/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Kan/stackmachine.c,v 1.12 2002/11/07 23:35:23 takayama Exp $ */ /* stackmachin.c */ #include #include "datatype.h" #include "stackm.h" #include "extern.h" #include "gradedset.h" #include "kclass.h" #include #include /* #define OPERAND_STACK_SIZE 2000 */ #define OPERAND_STACK_SIZE 30000 #define SYSTEM_DICTIONARY_SIZE 200 /* #define USER_DICTIONARY_SIZE 1223, 3581, 27449 */ #define USER_DICTIONARY_SIZE 59359 /* The value of USER_DICTIONARY_SIZE must be prime number, because of hashing method */ #define ARGV_WORK_MAX (AGLIMIT+100) #define EMPTY (char *)NULL /* global variables */ struct object StandardStackA[OPERAND_STACK_SIZE]; int StandardStackP = 0; int StandardStackMax = OPERAND_STACK_SIZE; struct operandStack StandardStack; /* Initialization of operandStack will be done in initSystemDictionary(). */ #define ERROR_STACK_SIZE 100 struct object ErrorStackA[ERROR_STACK_SIZE]; int ErrorStackP = 0; int ErrorStackMax = ERROR_STACK_SIZE; struct operandStack ErrorStack; /* Initialization of ErrorStack will be done in initSystemDictionary(). */ struct operandStack *CurrentOperandStack = &StandardStack; struct object *OperandStack = StandardStackA; int Osp = 0; /* OperandStack pointer */ int OspMax = OPERAND_STACK_SIZE; struct dictionary SystemDictionary[SYSTEM_DICTIONARY_SIZE]; int Sdp = 0; /* SystemDictionary pointer */ struct dictionary UserDictionary[USER_DICTIONARY_SIZE]; struct context StandardContext ; /* Initialization of StructContext will be done in initSystemDictionary(). */ /* hashInitialize is done in global.c (initStackmachine()) */ struct context *StandardContextp = &StandardContext; struct context *CurrentContextp = &StandardContext; struct context *PrimitiveContextp = &StandardContext; static struct object ObjTmp; /* for poor compiler */ int StandardMacros = 1; int StartAFile = 0; char *StartFile; int StartAString = 0; char *StartString; char *GotoLabel = (char *)NULL; int GotoP = 0; static char *SMacros = #include "smacro.h" static isInteger(char *); static strToInteger(char *); static power(int s,int i); static void pstack(void); static struct object executableStringToExecutableArray(char *str); extern int SerialCurrent; int SGClock = 0; int UserCtrlC = 0; int OXlock = 0; int OXlockSaved = 0; struct object * newObject() { struct object *r; r = (struct object *)sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct object)); if (r == (struct object *)NULL) errorStackmachine("No memory\n"); r->tag = 0; (r->lc).ival = 0; (r->rc).ival = 0; return(r); } struct object newObjectArray(size) int size; { struct object rob; struct object *op; if (size < 0) return(NullObject); if (size > 0) { op = (struct object *)sGC_malloc(size*sizeof(struct object)); if (op == (struct object *)NULL) errorStackmachine("No memory\n"); }else{ op = (struct object *)NULL; } rob.tag = Sarray; rob.lc.ival = size; rob.rc.op = op; return(rob); } isNullObject(obj) struct object obj; { if (obj.tag == 0) return(1); else return(0); } int putSystemDictionary(str,ob) char *str; /* key */ struct object ob; /* value */ { int i; int j; int flag = 0; for (i = Sdp-1; i>=0; i--) { /*printf("Add %d %s\n",i,str);*/ if (strcmp(str,(SystemDictionary[i]).key) > 0) { for (j=Sdp-1; j>=i+1; j--) { (SystemDictionary[j+1]).key = (SystemDictionary[j]).key; (SystemDictionary[j+1]).obj = (SystemDictionary[j]).obj; } (SystemDictionary[i+1]).key = str; (SystemDictionary[i+1]).obj = ob; flag = 1; break; } } if (!flag) { /* str is the minimum element */ for (j=Sdp-1; j>=0; j--) { (SystemDictionary[j+1]).key = (SystemDictionary[j]).key; (SystemDictionary[j+1]).obj = (SystemDictionary[j]).obj; } (SystemDictionary[0]).key = str; (SystemDictionary[0]).obj = ob; } Sdp++; if (Sdp >= SYSTEM_DICTIONARY_SIZE) { warningStackmachine("No space for system dictionary area.