-- source code from Dbasic.m2 -- puts a module or matrix purely in shift degree 0. zeroize2 = method() zeroize2 Module := M -> ( W := ring M; P := presentation M; coker map(W^(numgens target P), W^(numgens source P), P) ) zeroize2 Matrix := m -> ( W := ring m; map(W^(numgens target m), W^(numgens source m), m) ) -- source code from Dresolution.m2 -- modified Dresolution -- return hashTable{Dresolution,Transfermap} shifts := (m, w, oldshifts) -> ( tempmat := compress leadTerm m; if numgens source tempmat == 0 then newshifts := {} else ( expmat := matrix(apply(toList(0..numgens source tempmat - 1), i -> (k := leadComponent tempmat_i; append((exponents tempmat_(k,i))#0, oldshifts#k)))); newshifts = (entries transpose ( expmat*(transpose matrix{ append(w, 1) })) )#0; ); newshifts) debug Core kerGB := m -> ( -- m should be a matrix which is a GB, and -- whose source has the Schreyer order. -- The resulting map will have the same form. map(ring m, rawKernelOfGB raw m) ) Dresolution2 = method( Options => {Strategy => Schreyer, LengthLimit => infinity} ) Dresolution2 Ideal := options -> I -> ( Dresolution2((ring I)^1/I, options) ) Dresolution2 Module := options -> M -> ( pInfo (1, "ENTERING Dresolution ... "); W := ring M; N := presentation M; pInfo (1, "Computing usual resolution using Schreyer order ..."); pInfo (2, "¥t Degree " | 0 | "..."); pInfo (2, "¥t¥t¥t Rank = " | rank target N | "¥t time = 0. seconds"); pInfo (2, "¥t Degree " | 1 | "..."); tInfo := toString first timing (m := schreyerOrder gens gb N); pInfo (2, "¥t¥t¥t Rank = " | rank source N | "¥t time = " | tInfo | " seconds"); M.cache.resolution = new ChainComplex; M.cache.resolution.ring = W; M.cache.resolution#0 = target m; M.cache.resolution#1 = source m; M.cache.resolution.dd#0 = map(W^0, target m, 0); M.cache.resolution.dd#1 = m; i := 2; while source m != 0 and i <= options.LengthLimit do ( pInfo (2, "¥t Degree " | i | "..."); tInfo = toString first timing (m = kerGB m); M.cache.resolution#i = source m; M.cache.resolution.dd#i = m; pInfo(2, "¥t¥t¥t Rank = " | rank source m | "¥t time = " | tInfo | " seconds"); i = i+1; ); M.cache.resolution.length = i-1; M.cache.resolution ) Dresolution2 (Ideal, List) := options -> (I, w) -> ( Dresolution2 ((ring I)^1/I, w, options) ) Dresolution2 (Module, List) := options -> (M, w) -> ( pInfo (1, "ENTERING Dresolution ... "); -- ERROR CHECKING: W := ring M; k := options.LengthLimit; -- check that W is a Weyl algebra if W.monoid.Options.WeylAlgebra == {} then error "expected a Weyl algebra"; if any(W.monoid.Options.WeylAlgebra, v -> class v =!= Option) then error "expected non-homogenized Weyl algebra"; -- check that w is of the form (-u,u) createDpairs W; if #w =!= numgens W then error ("expected weight vector of length " | numgens W); if any( toList(0..#W.dpairInds#0 - 1), i -> ( w#(W.dpairInds#0#i) + w#(W.dpairInds#1#i) != 0 ) ) then error "expected weight vector of the form (-u,u)"; -- PREPROCESSING if k == infinity then ( pInfo (1, "Computing adapted free resolution of length infinity using " | toString options.Strategy | " method..."); if (options.Strategy == Vhomogenize) then pInfo(2, "Warning: resolution via Vhomogenize might not terminate"); ) else pInfo (1, "Computing adapted free resolution of length " | k | " using " | toString options.Strategy | " method..."); homVar := symbol homVar; hvw := symbol hvw; if options.Strategy == Schreyer then ( -- Make the homogenizing weight vector in HW Hwt := toList(numgens W + 1:1); -- Make