/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/trans/yylex_polymake.c,v 1.1 2003/11/24 02:33:39 takayama Exp $ */ /* parser for polymake output */ /* This program requires */ #include #include "yylex_polymake.h" #include "yy_polymake.tab.h" #define mymalloc(n) sGC_malloc(n) /* #define mymalloc(n) malloc(n) */ /* pm = PolyMake */ #define PM_emptyLineCode 1 static char *S=NULL; /* It is assumed that the newline code is only \n (preprocessed). Empty line is marked with 0x1. More than one empty line does not appear. */ static int Pt=-1; static int PMdebug = 0; /* char *PMlval; */ /* The function putstr() uses static variables inside, so if it is under use, it must not be initialized. The function putstr2() is for the second use and is identical function with putstr(). */ static char *putstr(int c); static char *putstr2(int c); static char *putstr2s(char *s); char *pmPutstr(int c) { return putstr(c); } pmSetS(char *s) { S = s; return 0; } int PMlex() { int type; type = PMlex_aux(); if (PMdebug) { printf("type=%d ",type); if ((type == PM_number) || (type == PM_keyword)) { printf("value="); pmPrintObject(stdout,PMlval); } printf("\n"); } return type; } int PMlex_aux() { if (Pt < 0) { return PM_noToken; } if (S[Pt] == 0) { Pt=-1; return PM_noToken; } while ((S[Pt]<=' ') && (S[Pt]!='\n') && (S[Pt] != PM_emptyLineCode)) Pt++; if (S[Pt] == '\n') { Pt++; return PM_newline; } if (S[Pt] == PM_emptyLineCode) {Pt++; return PM_emptyLine; } if (S[Pt] == '{') { Pt++; return PM_LCurryBrace; } if (S[Pt] == '}') { Pt++; return PM_RCurryBrace; } if (((S[Pt] >= '0') && (S[Pt] <= '9')) || (S[Pt] == '-')) { putstr(-1); putstr(S[Pt++]); while (((S[Pt]>='0') && (S[Pt]<='9')) || (S[Pt] == '/')) putstr(S[Pt++]); PMlval = pmNewStrObject(putstr(0)); return PM_number; } if (((S[Pt] >= 'A') && (S[Pt] <= 'Z')) || ((S[Pt] >= 'a') && (S[Pt] <= 'z')) || (S[Pt] == '_')) { putstr(-1); putstr(S[Pt++]); while (((S[Pt] >= 'A') && (S[Pt] <= 'Z')) || ((S[Pt] >= 'a') && (S[Pt] <= 'z')) || (S[Pt] == '_')) putstr(S[Pt++]); PMlval = pmNewStrObject(putstr(0)); return PM_keyword; } Pt++; return PM_unknown; } #define PUTSTR_INIT 10 static char *putstr(int c) { static char *s=NULL; static int pt=0; static int limit=0; int i; char *old; if (c < 0) { s = (char *)mymalloc(PUTSTR_INIT); if (s == NULL) {fprintf(stderr,"No more memory.\n"); exit(10);} limit = PUTSTR_INIT; pt = 0; s[pt] = 0; return s; } if (s == NULL) putstr(-1); if (pt < limit-1) { s[pt++]=c; s[pt]=0; return s; }else{ old = s; limit = 2*limit; s = (char *)mymalloc(limit); if (s == NULL) {fprintf(stderr,"No more memory.\n"); exit(10);} for (i=0; i<=pt; i++) { s[i] = old[i]; } return putstr(c); } } static char *putstr2(int c) { static char *s=NULL; static int pt=0; static int limit=0; int i; char *old; if (c < 0) { s = (char *)mymalloc(PUTSTR_INIT); if (s == NULL) {fprintf(stderr,"No more memory.\n"); exit(10);} limit = PUTSTR_INIT; pt = 0; s[pt] = 0; return s; } if (s == NULL) putstr2(-1); if (pt < limit-1) { s[pt++]=c; s[pt]=0; return s; }else{ old = s; limit = 2*limit; s = (char *)mymalloc(limit); if (s == NULL) {fprintf(stderr,"No more memory.\n"); exit(10);} for (i=0; i<=pt; i++) { s[i] = old[i]; } return putstr2(c); } } static char *putstr2s(char *s) { int i; char *ss; for (i=0; itag = PMobject_str; ob->body = s; return ob; } pmObjectp pmNewListObject(pmObjectp a) { pmObjectp ob; struct pmList *aa; ob = (pmObjectp) mymalloc(sizeof(struct pmObject)); if (ob == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"No more memory.