\n"); Sdp--; return(-1); } return(Sdp-1); } int findSystemDictionary(str) /* only used for primitive functions */ /* returns 0, if there is no item. */ /* This function assumes that the dictionary is sorted by strcmp() */ char *str; /* key */ { int first,last,rr,middle; /* binary search */ first = 0; last = Sdp-1; while (1) { if (first > last) { return(0); } else if (first == last) { if (strcmp(str,(SystemDictionary[first]).key) == 0) { return((SystemDictionary[first]).obj.lc.ival); }else { return(0); } } else if (last - first == 1) { /* This case is necessary */ if (strcmp(str,(SystemDictionary[first]).key) == 0) { return((SystemDictionary[first]).obj.lc.ival); }else if (strcmp(str,(SystemDictionary[last]).key) == 0) { return((SystemDictionary[last]).obj.lc.ival); }else return(0); } middle = (first + last)/2; rr = strcmp(str,(SystemDictionary[middle]).key); if (rr < 0) { /* str < middle */ last = middle; }else if (rr == 0) { return((SystemDictionary[middle]).obj.lc.ival); }else { /* str > middle */ first = middle; } } } int putUserDictionary(str,h0,h1,ob,dic) char *str; /* key */ int h0,h1; /* Hash values of the key */ struct object ob; /* value */ struct dictionary *dic; { int x,r; extern int Strict2; x = h0; if (str[0] == '\0') { errorKan1("%s\n","putUserDictionary(): You are defining a value with the null key."); } while (1) { if ((dic[x]).key == EMPTY) break; if (strcmp((dic[x]).key,str) == 0) break; x = (x+h1) % USER_DICTIONARY_SIZE; if (x == h0) { errorStackmachine("User dictionary is full. loop hashing.\n"); } } r = x; if (Strict2) { switch((dic[x]).attr) { case PROTECT: r = -PROTECT; /* Protected, but we rewrite it. */ break; case ABSOLUTE_PROTECT: r = -ABSOLUTE_PROTECT; /* Protected and we do not rewrite it. */ return(r); default: (dic[x]).attr = 0; break; } } (dic[x]).key = str; (dic[x]).obj = ob; (dic[x]).h0 = h0; (dic[x]).h1 = h1; return(r); } struct object KputUserDictionary(char *str,struct object ob) { int r; r = putUserDictionary(str,hash0(str),hash1(str),ob,CurrentContextp->userDictionary); return(KpoInteger(r)); } struct object findUserDictionary(str,h0,h1,cp) /* returns NoObject, if there is no item. */ char *str; /* key */ int h0,h1; /* The hashing values of the key. */ struct context *cp; { int x; struct dictionary *dic; dic = cp->userDictionary; x = h0; while (1) { if ((dic[x]).key == EMPTY) { break; } if (strcmp((dic[x]).key,str) == 0) { return( (dic[x]).obj ); } x = (x+h1) % USER_DICTIONARY_SIZE; if (x == h0) { errorStackmachine("User dictionary is full. loop hashing in findUserDictionary.\n"); } } if (cp->super == (struct context *)NULL) return(NoObject); else return(findUserDictionary(str,h0,h1,cp->super)); } struct object KfindUserDictionary(char *str) { return(findUserDictionary(str,hash0(str),hash1(str),CurrentContextp)); } int putUserDictionary2(str,h0,h1,attr,dic) char *str; /* key */ int h0,h1; /* Hash values of the key */ int attr; /* attribute field */ struct dictionary *dic; { int x; int i; if (SET_ATTR_FOR_ALL_WORDS & attr) { for (i=0; itag = Sinteger; (left->lc).ival = hash0(t.token); (left->rc).ival = hash1(t.token); right->tag = Sinteger; (right->lc).ival = findSystemDictionary(t.token); return(t); } struct object lookupLiteralString(s) char *s; /* s must be a literal string */ { struct object ob; ob.tag = Slist; ob.lc.op = newObject(); ob.rc.op = (struct object *)NULL; ob.lc.op->tag = Sinteger; (ob.lc.op->lc).ival = hash0(&(s[1])); (ob.lc.op->rc).ival = hash1(&(s[1])); return(ob); } int hash0(str) char *str; { int h=0; while (*str != '\0') { h = ((h*128)+(*str)) % USER_DICTIONARY_SIZE; str++; } return(h); } int hash1(str) char *str; { return(8-(str[0]%8)); } void hashInitialize(struct dictionary *dic) { int i; for (i=0; i= n) return(0); for (i=start; i=start ; i--) { r += (int)(str[i]-'0') *power(10,n-1-i); } if (str[0] == '-') r = -r; return(r); } static power(s,i) int s; int i; { if (i == 0) return 1; else return( s*power(s,i-1) ); } int Kpush(ob) struct object ob; { OperandStack[Osp++] = ob; if (Osp >= OspMax) { warningStackmachine("Operand stack overflow. \n"); Osp--; return(-1); } return(0); } struct object Kpop() { if (Osp <= 0) { return( NullObject ); }else{ return( OperandStack[--Osp]); } } struct object peek(k) int k; { if ((Osp-k-1) < 0) { return( NullObject ); }else{ return( OperandStack[Osp-k-1]); } } struct object newOperandStack(int size) { struct operandStack *os ; struct object ob; os = (struct operandStack *)sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct operandStack)); if (os == (void *)NULL) errorStackmachine("No more memory."); if (size <= 0) errorStackmachine("Size of stack must be more than 1."); os->size = size; os->sp = 0; os->ostack = (struct object *)sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct object)*(size+1)); if (os->ostack == (void *)NULL) errorStackmachine("No more memory."); ob.tag = Sclass; ob.lc.ival = CLASSNAME_OPERANDSTACK; ob.rc.voidp = os; return(ob); } void setOperandStack(struct object ob) { if (ob.tag != Sclass) errorStackmachine("The argument must be class."); if (ob.lc.ival != CLASSNAME_OPERANDSTACK) errorStackmachine("The argument must be class.OperandStack."); CurrentOperandStack->ostack = OperandStack; CurrentOperandStack->sp = Osp; CurrentOperandStack->size = OspMax; OperandStack = ((struct operandStack *)(ob.rc.voidp))->ostack; Osp = ((struct operandStack *)(ob.rc.voidp))->sp; OspMax = ((struct operandStack *)(ob.rc.voidp))->size; CurrentOperandStack = ob.rc.voidp; } void stdOperandStack(void) { CurrentOperandStack->ostack = OperandStack; CurrentOperandStack->sp = Osp; CurrentOperandStack->size = OspMax; CurrentOperandStack = &StandardStack; OperandStack = CurrentOperandStack->ostack; Osp = CurrentOperandStack->sp; OspMax = CurrentOperandStack->size; } /* functions to handle contexts. */ void fprintContext(FILE *fp,struct context *cp) { if (cp == (struct context *)NULL) { fprintf(fp," Context=NIL \n"); return; } fprintf(fp," ContextName = %s, ",cp->contextName); fprintf(fp,"Super = "); if (cp->super == (struct context *)NULL) fprintf(fp,"NIL"); else { fprintf(fp,"%s",cp->super->contextName); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); } struct context *newContext0(struct context *super,char *name) { struct context *cp; cp = sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct context)); if (cp == (struct context *)NULL) errorStackmachine("No memory (newContext0)"); cp->userDictionary=sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct dictionary)*USER_DICTIONARY_SIZE); if (cp->userDictionary==(struct dictionary *)NULL) errorStackmachine("No memory (newContext0)"); hashInitialize(cp->userDictionary); cp->contextName = name; cp->super = super; return(cp); } void KsetContext(struct object contextObj) { if (contextObj.tag != Sclass) { errorStackmachine("Usage:setcontext"); } if (contextObj.lc.ival != CLASSNAME_CONTEXT) { errorStackmachine("Usage:setcontext"); } if (contextObj.rc.voidp == NULL) { errorStackmachine("You cannot set NullContext to the CurrentContext."); } CurrentContextp = (struct context *)(contextObj.rc.voidp); } struct object getSuperContext(struct object contextObj) { struct object rob; struct context *cp; if (contextObj.tag != Sclass) { errorStackmachine("Usage:supercontext"); } if (contextObj.lc.ival != CLASSNAME_CONTEXT) { errorStackmachine("Usage:supercontext"); } cp = (struct context *)(contextObj.rc.voidp); if (cp->super == (struct context *)NULL) { return(NullObject); }else{ rob.tag = Sclass; rob.lc.ival = CLASSNAME_CONTEXT; rob.rc.voidp = cp->super; } return(rob); } #define CSTACK_SIZE 1000 void contextControl(actionOfContextControl ctl) { static struct context *cstack[CSTACK_SIZE]; static int cstackp = 0; switch(ctl) { case CCRESTORE: if (cstackp == 0) return; else { CurrentContextp = cstack[0]; cstackp = 0; } break; case CCPUSH: if (cstackp < CSTACK_SIZE) { cstack[cstackp] = CurrentContextp; cstackp++; }else{ contextControl(CCRESTORE); errorStackmachine("Context stack (cstack) is overflow. CurrentContext is restored.\n"); } break; case CCPOP: if (cstackp > 0) { cstackp--; CurrentContextp = cstack[cstackp]; } break; default: break; } return; } int isLiteral(str) char *str; { if (strlen(str) <2) return(0); else { if ((str[0] == '/') && (str[1] != '/')) return(1); else return(0); } } void printOperandStack() { int i; struct object ob; int vs; vs = VerboseStack; VerboseStack = 2; for (i=Osp-1; i>=0; i--) { fprintf(Fstack,"[%d] ",i); ob = OperandStack[i]; printObject(ob,1,Fstack); } VerboseStack = vs; } static initSystemDictionary() { StandardStack.ostack = StandardStackA; StandardStack.sp = StandardStackP; StandardStack.size = OPERAND_STACK_SIZE; ErrorStack.ostack = ErrorStackA; ErrorStack.sp = ErrorStackP; ErrorStack.size = ErrorStackMax; StandardContext.userDictionary = UserDictionary; StandardContext.contextName = "StandardContext"; StandardContext.super = (struct context *)NULL; KdefinePrimitiveFunctions(); } struct object showSystemDictionary(int f) { int i; int maxl; char format[1000]; int nl; struct object rob; rob = NullObject; if (f != 0) { rob = newObjectArray(Sdp); for (i=0; imaxl) maxl = strlen((SystemDictionary[i]).key); } maxl += 3; nl = 80/maxl; if (nl < 2) nl = 2; sprintf(format,"%%-%ds",maxl); for (i=0; iuserDictionary; fprintf(Fstack,"DictionaryName=%s, super= ",CurrentContextp->contextName); if (CurrentContextp->super == (struct context *)NULL) { fprintf(Fstack,"NIL\n"); }else{ fprintf(Fstack,"%s\n",CurrentContextp->super->contextName); } maxl = 1; for (i=0; imaxl) maxl = strlen((dic[i]).key); } } maxl += 3; nl = 80/maxl; if (nl < 2) nl = 2; sprintf(format,"%%-%ds",maxl); for (i=0,j=0; i= 1) { fprintf(Fstack,"\nscanner> "); } KSexecuteString(" ctrlC-hook "); /* Execute User Defined functions. */ KSexecuteString(" (Computation is interrupted.) "); /* move to ctrlC-hook? */ continue ; } else { } if (DebugStack >= 1) { printOperandStack(); } token = getokenSM(GET); if ((tmp=executeToken(token)) < 0) break; /***if (tmp == 1) fprintf(stderr," --- exit --- \n");*/ } } void ctrlC(sig) int sig; { extern void ctrlC(); extern int ErrorMessageMode; extern int SGClock; extern int UserCtrlC; extern int OXlock; signal(sig,SIG_IGN); /* see 133p */ cancelAlarm(); if (sig == SIGALRM) { fprintf(stderr,"ctrlC by SIGALRM\n"); } if (SGClock) { UserCtrlC = 1; fprintf(stderr,"ctrl-c is locked because of gc.