/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kxx/oxmain.c,v 1.3 1999/11/04 02:12:31 takayama Exp $ */ /* nullserver01 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* -lnsl -lsocket /usr/ucblib/libucb.a */ #include "ox_kan.h" #include "serversm.h" #define SERVERNAME "/usr/local/OpenXM/bin/ox_sm1" int OxCritical = 0; int OxInterruptFlag = 0; int SerialCurrentControl; int MyServerPid; char ServerName[1024]; int PacketMonitor = 0; int Quiet = 0; int LocalMode = 1; int NotifyPortnumber = 0; main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd; int size; char sname[1024]; int tmp[1]; char *buf; int i; int fdControl = -1; int portControl = 1200; int fdStream = -1; int portStream = 1300; int reverse = 0; extern int OpenedSocket; char portfile[1024]; char *pass; strcpy(sname,"localhost"); strcpy(ServerName,SERVERNAME); i = 1; if (argc == 1) { oxmainUsage(); exit(); } while (i 0 ) parentServerMain(fdControl,fdStream); else childServerMain(fdControl,fdStream); }else{ childServerMain(fdControl,fdStream); } /* This line will be never executed. */ } /* non-reverse case. */ fprintf(stderr,"Hostname is %s \n",sname); fprintf(stderr,"Port for data (-data) = %d \n",portStream); fprintf(stderr,"Port for control message (-control) = %d \n",portControl); fflush(NULL); if (LocalMode) { if (portControl != -1) { fdControl = socketOpen(sname,portControl); portControl = OpenedSocket; if (NotifyPortnumber) { oxWritePortFile(0,portControl,portfile); } fdControl = socketAcceptLocal(fdControl); fprintf(stderr,"\n control port %d : Connected.\n",portControl); } if (portStream != -1) { fdStream = socketOpen(sname,portStream); portStream = OpenedSocket; if (NotifyPortnumber) { oxWritePortFile(1,portStream,portfile); } fdStream = socketAcceptLocal(fdStream); fprintf(stderr,"\n stream port %d : Connected.\n",portStream); } }else{ if (portControl != -1) { fdControl = socketOpen(sname,portControl); portControl = OpenedSocket; if (NotifyPortnumber) { oxWritePortFile(0,portControl,portfile); } fdControl = socketAccept(fdControl); fprintf(stderr,"\n control port %d : Connected.\n",portControl); } if (portStream != -1) { fdStream = socketOpen(sname,portStream); portStream = OpenedSocket; if (NotifyPortnumber) { oxWritePortFile(1,portStream,portfile); } fdStream = socketAccept(fdStream); fprintf(stderr,"\n stream port %d : Connected.\n",portStream); } } if (portControl != -1) { MyServerPid = fork(); if (MyServerPid > 0 ) parentServerMain(fdControl,fdStream); else childServerMain(fdControl,fdStream); }else{ childServerMain(fdControl,fdStream); } } oxmainUsage() { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: \n"); fprintf(stderr," ox [-ox serverprogram -host name -data portnum -control portnum -monitor]\n"); fprintf(stderr," [-insecure -portfile fname -reverse -pass xxxyyyzzz]"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-reverse: ox server connects to the client.\n"); fprintf(stderr," The client must give a one time password to ox server to connect to the client with -pass option.\n"); fprintf(stderr," The one time password can be seen by ps command, so you must not use this one time password system on an untrustful host.\n"); fprintf(stderr," The one time password should be sent by a safe communication line like ssh and the ox server should be started by ssh. Do not use rsh\n"); fprintf(stderr," If -reverse is not given, the client connect to the ox server\n"); fprintf(stderr," See OpenXM/src/SSkan/Doc/ox.sm1, /sm1connectr\n"); fprintf(stderr,"-insecure : \n"); fprintf(stderr," If you access to the server from a localhost, you do not need one time password. However, if you access outside of the localhost, a one time password is required. To turn off this restriction, -insecure option is used.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Example 1:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"(Start the ox server): dc1%% ox -ox ~/OpenXM/bin/ox_sm1 -host dc1.math.kobe-u.ac.jp -insecure -control 1200 -data 1300\n"); fprintf(stderr,"(client): sm1\n "); fprintf(stderr," (ox.sm1) run ; \n"); fprintf(stderr," sm1>[(dc1.math.kobe-u.ac.jp) 1300 1200] oxconnect /ox.ccc set\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Example 2:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"(Start the ox server): dc1%% ox -ox ~/OpenXM/bin/ox_sm1\n"); fprintf(stderr,"(client): dc1%% sm1\n "); fprintf(stderr," (ox.sm1) run ; \n"); fprintf(stderr," sm1>[(localhost) 1300 1200] oxconnect /ox.ccc set\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } parentServerMain(int fdControl, int fdStream) { int id; int mtag; int size; int n; int r; int message = 1; int controlByteOrder; extern void myServerExit(); controlByteOrder = oxTellMyByteOrder(fdControl); /* Set the network byte order. */ fprintf(stderr,"controlByteOrder=%x\n",controlByteOrder); signal(SIGINT,myServerExit); while(1) { mtag = oxfdGetOXheader(fdControl,&SerialCurrentControl); /* get the message_tag */ /* message_body */ id = oxfdGetInt32(fdControl); /* get the function_id */ if (message) {printf("\n[control] control function_id is %d\n",id);} switch( id ) { case SM_control_kill: if (message) printf("[control] control_kill\n"); oxSendResultOfControl(fdControl); sleep(2); myServerExit(); break; case SM_control_reset_connection: if (message) printf("[control] control_reset_connection.\n"); if (message) printf("Sending the SIGUSR1 signal to %d: ",MyServerPid); r=kill(MyServerPid,SIGUSR1); if (message) printf("Result = %d\n",r); fflush(NULL); oxSendResultOfControlInt32(fdControl,0); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"[control] Unknown control message.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Shutdown the server."); myServerExit(); break; } } } void myServerExit() { printf("Sending the kill signal to the child.\n"); kill(MyServerPid,SIGKILL); exit(); } childServerMain(int fdControl, int fdStream) { int i; close(fdControl); /* close(0); dup(fdStream); */ dup2(fdStream,3); dup2(fdStream,4); /*close(0); #include for (i=5; i