/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kxx/oxserver00.c,v 1.16 2004/09/17 02:42:58 takayama Exp $ */ /* nullserver01 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* -lnsl -lsocket /usr/ucblib/libucb.a */ #include "ox_kan.h" #include "serversm.h" int OxCritical = 0; int OxInterruptFlag = 0; int PacketMonitor = 0; int NoExecution = 0; extern int SerialOX; /* Serial number of the packets sent. */ extern int SerialCurrent; /* Current Serial number of the recieved packet. */ extern int OXprintMessage; /* print oxmessages? */ extern int Calling_ctrlC_hook; extern int RestrictedMode, RestrictedMode_saved; #if defined(__CYGWIN__) sigjmp_buf EnvOfChildServer; #else jmp_buf EnvOfChildServer; #endif int JmpMessage = 0; extern int Lisplike; static char *getSuffix(char *s); main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s; char *forAsir[] = {"callsm1.sm1","callsm1b.sm1"}; char *gnuplot[] = {"callsm1.sm1","gnuplot.sm1"}; char *phc[] = {"callsm1.sm1","phc.sm1"}; char *tigers[] = {"callsm1.sm1","tigers.sm1"}; char *basicCD[] = {"basicCD.sm1"}; /* If you change the above, you need to change the argc of Sm1_start below. */ if (argc > 1) { if (strcmp(argv[1],"-monitor")==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Taking the packet monitor.\n"); PacketMonitor = 1; }else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-lispLike")==0) { fprintf(stderr,"Output lispLike expression.\n"); Lisplike = 1; }else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-noexec")==0) { fprintf(stderr,"I do not execute commands.\n"); NoExecution = 1; }else{ fprintf(stderr,"Unknown option. Possible options are -monitor\n"); } } /* Load initialization files if necessary. */ s = getSuffix(argv[0]); if (strcmp(s,"forAsir") == 0) { Sm1_start(2,forAsir,"ox_sm1_forAsir"); }else if (strcmp(s,"gnuplot") == 0) { Sm1_start(2,gnuplot,"ox_sm1_gnuplot"); }else if (strcmp(s,"phc") == 0) { Sm1_start(2,phc,"ox_sm1_phc"); }else if (strcmp(s,"tigers") == 0) { Sm1_start(2,tigers,"ox_sm1_tigers"); }else if (strcmp(s,"basicCD") == 0) { Sm1_start(1,basicCD,"basicCD"); }else { /* Default */ Sm1_start(0, NULL, "ox_sm1"); } nullserver(3,4); } static char *getSuffix(char *s) { /* getSuffix("ox_sm1_forAsir") returns "forAsir" */ /* getSuffix("ox_sm1_forAsir.exe") returns "forAsir" */ /* getSuffix("ox_sm1_gnuplot") returns "gnuplot" */ int n,i,k; n = strlen(s); if (n > 5 && (strcmp(".exe",&(s[n-4]))==0 || strcmp(".EXE",&(s[n-4]))==0)) { s[n-4] = '\0'; } for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) { if (s[i] == '_') { return( s+i+1 ); } } return(s); } nullserver(int fdStreamIn,int fdStreamOut) { int mtag; int message = 1; ox_stream ostreamIn; ox_stream ostreamOut; char sreason[1024]; extern void controlResetHandler(); #if defined(__CYGWIN__) extern sigjmp_buf EnvOfStackMachine; #else extern jmp_buf EnvOfStackMachine; #endif int engineByteOrder; /* for debug, use -monitor PacketMonitor = 1; */ fflush(NULL); engineByteOrder = oxTellMyByteOrder(fdStreamOut,fdStreamIn); /* Set the network byte order. */ fprintf(stderr,"engineByteOrder=%x\n",engineByteOrder); if (fdStreamIn != -1) { ostreamIn = fp2open(fdStreamIn); if (ostreamIn == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"fp2open(fdStreamIn) failed.