/*$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/plugin/cmo.c,v 1.11 2004/03/08 08:24:42 takayama Exp $*/ #include #include /* #include */ #include #include "datatype.h" #include "stackm.h" #include "extern.h" #include "extern2.h" #include "mathcap.h" #include "kclass.h" #include "oxMessageTag.h" #include "oxFunctionId.h" #include "file2.h" #include "cmo.h" #include "cmotag.htmp" /* static char *cmotagToName(int tag) is defined here. */ extern int OxVersion; int CmoClientMode = 1; /* This flag is used to translate names for indeterminates. It does not work well if ox_sm1 have a server, i.e., sm1 --> ox_sm1 --> ox_sm1 */ /* void *malloc(int s); #define GC_malloc(x) malloc(x) */ /********************** What you have to do when you add new CMO_ ********** * Add your new object to cmoObjectToCmo00 ( for sending ) * Add your new object to cmoCmoToObject00 ( for receiving ) * Edit KSmathCapByStruct(); * Edit typeTrans in cmoCheck00 in oxmisc2.c , e.g., * typeTrans[CLASSNAME_mathcap] = CMO_MATHCAP; **************************************************************************/ /* If you change the format of mathcap, do the follows. Mofify cmoCheckMathCap in oxmisc2.c, oxSendMathCap in oxmisc.c, newMathCap in cmo.c, oxReq, SM_setMathCap: in oxmisc2.c, and grep mathCap and make all modifications. */ extern struct ring *CurrentRingp; extern struct ring *SmallRingp; extern int CmoDMSOutputOption; struct object NullObjectInCmo; extern int SerialCurrent; extern int DebugCMO; #define BUFFERSIZE 1024 struct cmoBuffer *cmoOutputToBuf(cmoAction a,void *data, int size) { static struct cmoBuffer b; static int bufferIsInitialized = 0; void *tmp; struct cmoBuffer *cb; int i; if (!bufferIsInitialized) { NullObjectInCmo.tag = Snull; bufferIsInitialized = 1; b.size = BUFFERSIZE; b.pos = 0; b.rpos = 0; b.isStream = 0; b.fp = (FILE2 *)NULL; b.buf = sGC_malloc(BUFFERSIZE); if (b.buf == NULL) errorCmo("cmoOutputToBuf: no memory."); } if (b.isStream) { switch(a) { case CMOINIT: b.pos = 0; b.rpos = 0; /* added, 1997, 12/5 */ b.isStream = 0; b.fp = (FILE2 *)data ; b.errorno = 0; break; case CMOINITSTREAM: b.pos = 0; b.isStream = 1; b.rpos = 0; /* added, 1997, 12/5 */ b.fp = (FILE2 *)data; b.errorno = 0; break; case CMOPUT: for (i=0; iisStream = b.isStream; cb->size = b.pos; cb->pos = b.pos; cb->buf = NULL; return(cb); break; case CMOERROR: b.errorno = size; break; default: errorCmo("Unknown action."); break; } return(NULL); }else{ switch(a) { case CMOINIT: b.pos = 0; b.rpos = 0; /* added, 1997, 12/5 */ b.isStream = 0; b.errorno = 0; break; case CMOINITSTREAM: b.pos = 0; b.isStream = 1; b.rpos = 0; /* added, 1997, 12/5 */ b.fp = (FILE2 *)data; b.errorno = 0; break; case CMOPUT: if (b.pos + size >= b.size) { tmp = sGC_malloc((b.size)*2+size); memcpy(tmp,b.buf,b.pos); b.buf = tmp; b.size = (b.size)*2+size; } memcpy((void *) &(((char *)(b.buf))[b.pos]),data,size); b.pos += size; break; case CMOFLUSH: cb = (struct cmoBuffer *)sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct cmoBuffer)); cb->isStream = b.isStream; cb->size = b.pos; cb->pos = b.pos; cb->buf = sGC_malloc((b.pos<=0?1:b.pos)); memcpy(cb->buf,b.buf,b.pos); return(cb); break; case CMOERROR: b.errorno = size; break; default: errorCmo("Unknown action."); break; } return(NULL); } } dumpCmoBuf(struct cmoBuffer *cb) { int i,size, tag; char *s; if (cb->isStream) { printf("cmoBuffer is directed to a stream.