\n"); signal(sig,ctrlC); if (sig == SIGALRM) alarm((unsigned int)10); return; } if (OXlock) { if (UserCtrlC > 0) UserCtrlC++; else UserCtrlC = 1; if (UserCtrlC > 3) { fprintf(stderr,"OK. You are eager to cancel the computation.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"You should close the ox communication cannel.\n"); signal(SIGINT,ctrlC); unlockCtrlCForOx(); } fprintf(stderr,"ctrl-c is locked because of ox lock %d.\n",UserCtrlC); signal(sig,ctrlC); if (sig == SIGALRM) alarm((unsigned int)10); return; } if (ErrorMessageMode != 1) { fprintf(Fstack,"User interruption by ctrl-C. We are in the top-level.\n"); fprintf(Fstack,"Type in quit in order to exit sm1.\n"); } if (GotoP) { fprintf(Fstack,"The interpreter was looking for the label <<%s>>. It is also aborted.\n",GotoLabel); GotoP = 0; } stdOperandStack(); contextControl(CCRESTORE); /*fprintf(Fstack,"Warning! The handler of ctrl-C has a bug, so you might have a core-dump.\n");*/ /* $(x0+1)^50$ $x1 x0 + x1^20$ 2 groebner_n ctrl-C $(x0+1)^50$ $x1 x0 + x1^20$ 2 groebner_n It SOMETIMES makes core dump. */ getokenSM(INIT); /* It might fix the bug above. 1992/11/14 */ signal(SIGINT,ctrlC); #if defined(__CYGWIN__) siglongjmp(EnvOfStackMachine,2); #else longjmp(EnvOfStackMachine,2); /* returns 2 for ctrl-C */ #endif } int executeToken(token) struct tokens token; { struct object ob; int primitive; int size; int status; struct tokens *tokenArray; int i,h0,h1; extern int WarningMessageMode; extern int Strict; if (GotoP) { /* for goto */ if (token.kind == ID && isLiteral(token.token)) { if (strcmp(&((token.token)[1]),GotoLabel) == 0) { GotoP = 0; return(0); /* normal exit */ } } return(0); /* normal exit */ } if (token.kind == DOLLAR) { ob.tag = Sdollar; ob.lc.str = token.token; Kpush(ob); } else if (token.kind == ID) { /* ID */ if (strcmp(token.token,"exit") == 0) return(1); /* "exit" is not primitive here. */ if (isLiteral(token.token)) { /* literal object */ ob.tag = Sstring; ob.lc.str = (char *)sGC_malloc((strlen(token.token)+1)*sizeof(char)); if (ob.lc.str == (char *)NULL) errorStackmachine("No space."); strcpy(ob.lc.str, &((token.token)[1])); if (token.object.tag != Slist) { fprintf(Fstack,"\n%%Warning: The hashing values for the <<%s>> are not set.\n",token.token); token.object = lookupLiteralString(token.token); } ob.rc.op = token.object.lc.op; Kpush(ob); } else if (isInteger(token.token)) { /* integer object */ ob.tag = Sinteger ; ob.lc.ival = strToInteger(token.token); Kpush(ob); } else { if (token.object.tag != Slist) { fprintf(Fstack,"\n%%Warning: The hashing values for the <<%s>> are not set.\n",token.token); token = lookupTokens(token); } h0 = ((token.object.lc.op)->lc).ival; h1 = ((token.object.lc.op)->rc).ival; ob=findUserDictionary(token.token,h0,h1,CurrentContextp); primitive = ((token.object.rc.op)->lc).ival; if (ob.tag >= 0) { /* there is a definition in the user dictionary */ if (ob.tag == SexecutableArray) { tokenArray = ob.lc.tokenArray; size = ob.rc.ival; for (i=0; i> is not in the system dictionary\n%% nor in the user dictionaries. Push NullObject.\n",token.token); }else {strcpy(tmpc,"Warning: identifier is not in the dictionaries.");} pushErrorStack(KnewErrorPacket(SerialCurrent,-1,tmpc)); } if (WarningMessageMode != 1) { fprintf(Fstack,"\n%%Warning: The identifier <<%s>> is not in the system dictionary\n%% nor in the user dictionaries. Push NullObject.