\n"); fdStreamIn = -1; } if (PacketMonitor) fp2watch(ostreamIn,stdout); } if (fdStreamOut != -1) { ostreamOut = fp2open(fdStreamOut); if (ostreamOut == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"fp2open(fdStreamOut) failed.\n"); fdStreamOut = -1; } if (PacketMonitor) fp2watch(ostreamOut,stdout); } aaa : ; #if defined(__CYGWIN__) if (sigsetjmp(EnvOfChildServer,1)) { #else if (setjmp(EnvOfChildServer)) { #endif fprintf(stderr,"childServerMain: jump here.\n"); if (OxInterruptFlag == 0) { fprintf(stderr," ?! \n"); fflush(NULL); } if (!Calling_ctrlC_hook) { Calling_ctrlC_hook = 1; RestrictedMode = 0; KSexecuteString(" ctrlC-hook "); /* Execute User Defined functions. */ RestrictedMode = RestrictedMode_saved; } Calling_ctrlC_hook = 0; KSexecuteString(" (Computation is interrupted.) "); signal(SIGUSR1,controlResetHandler); goto aaa; } else { if (JmpMessage) fprintf(stderr,"Set EnvOfChildServer.\n"); signal(SIGUSR1,controlResetHandler); } #if defined(__CYGWIN__) if (sigsetjmp(EnvOfStackMachine,1)) { #else if (setjmp(EnvOfStackMachine)) { #endif fprintf(stderr,"childServerMain: jump here by EnvOfStackMachine or timeout.\n"); if (OxInterruptFlag == 0) { fprintf(stderr," ?! \n"); fflush(NULL); } /* In case of error in the stack machine, pop the error info and send the error packet. */ /* oxSendOXheader(ostream,OX_DATA,SerialOX++); oxSendCmoError(ostream); oxSendOXheader(ostream,OX_DATA,SerialOX++); sprintf(sreason,"Jump here by sm1 error."); oxSendCmoError2(ostream,sreason); */ Sm1_pushError2(SerialCurrent,-1,"Global jump by sm1 error"); if (!Calling_ctrlC_hook) { Calling_ctrlC_hook = 1; RestrictedMode = 0; KSexecuteString(" ctrlC-hook "); /* Execute User Defined functions. */ RestrictedMode = RestrictedMode_saved; } Calling_ctrlC_hook = 0; signal(SIGUSR1,controlResetHandler); goto aaa ; } else { if (JmpMessage) fprintf(stderr,"Set EnvOfStackMachine.\n"); if (signal(SIGUSR1,SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) { signal(SIGUSR1,controlResetHandler); } } while (1) { message = OXprintMessage; if (OxInterruptFlag) { OxCritical = 1; if (message) {fprintf(stderr,"Clearing the read buffer.\n");fflush(NULL); } fp2clearReadBuf(ostreamIn); /* clear the read buffer */ if (message) {fprintf(stderr,"Throwing OX_SYNC_BALL\n"); fflush(NULL);} oxSendSyncBall(ostreamOut); if (message) {fprintf(stderr,"Waiting for OX_SYNC_BALL\n");fflush(NULL);} oxWaitSyncBall(ostreamIn); if (message) {fprintf(stderr,"Done changing OX_SYNC_BALL\n"); fflush(NULL);} OxInterruptFlag = 0; OxCritical = 0; goto aaa ; } OxCritical = 0; if (fp2select(ostreamIn,-1)) { /* If there is an data in the ostream, then read data in the buffer and read data in the communication stream. */ OxCritical = 1; }else{ /* interrupted system call */ /* This part is never reached. */ } OxCritical = 1; mtag = oxGetOXheader(ostreamIn,&SerialCurrent); /* get the message_tag */ if (message) { fprintf(stderr,"\nmtag is %d (serial=%d) : ",mtag,SerialCurrent); switch(mtag) { case OX_COMMAND: fprintf(stderr," OX_COMMAND \n"); break; case OX_DATA: fprintf(stderr," OX_DATA \n"); break; case OX_SYNC_BALL: fprintf(stderr," OX_SYNC_BALL \n"); break; case -1: fprintf(stderr," End of file. Exiting the server child.