\n"); exit(10); } aa= (struct pmList *)mymalloc(sizeof(struct pmList)); if (aa == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"No more memory.\n"); exit(10); } aa->left=a; aa->right=NULL; ob->tag = PMobject_list; ob->body = aa; return ob; } pmObjectp pmCons(pmObjectp a,struct pmList *b) { pmObjectp ob; struct pmList *t; ob = pmNewListObject(a); t = ob->body; t->right = b; return ob; } int pmListLength(struct pmList *list) { struct pmList *t; int n; if (list == NULL) return 0; n = 0; t = list; while (t != NULL) { n++; t = t->right; } return n; } pmObjectp pmNewTreeObjecto(pmObjectp s) { if ((s == NULL) || (s->tag != PMobject_str)) { warning_yylex_polymake("Invalid argument for pmNewObjecto\n"); return pmNewTreeObject("?"); } return pmNewTreeObject((char *)(s->body)); } pmObjectp pmNewTreeObject(char *s) { pmObjectp ob; struct pmTree *aa; ob = (pmObjectp) mymalloc(sizeof(struct pmObject)); if (ob == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"No more memory.\n"); exit(10); } aa= (struct pmTree *)mymalloc(sizeof(struct pmTree)); if (aa == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"No more memory.\n"); exit(10); } aa->nodeName = s; aa->attrList = NULL; aa->childs = NULL; ob->tag = PMobject_tree; ob->body = aa; return ob; } pmObjectp pmAddAttr(pmObjectp c,pmObjectp a) { struct pmTree *tree; if (a->tag != PMobject_tree) { warning_yylex_polymake("pmAddAttr: the argument is not tree object.\n"); return a; } tree = a->body; if (tree->attrList == NULL) { tree->attrList = pmNewListObject(c); }else{ if (tree->attrList->tag == PMobject_list) { tree->attrList = pmCons(c,(struct pmList *)(tree->attrList->body)); }else{ warning_yylex_polymake("pmAddAttr: the attrbute list is broken.\n"); } } return a; } /* Add c to the tree a */ pmObjectp pmAddChild(pmObjectp c,pmObjectp a) { struct pmTree *tree; if (a->tag != PMobject_tree) { warning_yylex_polymake("pmAddAttr: the argument is not tree object.\n"); return a; } tree = a->body; if (tree->childs == NULL) { tree->childs = pmNewListObject(c); }else{ if (tree->childs->tag == PMobject_list) { tree->childs = pmCons(c,(struct pmList *)(tree->childs->body)); }else{ warning_yylex_polymake("pmAddAttr: the child list is broken.\n"); } } return a; } warning_yylex_polymake(char *s) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: %s",s); } void pmPrintObject(FILE *fp,pmObjectp p) { fprintf(fp,"%s",pmObjectToStr(p)); } char *pmObjectToStr(pmObjectp p) { char *s; s=putstr2(-1); s=pmObjectToStr_aux(p); return putstr2(0); } char *pmObjectToStr_aux(pmObjectp p) { int n,i; struct pmList *list; struct pmList *t; struct pmTree *tree; char *ans; if (p == NULL) { /* fprintf(stderr,"NULL "); */ return putstr2s("[]"); } /* fprintf(stderr,"tag=%d ",p->tag); */ switch (p->tag) { case PMobject_str: ans=putstr2s((char *)(p->body)); break; case PMobject_list: list = (struct pmList *)(p->body); if (list == NULL) break; n = pmListLength(list); t = list; ans=putstr2s("["); for (i=0; ileft); if (i != n-1) ans=putstr2s(","); if (t == NULL) break; else t = t->right; } ans=putstr2s("]"); break; case PMobject_tree: tree = p->body; ans=putstr2s("polymake."); ans=putstr2s(tree->nodeName); ans=putstr2s("("); /* Ignore attribute list */ if (tree->childs == NULL) {n = 0; t = NULL; } else { t = tree->childs->body; n = pmListLength(t); } for (i=0; ileft); t = t->right; if (i != n-1) ans=putstr2(','); } ans = putstr2s(")"); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unknown object tag %d.\n",p->tag); /* sleep(100); to call debugger. */ break; } return ans; }