\n",token.token); /*fprintf(Fstack,"(%d,%d)\n",h0,h1);*/ } if (Strict) { errorStackmachine("Warning: identifier is not in the dictionaries"); } Kpush(NullObject); } } } else if (token.kind == EXECUTABLE_STRING) { Kpush(executableStringToExecutableArray(token.token)); } else if (token.kind == EXECUTABLE_ARRAY) { Kpush(token.object); } else if ((token.kind == -1) || (token.kind == -2)) { /* eof token */ return(-1); } else { /*fprintf(Fstack,"\n%%Error: Unknown token type\n");***/ fprintf(stderr,"\nUnknown token type = %d\n",token.kind); fprintf(stderr,"\ntype in ctrl-\\ if you like to make core-dump.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"If you like to continue, type in RETURN key.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Note that you cannot input null string.\n"); getchar(); errorStackmachine("Error: Unknown token type.\n"); /* return(-2); /* exit */ } return(0); /* normal exit */ } errorStackmachine(str) char *str; { int i,j,k; static char *u="Usage:"; char message0[1024]; char *message; extern int ErrorMessageMode; cancelAlarm(); if (ErrorMessageMode == 1 || ErrorMessageMode == 2) { pushErrorStack(KnewErrorPacket(SerialCurrent,-1,str)); } if (ErrorMessageMode != 1) { message = message0; i = 0; while (i<6 && str[i]!='0') { if (str[i] != u[i]) break; i++; } if (i==6) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR(sm): \n"); while (str[i] != '\0' && str[i] != ' ') { i++; } if (str[i] == ' ') { fprintf(stderr," %s\n",&(str[i+1])); k = 0; if (i-6 > 1022) message = (char *)sGC_malloc(sizeof(char)*i); for (j=6; j>. It is also aborted.\n",GotoLabel); GotoP = 0; } stdOperandStack(); contextControl(CCRESTORE); getokenSM(INIT); /* It might fix the bug. 1996/3/10 */ /* fprintf(stderr,"Now, Long jump!\n"); */ longjmp(EnvOfStackMachine,1); } warningStackmachine(str) char *str; { extern int WarningMessageMode; extern int Strict; if (WarningMessageMode == 1 || WarningMessageMode == 2) { pushErrorStack(KnewErrorPacket(SerialCurrent,-1,str)); } if (WarningMessageMode != 1) { fprintf(stderr,"WARNING(sm): "); fprintf(stderr,str); } if (Strict) errorStackmachine(" "); return(0); } /* exports */ /* NOTE: If you call this function and an error occured, you have to reset the jump buffer by setjmp(EnvOfStackMachine). cf. kxx/memo1.txt, kxx/stdserver00.c 1998, 2/6 */ KSexecuteString(s) char *s; { struct tokens token; struct object ob; int tmp; extern int CatchCtrlC; int jval; static int recursive = 0; extern int ErrorMessageMode; extern int KSPushEnvMode; jmp_buf saved_EnvOfStackMachine; void (*sigfunc)(); int localCatchCtrlC ; localCatchCtrlC = CatchCtrlC; /* If CatchCtrlC is rewrited in this program, we crash. So, we use localCatchCtrlC. */ if (localCatchCtrlC) { sigfunc = signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN); signal(SIGINT,ctrlC); } if (KSPushEnvMode) { *saved_EnvOfStackMachine = *EnvOfStackMachine; #if defined(__CYGWIN__) if (jval = sigsetjmp(EnvOfStackMachine,1)) { #else if (jval = setjmp(EnvOfStackMachine)) { #endif *EnvOfStackMachine = *saved_EnvOfStackMachine; if (jval == 2) { if (ErrorMessageMode == 1 || ErrorMessageMode == 2) { pushErrorStack(KnewErrorPacket(SerialCurrent,-1,"User interrupt by ctrl-C.")); } } recursive--; if (localCatchCtrlC) { signal(SIGINT, sigfunc); } KSexecuteString(" ctrlC-hook "); /* Execute User Defined functions. */ KSexecuteString(" (Computation is interrupted.) "); /* move to ctrlC-hook?