.token = (char *)NULL; rnull.kind = -1; return(rnull); } if (kind == OPEN) { rnull.token = (char *)NULL; rnull.kind = -2; /* -2: suceeded, -3: fail */ myungetchar(c); FileStack[FileStackP++] = Cfp; /* push the current file */ if (FileStackP >= FILESTACK_LIMIT) { fprintf(stderr,"\nError: I cannot open more than %d files.\n",FILESTACK_LIMIT); FileStackP--; c = mygetchar(); rnull.kind = -3; return(rnull); /* error */ }else { Cfp = fopen(str,"r"); if (EchoInScanner) printf("\n%% I open the file %s.\n",str); if (Cfp == (FILE *)NULL) { strcpy(fname,getLOAD_SM1_PATH()); strcat(fname,str); Cfp = fopen(fname,"r"); if (Cfp == (FILE *)NULL) { strcpy(fname,LOAD_SM1_PATH); strcat(fname,str); Cfp = fopen(fname,"r"); if (Cfp == (FILE *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Cannot open the file <<%s>> for loading in the current directory nor the library directories %s and %s.\n",str,getLOAD_SM1_PATH(),LOAD_SM1_PATH); Cfp = FileStack[--FileStackP]; fprintf(stderr,"\nWarning: I could not open the file %s\n",str); c = mygetchar(); rnull.kind = -3; return(rnull); /* error */ }else{ c = mygetchar(); /* input from the new file */ return(rnull); } }else{ c = mygetchar(); /* input from the new file */ return(rnull); } }else{ c = mygetchar(); /* input from the new file */ return(rnull); } } } for (;;) { TypeSM = ID; if (c == EOF) { if (FileStackP <= 0) { if (ExistSM) return(flushSM()); else return(rnull); }else { /* return to the previous file */ fclose(Cfp); /* close the file */ Cfp = FileStack[--FileStackP]; c = mygetchar(Cfp); } } else if (isSpaceSM(c)) { if (ExistSM) { c = mygetchar(); return(flushSM()); }else { while (isSpaceSM(c=mygetchar())) ; } } else if (isDollarSM(c)) { /* output contents in dollar signs. */ if (ExistSM) return(flushSM()); else { c = mygetchar(); while ((c != EOF) && (c != '$')) { putSM(c); c = mygetchar(); } if (c=='$') c=mygetchar(); TypeSM = DOLLAR; return(flushSM()); } } else if (isBraceSM(c)) { /* output contents in { } */ /* { { } } */ level = 0; if (ExistSM) return(flushSM()); else { c = mygetchar(); while (1) { if (c == '%') { /* skip the comment in the brace. */ while (((c=mygetchar()) != '\n') && (c != EOF)) ; } if (c == EOF) break; if ((c == '}') && (level <= 0)) break; if ( c == '{') ++level; if ( c == '}') --level; putSM(c); c = mygetchar(); } if (c=='}') c=mygetchar(); TypeSM = EXECUTABLE_STRING; return(flushSM()); } } else if (isKakkoSM(c)) { /* output contents in ( ) */ level = 0; if (ExistSM) return(flushSM()); else { c = mygetchar(); while (1) { if (c == EOF) break; if (c == '\\') { /* e.g. \( */ putSM(c); c = mygetchar(); if (c == EOF) break; }else{ if ((c == ')') && (level <= 0)) break; if ( c == '(') ++level; if ( c == ')') --level; } putSM(c); c = mygetchar(); } if (c==')') c=mygetchar(); TypeSM = DOLLAR; return(flushSM()); } } else if (c=='%') { /* comment */ while (((c=mygetchar()) != '\n') && (c != EOF)) ; if(ExistSM) return(flushSM()); } else if (isSymbolSM(c)) { /* symbols. {,} etc */ if(ExistSM) return(flushSM()); else { putSM(c); c = mygetchar(); return(flushSM()); } } else { /* identifier */ putSM(c); c =mygetchar(); while ((!isDollarSM(c)) && (!isSpaceSM(c)) && (!isSymbolSM(c)) && (c != EOF)) { putSM(c); c = mygetchar(); } return(flushSM()); } } } /*********** end of code part of lexical analizer ********************/ /* main() { char input[1000]; struct tokens r; getokenSM(INIT); r = getokenSM(GET); while (r.token != (char *)NULL) { printf("%s %d\n",r.token,r.kind); r =getokenSM(GET); } } */ /* gets(input); StringSM = (char *)sGC_malloc((strlen(input)+2)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(StringSM,input); getokenSM(INIT); */ char *getLOAD_SM1_PATH() { char *p; char *p2; char *getenv(char *s); p = getenv("LOAD_SM1_PATH"); if (p == NULL) { p = getenv("OpenXM_HOME"); if (p == NULL) { return("/usr/local/lib/sm1/"); }else{ if (strlen(p) == 0) return(p); p2 = (char *) sGC_malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(p)+strlen("/lib/sm1/")+3)); if (p2 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"No more memory.\n"); exit(10); } if (p[strlen(p)-1] != '/') { strcpy(p2,p); strcat(p2,"/lib/sm1/"); }else{ strcpy(p2,p); strcat(p2,"lib/sm1/"); } return(p2); } }else{ if (strlen(p) == 0) return(p); if (p[strlen(p)-1] == '/') return(p); /* Add / */ p2 = (char *) sGC_malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(p)+3)); if (p2 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"No more memory.\n"); exit(10); } strcpy(p2,p); strcat(p2,"/"); return(p2); } }