\n"); return; } size = cb->pos; s = (char *)(cb->buf); tag = htonl(*((int *) s)); printf("CMO StandardEncoding: size = %d, size/sizeof(int) = %d, tag=%s \n",size,size/sizeof(int),cmotagToName(tag)); for (i=0; ipos; s = (char *)(cb->buf); for (i=0; im->ringp->n; tmp[1] = htonl(nn*2); if (ReverseOutputOrder) { for (i=0; im->e[nn-i-1].x); tmp[2+nn+i] = htonl(cell->m->e[nn-i-1].D); } }else{ for (i=0; im->e[i].x); tmp[2+nn+i] = htonl(cell->m->e[i].D); } } cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)*(2+2*nn)); switch(cell->coeffp->tag) { case INTEGER: cmoOutInt32(cell->coeffp->val.i); return(0); break; case MP_INTEGER: /* errorCmo("Not implemented."); */ cmoOutGMPCoeff(cell->coeffp->val.bigp); return(0); break; default: cmoOutputToBuf(CMOERROR,NULL,-1); /* fatal, need reset_connection */ errorCmo("cmoOutMonomial32(): unknown coefficient tag."); return(-1); break; } } int cmoOutDMS() { cmoint tmp[1]; tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_DMS); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)); return(0); } int cmoOutPolynomial(POLY f) { int size; cmoint tmp[2]; if (f == POLYNULL) { return(cmoOutMonomial32(f)); } size = pLength(f); tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_LIST); tmp[1] = htonl(size+2); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)*2); cmoOutDMS(); cmoOutRingDefinition(f->m->ringp,CmoDMSOutputOption); while (f != POLYNULL) { cmoOutMonomial32(f); f = f->next; } return(0); } int cmoOutPolynomial2(POLY f) { int size; cmoint tmp[2]; if (f == POLYNULL) { return(cmoOutMonomial32(f)); } size = pLength(f); tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_DISTRIBUTED_POLYNOMIAL); tmp[1] = htonl(size); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)*2); cmoOutRingDefinition2(f->m->ringp,CmoDMSOutputOption); while (f != POLYNULL) { cmoOutMonomial32(f); f = f->next; } return(0); } int cmoOutRingDefinition(struct ring *rp,int option) { cmoint tmp[3]; /* minimal information */ switch(option) { case 1: /* RING_BY_NAME */ cmoOutRawInt(CMO_RING_BY_NAME); cmoOutString(rp->name,strlen(rp->name)); break; case 2: tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_DMS_OF_N_VARIABLES); tmp[1] = htonl(CMO_LIST); tmp[2] = htonl(2); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)*3); cmoOutInt32((rp->n)*2); /* number of variables */ cmoOutInt32(rp->p); /* coefficient field. CMO_INT32 or CMO_DMS_OF_N_VARIABLES */ /* Optional arguments are name of variables, weight_vector, output_order */ break; default: /* including 0. */ cmoOutInt32(CMO_DMS_GENERIC); break; } } int cmoOutRingDefinition2(struct ring *rp,int option) { cmoint tmp[3]; /* minimal information */ switch(option) { case 1: /* RING_BY_NAME */ cmoOutRawInt(CMO_RING_BY_NAME); cmoOutString(rp->name,strlen(rp->name)); break; case 2: tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_DMS_OF_N_VARIABLES); tmp[1] = htonl(CMO_LIST); tmp[2] = htonl(2); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)*3); cmoOutInt32((rp->n)*2); /* number of variables */ cmoOutInt32(rp->p); /* coefficient field. CMO_INT32 or CMO_DMS_OF_N_VARIABLES */ /* Optional arguments are list of indeterminates (name of variables), weight_vector by list , output_order by list. */ break; default: /* including 0. */ cmoOutRawInt(CMO_DMS_GENERIC); break; } } /* ------------------------------ */ int cmoGetIntFromBuf(cmoAction a,struct cmoBuffer *cb) { cmoint tmp[1]; char data[4]; int i; int cc; if (cb->isStream) { switch(a) { case CMOGET: for (i=0; i<4; i++) { cc = fp2fgetc(cb->fp); if (cc < 0) { return(-1); errorCmo("cmoGetIntFromBuf CMOGET: unexpected EOF.