*/ return(-1); }else{ } }else{ if (recursive == 0) { #if defined(__CYGWIN__) if (jval=sigsetjmp(EnvOfStackMachine,1)) { #else if (jval=setjmp(EnvOfStackMachine)) { #endif if (jval == 2) { if (ErrorMessageMode == 1 || ErrorMessageMode == 2) { pushErrorStack(KnewErrorPacket(SerialCurrent,-1,"User interrupt by ctrl-C.")); } } recursive = 0; if (localCatchCtrlC) { signal(SIGINT, sigfunc); } KSexecuteString(" ctrlC-hook "); /* Execute User Defined functions. */ KSexecuteString(" (Computation is interrupted.) "); return(-1); }else { } } } recursive++; token.token = s; token.kind = EXECUTABLE_STRING; executeToken(token); token.kind = ID; token.token = "exec"; token = lookupTokens(token); /* no use */ tmp = findSystemDictionary(token.token); ob.tag = Soperator; ob.lc.ival = tmp; executePrimitive(ob); recursive--; if (KSPushEnvMode) *EnvOfStackMachine = *saved_EnvOfStackMachine; if (localCatchCtrlC) { signal(SIGINT, sigfunc); } return(0); } KSdefineMacros() { struct tokens token; int tmp; struct object ob; if (StandardMacros && (strlen(SMacros))) { token.kind = EXECUTABLE_STRING; token.token = SMacros; executeToken(token); /* execute startup commands */ token.kind = ID; token.token = "exec"; token = lookupTokens(token); /* no use */ tmp = findSystemDictionary(token.token); ob.tag = Soperator; ob.lc.ival = tmp; executePrimitive(ob); /* exec */ } return(0); } void KSstart() { struct tokens token; int tmp; struct object ob; extern int Quiet; stackmachine_init(); KinitKan(); getokenSM(INIT); initSystemDictionary(); /* The following line may cause a core dump, if you do not setjmp properly after calling KSstart().*/ /* if (setjmp(EnvOfStackMachine)) { fprintf(stderr,"KSstart(): An error or interrupt in reading macros, files and command strings.\n"); exit(10); } else { } */ /* setup quiet mode or not */ token.kind = EXECUTABLE_STRING; if (Quiet) { token.token = " /@@@.quiet 1 def "; }else { token.token = " /@@@.quiet 0 def "; } executeToken(token); /* execute startup commands */ token.kind = ID; token.token = "exec"; token = lookupTokens(token); /* set hashing values */ tmp = findSystemDictionary(token.token); ob.tag = Soperator; ob.lc.ival = tmp; executePrimitive(ob); /* exec */ KSdefineMacros(); } void KSstop() { Kclose(); stackmachine_close(); } struct object KSpop() { return(Kpop()); } void KSpush(ob) struct object ob; { Kpush(ob); } struct object KSpeek(k) { return(peek(k)); } char *KSstringPop() { /* pop a string */ struct object rob; rob = Kpop(); if (rob.tag == Sdollar) { return(rob.lc.str); }else{ return((char *)NULL); } } char *KSpopString() { return(KSstringPop()); } int KSset(char *name) { char *tmp2; char tmp[1024]; tmp2 = tmp; if (strlen(name) < 1000) { sprintf(tmp2," /%s set ",name); }else{ tmp2 = sGC_malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(name)+20)); if (tmp2 == (char *)NULL) errorStackmachine("Out of memory."); sprintf(tmp2," /%s set ",name); } return( KSexecuteString(tmp2) ); } int KSpushBinary(int size,char *data) { /* struct object KbinaryToObject(int size, char *data); */ errorStackmachine("KSpushBinary is not implemented.\n"); return(-1); } char *KSpopBinary(int *size) { /* char *KobjectToBinary(struct object ob,int *size); */ errorStackmachine("KSpopBinary is not implemented.\n"); *size = 0; return((char *)NULL); } int pushErrorStack(struct object obj) { if (CurrentOperandStack == &ErrorStack) { fprintf(stderr,"You cannot call pushErrorStack when ErrorStack is the CurrentOperandStack. \n"); return(-1); } (ErrorStack.ostack)[(ErrorStack.sp)++] = obj; /* printf("ErrorStack.sp = %d\n",ErrorStack.sp); */ if ((ErrorStack.sp) >= (ErrorStack.size)) { ErrorStack.sp = 0; fprintf(stderr,"pushErrorStack():ErrorStack overflow. It is reset.\n"); /* Note that it avoids recursive call.