\n"); exit(0); break; default: fprintf(stderr," ?! \n"); break; } } /*sleep(2); /* for dubug OX_SYNC_BALL */ switch(mtag) { case OX_COMMAND: nullserverCommand(ostreamIn,ostreamOut); goto aaa ; /* We always reset the jump vector. cf. memo1.txt 1998 2/13*/ break; case OX_DATA: Sm1_pushCMO(ostreamIn); break; case OX_SYNC_BALL: /* if (OxInterruptFlag) think about it later. */ break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Fatal error in server.\n"); break; } } } nullserverCommand(ox_stream ostreamIn,ox_stream ostreamOut) { int id; int mtag; int n; char *name; char *sresult; struct mathCap *mathresult; int iresult; int message = 1; char *emsg; extern void controlResetHandler(); message = OXprintMessage; /* message_body */ id = oxGetInt32(ostreamIn); /* get the function_id */ if (message) {fprintf(stderr,"\nfunction_id is %d; %s\n",id,oxFIDtoStr(id));} switch( id ) { case SM_mathcap: mathresult = (struct mathCap *)Sm1_mathcap(); oxPushMathCap(mathresult); break; case SM_setMathCap: Sm1_setMathCap(ostreamOut); break; case SM_pops: Sm1_pops(); break; case SM_getsp: Sm1_getsp(); break; case SM_dupErrors: Sm1_dupErrors(); break; case SM_pushCMOtag: Sm1_pushCMOtag(SerialCurrent); break; case SM_setName: iresult = Sm1_setName(); if (iresult < 0) { Sm1_pushError2(SerialCurrent,-1,"setName"); } break; case SM_evalName: iresult = Sm1_evalName(); if (iresult < 0) { Sm1_pushError2(SerialCurrent,-1,"evalName"); } break; case SM_executeStringByLocalParser: OxCritical = 0; if (NoExecution) { iresult = 0; }else{ iresult = Sm1_executeStringByLocalParser(); } OxCritical = 1; signal(SIGUSR1,controlResetHandler); if (iresult < 0) { emsg = Sm1_popErrorMessage("executeString: "); Sm1_pushError2(SerialCurrent,-1,emsg); return(-1); } break; case SM_executeFunction: OxCritical = 0; if (NoExecution) { iresult = 0; }else{ iresult = Sm1_executeStringByLocalParser(); } OxCritical = 1; signal(SIGUSR1,controlResetHandler); if (iresult < 0) { emsg = Sm1_popErrorMessage("executeFunction: "); Sm1_pushError2(SerialCurrent,-1,emsg); return(-1); } break; case SM_executeFunctionWithOptionalArgument: OxCritical = 0; if (NoExecution) { iresult = 0; }else{ iresult = Sm1_executeStringByLocalParser(); } OxCritical = 1; signal(SIGUSR1,controlResetHandler); if (iresult < 0) { emsg = Sm1_popErrorMessage("executeFunctionWithOptionalArgument: "); Sm1_pushError2(SerialCurrent,-1,emsg); return(-1); } break; case SM_popCMO: oxSendOXheader(ostreamOut,OX_DATA,SerialOX++); n=Sm1_popCMO(ostreamOut,SerialCurrent); if (message) fprintf(stderr,"Done.\n"); break; case SM_popString: oxSendOXheader(ostreamOut,OX_DATA,SerialOX++); oxSendCmoString(ostreamOut,Sm1_popString()); if (message) fprintf(stderr,"Done.\n"); break; case SM_shutdown: fprintf(stderr,"Shutting down the engine.\n"); exit(0); break; case SM_beginBlock: case SM_endBlock: fprintf(stderr,"This command has not yet been implemented.\n"); return(-1); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Fatal error. Unknown function_id %d\n",id); return(-1); break; } return(0); } nullserver_simplest(int fd) { int c; while(1) { c = readOneByte(fd); if (c == '@') { return; } } } void controlResetHandler(sig) int sig; { signal(sig,SIG_IGN); cancelAlarm(); fprintf(stderr,"From controlResetHandler. OxCritical = %d\n",OxCritical); OxInterruptFlag = 1; if (OxCritical) { return; }else{ (void) traceShowStack(); traceClearStack(); #if defined(__CYGWIN__) siglongjmp(EnvOfChildServer,2); /* returns 2 for ctrl-C */ #else longjmp(EnvOfChildServer,2); /* returns 2 for ctrl-C */ #endif } }