\n"); } data[i] = cc; } return( (int) ntohl( *((cmoint *) data) )); break; case CMOGETBYTE: cc = fp2fgetc(cb->fp); if (cc < 0) { return(-1); errorCmo("cmoGetIntFromBuf CMOGETBYTE: unexpected EOF.\n"); } return(cc); break; case CMOINIT: fprintf(stderr,"Invalid action CMOINIT for cmoBuffer in the stream mode.\n"); cb->rpos = 0; cb->errorno = 0; break; case CMOINITSTREAM: cb->errorno = 0; break; case CMOERROR: cb->errorno = 1; break; case CMOERROR2: cb->errorno = -1; break; } return(0); }else{ switch(a) { case CMOGET: if (cb->rpos + sizeof(cmoint) > cb->pos) { fprintf(stderr,"No more data in the buffer. Returns -1.\n"); return(-1); } memcpy(tmp,(void *) &(((char *)(cb->buf))[cb->rpos]), sizeof(cmoint)); cb->rpos += sizeof(cmoint); return( (int) ntohl(tmp[0])); break; case CMOGETBYTE: if (cb->rpos + 1 > cb->pos) { fprintf(stderr,"No more data in the buffer. Returns -1.\n"); return(-1); } tmp[0] = ((unsigned char *)(cb->buf))[cb->rpos]; cb->rpos += 1; return( (int) tmp[0]); break; case CMOINIT: cb->rpos = 0; cb->errorno = 0; break; case CMOINITSTREAM: cb->errorno = 0; break; case CMOERROR: cb->errorno = 1; break; case CMOERROR2: cb->errorno = -1; break; } return(0); } } /* ------------------------------------- */ /* This function is called after reading the tag CMO_INT32COEFF */ struct coeff * cmoGetInt32Coeff(struct cmoBuffer *cb) { struct coeff *c; c = intToCoeff(cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOGET,cb),CurrentRingp); return(c); } void *cmoGetString(struct cmoBuffer *cb, int size) { char *d; int i; if (size > 0) { d = (char *)sGC_malloc(size); if (d == NULL) { errorCmo("No more memory in cmoGetString().\n"); } }else{ d = (char *)sGC_malloc(1); d[0] = '\0'; if (d == NULL) { errorCmo("No more memory in cmoGetString().\n"); } } for (i=0; i (CurrentRingp->n)*2 ) { CurrentRingp = KopRingp(KdefaultPolyRing(KpoInteger(nn/2+(nn%2)))); warningCmo("cmoGetMonomials32(): Changed the current ring, because your peer sent a DMS that does not fit to the current ring."); /* original code. skip = nn - (CurrentRingp->n)*2; nn1 = nn0 = CurrentRingp->n; if (! (cb->errorno) ) { warningCmo("cmoGetMonomial32(): serialized polynomial \\not\\in CurrentRing."); } cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOERROR,cb); */ } if (nn == (CurrentRingp->n)*2 ) { nn1 = nn0 = CurrentRingp->n; skip = 0; }else { nn0 = nn/2; nn1 = nn - nn0; skip = 0; } m = newMonomial(CurrentRingp); if (ReverseOutputOrder) { for (i=0; ie[nn0-i-1].x = cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOGET,cb); } for (i=0; ie[nn1-i-1].D = cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOGET,cb); } }else{ for (i=0; ie[i].x = cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOGET,cb); } for (i=0; ie[i].D = cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOGET,cb); } } /* Throw a way extra data. */ for (i=0; i= 199907170 && tt == CMO_ZZ_OLD) { errorCmo("CMO_ZZ_OLD is not implemented."); }else if (OxVersion < 199907170 && tt == CMO_ZZ) { errorCmo("CMO_ZZ is not implemented."); } mi = newMP_INT(); cmoGetGMPCoeff(mi, cb); c = mpintToCoeff(mi,CurrentRingp); /* errorCmo("Not implemented."); */ break; case CMO_QQ: if (! (cb->errorno) ) { warningCmo("cmoGetMonomial32(): coefficient CMO_QQ is not supported. Denominators are ignored."); } cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOERROR,cb); mi = newMP_INT(); cmoGetGMPCoeff(mi,cb); c = mpintToCoeff(mi,CurrentRingp); /* we take only numerator */ /* Throw a way denominators. */ mi2 = newMP_INT(); cmoGetGMPCoeff(mi2,cb); break; default: cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOERROR2,cb); errorCmo("cmoGetMonomial32(): coeff type that is not implemented."); break; } return(newCell(c,m)); } /* ------------------------------------- */ void cmoObjectToCmo00(struct object ob) { struct object rob; cmoint tmp[16]; char tmpc[16]; int i,size; struct object vlist, vlist0; int m; struct object ob2; /* NO initialization */ switch(ob.tag) { case Snull: cmoOutCmoNull(); break; case Sinteger: /* fprintf(stderr,"For test.\n"); */ cmoOutInt32(ob.lc.ival); break; case Sdollar: cmoOutString(ob.lc.str,strlen(ob.lc.str)); break; case Spoly: /* cmoOutPolynomial(KopPOLY(ob)); */ cmoOutPolynomial2(KopPOLY(ob)); break; case Sarray: tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_LIST); tmp[1] = htonl(size=getoaSize(ob)); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)*2); for (i=0; ival.bigp); break; case SrationalFunction: tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_RATIONAL); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)); cmoObjectToCmo00(*(Knumerator(ob))); cmoObjectToCmo00(*(Kdenominator(ob))); break; case Sdouble: if (sizeof(double) != 8) errorCmo("double is assumed to be 8 bytes."); cmoOutRawInt(CMO_64BIT_MACHINE_DOUBLE); *((double *) tmpc) = (double) *(ob.lc.dbl); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmpc,8); break; case Sclass: switch(ectag(ob)) { case CLASSNAME_ERROR_PACKET: /* fprintf(stderr,"ectag=%d\n",ectag(*KopErrorPacket(ob))); **kxx:CMO_ERROR*/ if (ectag(*KopErrorPacket(ob)) == CLASSNAME_ERROR_PACKET) { tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_ERROR); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)); }else{ tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_ERROR2); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)); /* Send without OX_DATA header !! */ cmoObjectToCmo00(*(KopErrorPacket(ob))); } break; case CLASSNAME_mathcap: tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_MATHCAP); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)); /* Send without OX_DATA header !! */ cmoObjectToCmo00(*(KopMathCap(ob))); break; case CLASSNAME_indeterminate: tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_INDETERMINATE); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)); /* cmoObjectToCmo00(KopIndeterminate(ob)); Old code. */ /* If you need to translate the name, do it here. */ if (CmoClientMode) { ob = KopIndeterminate(ob); }else{ ob = cmoTranslateVariable_outGoing(KopIndeterminate(ob)); } cmoObjectToCmo00(ob); break; case CLASSNAME_recursivePolynomial: /* We assume that the format of the recursive polynomial is OK. */ tmp[0] = htonl(CMO_RECURSIVE_POLYNOMIAL); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)); ob = KopRecursivePolynomial(ob); vlist = getoa(ob,0); vlist0 = newObjectArray(getoaSize(vlist)); for (i=0; i= 199907170 && tt == CMO_ZZ_OLD) { errorCmo("CMO_ZZ_OLD is not implemented."); }else if (OxVersion < 199907170 && tt == CMO_ZZ) { errorCmo("CMO_ZZ is not implemented."); } mi = newMP_INT(); cmoGetGMPCoeff(mi, cb); rob.tag = SuniversalNumber; rob.lc.universalNumber = mpintToCoeff(mi,SmallRingp); if (Lisplike) { printObject(rob,0,stdout); } break; case CMO_QQ: mi = newMP_INT(); cmoGetGMPCoeff(mi, cb); mi2 = newMP_INT(); cmoGetGMPCoeff(mi2, cb); ob1.tag = SuniversalNumber; ob1.lc.universalNumber = mpintToCoeff(mi,SmallRingp); ob2.tag = SuniversalNumber; ob2.lc.universalNumber = mpintToCoeff(mi2,SmallRingp); rob = KooDiv2(ob1,ob2); if (Lisplike) { printObject(rob,0,stdout); } break; case CMO_64BIT_MACHINE_DOUBLE: for (i=0; i<8; i++) { tmpc[i] = cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOGETBYTE, cb); } rob = KpoDouble(*((double *)tmpc)); if (Lisplike) { printObject(rob,0,stdout); } break; case CMO_INDETERMINATE: /* Old code. rob = KpoIndeterminate(cmoCmoToObject00(cb)); */ /* If you need to change the names of indeterminates, do it here. */ if (CmoClientMode) { rob = KpoIndeterminate(cmoCmoToObject00(cb)); }else{ rob = KpoIndeterminate(cmoTranslateVariable_inComming(cmoCmoToObject00(cb))); } break; case CMO_RECURSIVE_POLYNOMIAL: vlist0 = cmoCmoToObject00(cb); /* list of variables by indeterminates. */ vlist = newObjectArray(getoaSize(vlist0)); for (i=0; i= size) errorCmo("cmoCmoToObject00(): DMS, ring-def, ..."); putoa(rob,i,cmoCmoToObject00(cb)); ob1 = getoa(rob,1); if (ob1.tag == Sdollar) { /* Change the CurrentRingp by looking up the name. */ ob1 = KfindUserDictionary(KopString(ob1)); if (ob1.tag != Sring) { errorCmo("cmoCmoToObject00(): your ring is not defined in the name space."); } CurrentRingp = KopRingp(ob1); } i = 2; while (ipos == 0) { /* null */ rob.tag = Snull; return(rob); } rob = cmoCmoToObject00(cb); rob = cmoListToPoly(rob); if (DebugCMO) { fprintf(stderr,"cmoCmoToObject: "); printObject(rob,1,stderr); } return(rob); } struct object cmoListToPoly(struct object ob) { struct object ob0; struct object rob; int i,n; if (ob.tag == Sarray) { n = getoaSize(ob); if (n >= 1) { ob0 = getoa(ob,0); if (ob0.tag == CMO+CMO_DMS) { rob = KpoPOLY(cmoListToPOLY(ob)); /* not ToPoly, ToPOLY */ }else{ rob = newObjectArray(n); for (i=0; i>\n"); fflush(stdout); */ if (ob.tag != Sarray) { errorCmo("cmoListToPoly2(): the argument must be array."); } size = getoaSize(ob); f = POLYNULL; for (i=size-1; i>=0; i--) { ob1 = getoa(ob,i); if (ob1.tag == Spoly) { f = ppAdd(f,KopPOLY(ob1)); }else{ errorCmo("cmoListToPoly2(): format error."); } } return(KpoPOLY(f)); } /* main() { int i; struct cmoBuffer *cb; printf("%d\n",sizeof(long int)); for (i=0; i<300; i++) { cmoOutInt32(i); } dumpCmoBuf(cb=cmoOutputToBuf(CMOFLUSH,NULL,0)); cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOINIT,cb); for (i=0; i<300; i++) { printf("%5d",cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOGET,cb)); } putchar('\n'); } */ POLY cmoListToPOLY(struct object ob) { int size,i; struct object ob0,ob1; POLY f; /* printf("<<");printObject(ob,0,stdout); printf(">>\n"); fflush(stdout); */ if (ob.tag != Sarray) { errorCmo("cmoListToPOLY(): the argument must be array."); } size = getoaSize(ob); if (size < 2) { errorCmo("cmoListToPOLY(): the first element of the array must be CMO-tag."); errorCmo("cmoListToPOLY(): the