*/ return(-1); } return(0); } struct object popErrorStack(void) { if (CurrentOperandStack == &ErrorStack) { fprintf(stderr,"You cannot call popErrorStack when ErrorStack is the CurrentOperandStack. \n"); return(NullObject); } if ((ErrorStack.sp) <= 0) { return( NullObject ); }else{ return( (ErrorStack.ostack)[--(ErrorStack.sp)]); } } char *popErrorStackByString(void) { struct object obj; struct object eobj; eobj = popErrorStack(); if (ectag(eobj) != CLASSNAME_ERROR_PACKET) { return(NULL); }else{ obj = *(KopErrorPacket(eobj)); } if (obj.tag != Sarray || getoaSize(obj) != 3) { fprintf(stderr,"errorPacket format error.\n"); printObject(eobj,0,stderr); fflush(stderr); return("class errorPacket format error. Bug of sm1."); } obj = getoa(obj,2); if (obj.tag != Sdollar) { fprintf(stderr,"errorPacket format error at position 2..\n"); printObject(eobj,0,stderr); fflush(stderr); return("class errorPacket format error at the position 2. Bug of sm1."); } return(KopString(obj)); } int KScheckErrorStack(void) { return(ErrorStack.sp); } struct object KnewErrorPacket(int serial,int no,char *message) { struct object obj; struct object *myop; char *s; /* Set extended tag. */ obj.tag = Sclass; obj.lc.ival = CLASSNAME_ERROR_PACKET ; myop = (struct object *)sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct object)); if (myop == (struct object *)NULL) errorStackmachine("No memory\n"); *myop = newObjectArray(3); /*fprintf(stderr,"newErrorPacket() in stackmachine.c: [%d, %d, %s] \n",serial,no,message); **kxx:CMO_ERROR */ putoa((*myop),0,KpoInteger(serial)); putoa((*myop),1,KpoInteger(no)); s = (char *)sGC_malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(message)+2)); if (s == (char *)NULL) errorStackmachine("No memory\n"); strcpy(s,message); putoa((*myop),2,KpoString(s)); obj.rc.op = myop; return(obj); } struct object KnewErrorPacketObj(struct object ob1) { struct object obj; struct object *myop; char *s; /* Set extended tag. */ obj.tag = Sclass; obj.lc.ival = CLASSNAME_ERROR_PACKET ; myop = (struct object *)sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct object)); if (myop == (struct object *)NULL) errorStackmachine("No memory\n"); *myop = ob1; obj.rc.op = myop; return(obj); } void *sGC_malloc(size_t n) { /* synchronized function */ void *c; int id; extern int SGClock, UserCtrlC; SGClock = 1; c = GC_malloc(n); SGClock = 0; if (UserCtrlC) { UserCtrlC = 0; id = getpid(); kill(id,SIGINT); return(c); }else{ return(c); } } void *sGC_realloc(void *p,size_t new) { /* synchronized function */ void *c; int id; extern int SGClock, UserCtrlC; SGClock = 1; c = GC_realloc(p,new); SGClock = 0; if (UserCtrlC) { UserCtrlC = 0; id = getpid(); kill(id,SIGINT); return(c); }else{ return(c); } } void sGC_free(void *c) { /* synchronized function */ int id; extern int SGClock, UserCtrlC; SGClock = 1; GC_free(c); SGClock = 0; if (UserCtrlC) { UserCtrlC = 0; id = getpid(); kill(id,SIGINT); return; }else{ return; } } void lockCtrlCForOx() { extern int OXlock; extern int OXlockSaved; OXlockSaved = OXlock; OXlock = 1; } void unlockCtrlCForOx() { int id; extern int OXlock, UserCtrlC; extern int OXlockSaved; OXlockSaved = OXlock; OXlock = 0; if (UserCtrlC) { UserCtrlC = 0; id = getpid(); kill(id,SIGINT); return; }else{ return; } } void restoreLockCtrlCForOx() { extern int OXlock; extern int OXlockSaved; OXlock = OXlockSaved; } int KSstackPointer() { return(Osp); } struct object KSdupErrors() { struct object rob; struct object ob; int i; int n; int m; n = KSstackPointer(); m = 0; for (i=0; i