/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Kan/stackm.h,v 1.8 2004/09/20 02:11:22 takayama Exp $ */ #define LOAD_SM1_PATH "/usr/local/lib/sm1/" /* Do not forget to put / at the tail. "/usr/local/lib/sm1" does not work. */ /******************* stackm.h ******************************/ #include /**** data types (class identifiers) ************/ /* Never change the following orders. If you add a new class, add that class at the bottom and give the max number. */ #define Snull 0 #define Sinteger 1 /* integer */ #define Sstring 2 /* pointer to a string */ #define SexecutableArray 3 /* executable array */ #define Soperator 4 /* operators defined in the system dic */ #define Sdollar 5 /* pointer to a string obtained from $...$ */ #define Sarray 6 /* lc.ival is the size of array, (rc.op)[0], ..., (rc.op)[k] is the array of object */ #define SleftBraceTag 7 /* [ */ #define SrightBraceTag 8 /* ] */ #define Spoly 9 #define SarrayOfPOLY 10 #define SmatrixOfPOLY 11 #define Slist 12 /* list of object */ #define Sfile 13 #define Sring 14 #define SuniversalNumber 15 #define SrationalFunction 16 #define Sclass 17 /* class, for extension */ #define Sdouble 18 #define SbyteArray 19 #define TYPES 20 /* number of data types. */ /* NOTE! If you change the above, you need to change mklookup.c too. */ /* Change also dr.sm1 : datatype constants. */ #define CMO 1024 /* cf. plugin cmo.h. Object tag used in cmo. */ /* CMO --- CMO+1024*3 CMO + LARGEID ( cf.cmo.h ) --- CMO + LARGEID+256 CMO + PRIVATEID ( cf.cmo.h ) --- CMO + PRIVATEID+256 are reserved area. */ typedef struct object * objectp; /*********** fundamental data types ****************/ union cell { int ival; char *str; struct object *op; POLY poly; struct arrayOfPOLY *arrayp; struct matrixOfPOLY *matrixp; struct tokens *tokenArray; FILE *file; struct ring *ringp; struct coeff *universalNumber; void *voidp; double *dbl; unsigned char *bytes; }; struct object{ int tag; /* class identifier */ union cell lc; /* left cell */ union cell rc; /* right cell */ }; struct dictionary { char *key; int h0; /* Value of hash functions */ int h1; struct object obj; int attr; }; struct operandStack { struct object *ostack; int sp; int size; }; struct context { struct dictionary *userDictionary; struct context *super; char *contextName; struct operandStack *mystack; /* It is not used for now. */ }; /* for the scanner */ typedef enum {INIT,GET,PUT,OPEN} actionType; struct tokens{ char *token; int kind; struct object object; int tflag; }; /* used in kind of tokens */ #define ID 2 #define DOLLAR 3 /* strings enclosed by dollar sign */ #define EXECUTABLE_STRING 4 /* strings enclosed by {} */ #define EXECUTABLE_ARRAY 8 /* Used in tflag of tokens, bit wise */ #define NO_DELAY 0x2 /********** macros to use Sarray **********************/ /* put to Object Array */ #define putoa(ob,i,cc) {\ if ((ob).tag != Sarray) {fprintf(stderr,"Warning: PUTOA is for an array of objects\n");} else \ {if ((0 <= (i)) && ((i) < (ob).lc.ival)) {\ (ob.rc.op)[i] = cc;\ }else{\ fprintf(stderr,"Warning: PUTOA, the size is %d.\n",(ob).lc.ival);\ }}} #define getoa(ob,i) ((ob.rc.op)[i]) #define getoaSize(ob) ((ob).lc.ival) #define isObjectArray(ob) ((ob).tag == Sarray) #define isDollar(ob) ((ob).tag == Sdollar) /******** macros for lists ************/ #define isNullList(list) ((struct object *)NULL == list) #define NULLLIST (struct object *)NULL /* For dictionary, flag bit */ #define SET_ATTR_FOR_ALL_WORDS 0x10 #define OR_ATTR_FOR_ALL_WORDS 0x20 #define PROTECT 0x1 #define ABSOLUTE_PROTECT 0x2 #define ATTR_INFIX 0x4 #define ATTR_EXPORT 0x8 /* For status, flag bit */ #define STATUS_EOF -1 #define STATUS_BREAK 0x1 #define STATUS_INFIX 0x2 #define DO_QUOTE 0x10 typedef enum {CCPUSH,CCPOP,CCRESTORE} actionOfContextControl;