second element must be the ring definition."); } ob0 = getoa(ob,0); ob1 = getoa(ob,1); /* ring defintion. It is not used for now. */ /* printObject(ob1,0,stdout); */ switch(ob0.tag) { case (CMO+CMO_DMS): f = POLYNULL; for (i=size-1; i>=2; i--) { ob1 = getoa(ob,i); if (ob1.tag == Spoly) { f = ppAdd(f,KopPOLY(ob1)); }else{ f = ppAdd(f,cmoListToPOLY(ob1)); } } return(f); break; default: errorCmo("cmoListToPoly(): unknown tag."); break; } } int Kan_PushBinary(int size,void *data) { struct cmoBuffer cb; struct object ob; cb.pos = size; cb.rpos = 0; cb.buf = data; cb.size = size; ob.tag = Sclass; ob.lc.ival = CMO; ob.rc.voidp = &cb; KSpush(cmoCmoToObject(ob)); return(0); } void *Kan_PopBinary(int *sizep) { struct object ob; struct cmoBuffer *cb; ob = KSpop(); ob = cmoObjectToCmo(ob); if (ob.tag == Sclass && ob.lc.ival == CMO) { cb = (struct cmoBuffer *) (ob.rc.voidp); *sizep = cb->pos; return(cb->buf); } return(NULL); } struct object cmoObjectFromStream(struct object obStream) { struct cmoBuffer cb; struct object rob; extern DebugCMO; if (obStream.tag != Sfile) { errorCmo("cmoObjectFromStream: Argument must be of type file."); } if (strcmp(obStream.lc.str,MAGIC2) != 0) { errorCmo("cmoObjectFromStream: Argument must be of type plugin/file2 buffered IO."); } rob = cmoObjectFromStream2((FILE2 *)obStream.rc.voidp); if (DebugCMO >= 2) { fprintf(stderr,"cmoObjectFromStream: "); printObject(rob,1,stderr); } return(rob); } struct object cmoObjectFromStream2(FILE2 *fp2) { struct cmoBuffer cb; struct object rob; cb.isStream=1; cb.fp = fp2; cmoGetIntFromBuf(CMOINITSTREAM,&cb); rob = cmoCmoToObject00(&cb); rob = cmoListToPoly(rob); if (cb.errorno) errorCmo("at cmoObjectFromStream2"); if (DebugCMO) { fprintf(stderr,"cmoObjectFromStream2: "); printObject(rob,1,stderr); } return(rob); } struct object cmoObjectToStream(struct object ob, struct object obStream) { struct object rob; extern int DebugCMO; if (obStream.tag != Sfile) { errorCmo("cmoObjectToStream: Argument must be of type file."); } if (strcmp(obStream.lc.str,MAGIC2) != 0) { errorCmo("cmoObjectToStream: Argument must be of type plugin/file2 buffered IO."); } if (DebugCMO >= 2) { fprintf(stderr,"cmoObjectToStream: "); printObject(ob,1,stderr); } return(cmoObjectToStream2(ob,(FILE2 *)obStream.rc.voidp)); } struct object cmoObjectToStream2(struct object ob, FILE2 *fp2) { struct object rob; cmoOutputToBuf(CMOINITSTREAM,(void *)fp2,0); if (DebugCMO) { fprintf(stderr,"cmoObjectToStream2: "); printObject(ob,1,stderr); } cmoObjectToCmo00(ob); fp2fflush(fp2); rob = KpoInteger(0); return(rob); } int Kan_pushCMOFromStream(FILE2 *fp) { struct object ob; struct object rob; ob.tag = Sfile; ob.rc.voidp = (void *)fp; ob.lc.str = MAGIC2; rob = cmoObjectFromStream(ob); KSpush(rob); return(0); } int Kan_popCMOToStream(FILE2 *fp,int serial) { struct object ob; struct object sob; sob.tag = Sfile; sob.rc.file = (void *)fp; sob.lc.str = MAGIC2; ob = Kpop(); /*outfp2(fp);*/ /* outfp2 is for debugging. see develop/97feb.. 1999, 1/19*/ if (!cmoCheckMathCap(ob, (struct object *)(fp->mathcapList))) { fprintf(stderr,"%s\n","Protection by mathcap. You cannot send this object to your peer."); ob = KnewErrorPacket(serial,-1,"cmoObjectToStream: protection by mathcap"); cmoObjectToStream(ob,sob); return(-1); } cmoObjectToStream(ob,sob); return(0); } int Kan_setMathCapToStream(FILE2 *fp,struct object ob) { struct object *obp; obp = (struct object *)sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct object)); *obp = ob; fp->mathcapList = (void *)obp; } /* It is declared in oxmisc2.h, too. */ struct object newMathCap(struct mathCap *mathcap){ struct object rob; struct object ob1; struct object ob2; struct object ob3; struct object obOx; struct object obSm; struct object ob3tmp; struct object *obp; int i,j; struct object mathinfo; rob = newObjectArray(3); mathinfo = *((struct object *) (mathcap->infop)); ob1 = newObjectArray(getoaSize(mathinfo)); for (i=0; ioxSize); for (i=0; ioxSize; i++) { ob3tmp = newObjectArray(2); putoa(ob3tmp,0,KpoInteger((mathcap->ox)[i])); ob2 = newObjectArray(mathcap->n); for (j=0; jn; j++) { putoa(ob2,j,KpoInteger((mathcap->cmo)[j])); } putoa(ob3tmp,1,ob2); putoa(ob3,i,ob3tmp); } obSm = newObjectArray(mathcap->smSize); for (i=0; ismSize; i++) { putoa(obSm,i,KpoInteger((mathcap->sm)[i])); } putoa(rob,0,ob1); /* Version , name etc */ putoa(rob,1,obSm); /* SM tags */ putoa(rob,2,ob3); /* OX_DATA format, cmo types. */ obp = (struct object *)sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct object)); *obp = rob; return( KpoMathCap(obp) ); } struct object KSmathCap(void) { struct mathCap *mathcap; mathcap = KSmathCapByStruct(); return(newMathCap(mathcap)); } void *KSmathCapByStruct(void) /* Return the math cap of kan/sm1 with cmo.c as a mathcap classObject*/ { struct mathCap *mathcap; struct object ob; char *s1,*s2; struct object *mathinfo; char *sys; char *sysVersion; extern char *OxSystem; /* Example : ox_sm1.plain */ extern char *OxSystemVersion; /* Example : 0.1 */ mathcap = (struct mathCap *)sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct mathCap)); mathinfo = sGC_malloc(sizeof(struct object)); sys = (char *) sGC_malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(OxSystem)+strlen("Ox_system=")+2)); strcpy(sys,"Ox_system="); strcat(sys,OxSystem); sysVersion = (char *) sGC_malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(OxSystemVersion)+strlen("Version=")+2)); strcpy(sysVersion,"Version="); strcat(sysVersion,OxSystemVersion); ob = newObjectArray(4); putoa(ob,0,KpoInteger(OxVersion)); /* Open XM protocol Version */ /* The rest entries must be strings. See oxmisc2.c oxSendMathcap */ putoa(ob,1,KpoString(sys)); putoa(ob,2,KpoString(sysVersion)); s1 = getenv("HOSTTYPE"); if (s1 == NULL) s1="unknown"; s2 = (char *)sGC_malloc(strlen(s1)+2+strlen("HOSTTYPE=")); strcpy(s2,"HOSTTYPE="); strcat(s2,s1); putoa(ob,3,KpoString(s2)); *mathinfo = ob; mathcap->infop = (void *) mathinfo; mathcap->cmo[0] = CMO_ERROR2; mathcap->cmo[1] = CMO_NULL; mathcap->cmo[2] = CMO_INT32; mathcap->cmo[3] = CMO_STRING; mathcap->cmo[4] = CMO_MATHCAP; mathcap->cmo[5] = CMO_LIST; mathcap->cmo[6] = CMO_MONOMIAL32; if (OxVersion >= 199907170) { mathcap->cmo[7] = CMO_ZZ; }else{ mathcap->cmo[7] = CMO_ZZ_OLD; } mathcap->cmo[8] = CMO_ZERO; mathcap->cmo[9] = CMO_DMS; mathcap->cmo[10] = CMO_DMS_GENERIC; mathcap->cmo[11]= CMO_DMS_OF_N_VARIABLES; mathcap->cmo[12]= CMO_RING_BY_NAME; mathcap->cmo[13]= CMO_INT32COEFF; mathcap->cmo[14]= CMO_DISTRIBUTED_POLYNOMIAL; mathcap->cmo[15]= CMO_INDETERMINATE; mathcap->cmo[16]= CMO_TREE; mathcap->cmo[17]= CMO_RECURSIVE_POLYNOMIAL; mathcap->cmo[18]= CMO_POLYNOMIAL_IN_ONE_VARIABLE; mathcap->cmo[19]= CMO_64BIT_MACHINE_DOUBLE; mathcap->cmo[20]= CMO_ARRAY; mathcap->cmo[21]= CMO_RATIONAL; mathcap->n = 22 ; /* This is the number of cmo object. You can use cmo upto 1023. see mathcap.h */ mathcap->ox[0] = OX_DATA; mathcap->oxSize = 1 ; /* This is the number of OX object. You can use OX upto 1023. see mathcap.h */ mathcap->sm[0] = SM_popCMO; mathcap->sm[1] = SM_popString; mathcap->sm[2] = SM_mathcap; mathcap->sm[3] = SM_pops; mathcap->sm[4] = SM_setName; mathcap->sm[5] = SM_executeStringByLocalParser; mathcap->sm[6] = SM_executeFunction; mathcap->sm[7] = SM_shutdown; mathcap->sm[8] = SM_setMathCap; mathcap->sm[9] = SM_getsp; mathcap->sm[10] = SM_dupErrors; mathcap->sm[11] = SM_pushCMOtag; mathcap->sm[12] = SM_executeFunctionWithOptionalArgument; mathcap->smSize = 13; return((void *)mathcap); } int cmoOutRawInt(int k) { cmoint tmp[1]; tmp[0] = htonl((cmoint ) k); cmoOutputToBuf(CMOPUT,tmp,sizeof(cmoint)); } warningCmo(char *s) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: plugin/cmo.c : %s\n",s); } errorCmo(char *s) { fprintf(stderr,"plugin/cmo.c : %s\n",s); errorKan1("%s\n","cmo fatal error. ox servers need SM_control_reset_connection."); /* ErrorPacket is automatically push on the ErrorStack. cf. var.sm1, [(ErrorStack)] system_variable */ /* KSexecuteString(" error "); */ } /* for dubugging. Should be comment out later. */ int outfp2(FILE2 *fp2) { int i; printf("--------- outfp2 ---------\n"); fflush(stdout); /* if (checkfp2(fp2," f2pdumpBuf ") == -1) { return(-1); }*/ printf("fd=%d\n",fp2->fd); printf("initialied=%d\n",fp2->initialized); printf("readpos=%d\n",fp2->readpos); printf("readsize=%d\n",fp2->readsize); printf("writepos=%d\n",fp2->writepos); printf("limit=%d\n",fp2->limit); for (i=0; ireadsize; i++) { printf("readBuf[%d]=%2x ",i,fp2->readBuf[i]); } for (i=0; iwritepos; i++) { printf("writeBuf[%d]=%2x ",i,fp2->writeBuf[i]); } printf("\n"); printObject(*( (struct object *)fp2->mathcapList),0,stdout); printf("\n"); return(0); } static char *translateReservedName(char *s) { /* We do not translate h and q */ if (strcmp(s,"e_") == 0) { /* Should read the @@@E.symbol value */ return("#65_"); }else if (strcmp(s,"E") == 0) { return("#45"); }else if (strcmp(s,"H") == 0) { return("#48"); }else if (strcmp(s,"PAD")==0) { return("#4FAD"); }else { return(NULL); } } struct object cmoTranslateVariable_inComming(struct object ob) { /* ob must be Sdollar, return value must be Sdollar. */ /* Read a variable name from an other system, and translate the variable name into a suitable sm1 variable name. */ char *s; char *t; int n, i, count; if (ob.tag != Sdollar) errorCmo("cmoTranslateVariable_inComming: the argument must be a string."); s = KopString(ob); t = translateReservedName(s); if (t != NULL) { if (Lisplike) printf("[%s==>%s]",s,t); return(KpoString(t)); } n = strlen(s); for (i=count=0; i%s]",s,t); } return(KpoString(t)); } #define isHex_cmo(a) ((a >= '0' && a <='9') || (a>='A' && a <='F')?1:0) #define hexnum_cmo(a) (a>='A' && a <='F'? a-'A'+10 : a-'0') struct object cmoTranslateVariable_outGoing(struct object ob) { /* ob must be Sdollar, return value must be Sdollar. */ char *s, *t; int i,j,n; int p; if (ob.tag != Sdollar) errorCmo("cmoTranslateVariable_inComming: the argument must be a string."); s = KopString(ob); n = strlen(s); for (i=0; i%s]",s,t); } return(KpoString(t)); }