the V-filtration weight vector in HW Vwt := append(w,0); -- Make the homogeneous Weyl algebra HW := (coefficientRing W)(monoid [(entries vars W)#0, homVar, WeylAlgebra => append(W.monoid.Options.WeylAlgebra, homVar), MonomialOrder => {Weights=>Hwt, Weights=>Vwt, GRevLex}]); homVar = HW_homVar; WtoHW := map(HW, W, (vars HW)_{0..numgens W - 1}); HWtoW := map(W, HW, (vars W)_{0..numgens W - 1} | matrix{{1_W}}); -- Also make the homogenizing Weyl algebra for shifts VW := (coefficientRing W)(monoid [hvw, (entries vars W)#0, WeylAlgebra => W.monoid.Options.WeylAlgebra, MonomialOrder => Eliminate 1]); HWtoVW := map(VW, HW, (vars VW)_{1..numgens W} | matrix{{VW_0}}); VWtoHW := map(HW, VW, matrix{{homVar}} | (vars HW)_{0..numgens HW - 2}); hvwVar := VW_0; HVWwt := prepend(-1,w); VWwt := prepend(0,w); ) else if options.Strategy == Vhomogenize then ( Hwt = prepend(-1,w); Vwt = prepend(0,w); -- make the homogenizing Weyl algebra HW = (coefficientRing W)(monoid [homVar, (entries vars W)#0, WeylAlgebra => W.monoid.Options.WeylAlgebra, MonomialOrder => Eliminate 1]); homVar = HW_homVar; WtoHW = map(HW, W, (vars HW)_{1..numgens W}); HWtoW = map(W, HW, matrix{{1_W}} | (vars W)); ); -- CREATE AND INITIALIZE THE CHAIN COMPLEX --else N := presentation M; --if (isSubmodule M) then N := presentation ((ambient M)/M); -- get the degree shifts right (need to check this against OT paper) if not M.cache.?resolution then M.cache.resolution = new MutableHashTable; M.cache.resolution#w = new ChainComplex; M.cache.resolution#w.ring = W; s := rank source N; t := rank target N; M.cache.resolution#w#0 = target N; M.cache.resolution#w.dd#0 = map(W^0, M.cache.resolution#w#0, 0); -- MAKE THE FIRST STEP OF THE RESOLUTION shiftvec := apply(degrees target N, i -> i#0); tempMap := map(HW^(-shiftvec), HW^(rank source N), WtoHW N); pInfo (2, "¥t Degree 0..."); pInfo (2, "¥t¥t¥t Rank = " | t | "¥t time = 0 seconds"); pInfo (3, "¥t Degree 1..."); tInfo := toString first timing ( Jgb := gb(homogenize(tempMap, homVar, Hwt), ChangeMatrix => true); transfermap := getChangeMatrix Jgb; Jgb = homogenize(tempMap, homVar, Hwt)*transfermap; if options.Strategy == Schreyer then Jgb = schreyerOrder Jgb; if options.Strategy == Schreyer then ( tempMat := map(VW^(-shiftvec), VW^(numgens source Jgb), HWtoVW(Jgb)); shiftvec = shifts(homogenize(HWtoVW Jgb, hvwVar, HVWwt), VWwt, shiftvec); ) else shiftvec = shifts(Jgb, Vwt, shiftvec); transfermap = HWtoW transfermap; M.cache.resolution#w#1 = W^(-shiftvec); M.cache.resolution#w.dd#1 = map(M.cache.resolution#w#0, M.cache.resolution#w#1, HWtoW Jgb); ); pInfo(2, "¥t¥t¥t Rank = " | #shiftvec | "¥t time = " | tInfo | " seconds"); startDeg := 2; -- COMPUTE REST OF THE RESOLUTION i := startDeg; while i < k+1 and numgens source Jgb != 0 do ( pInfo (2, "¥t Degree " | i | "..."); tInfo = toString first timing ( if options.Strategy == Schreyer then Jgb = kerGB Jgb else if options.Strategy == Vhomogenize then ( -- compute the kernel / syzygies Jsyz := syz Jgb; -- put syzygies in the free module with the correct degree shifts Jsyzmap := map(HW^(-shiftvec), HW^(numgens source Jsyz), Jsyz); -- compute an adapted (-w,w)-GB of the syzygies module Jgb = gens gb homogenize(Jsyzmap, homVar, Hwt); ); if options.Strategy == Schreyer then ( tempMat = map(VW^(-shiftvec), VW^(numgens source Jgb), HWtoVW(Jgb)); shiftvec = shifts(homogenize(tempMat, hvwVar, HVWwt), VWwt, shiftvec); ) else shiftvec = shifts(Jgb, Vwt, shiftvec); M.cache.resolution#w#i = W^(-shiftvec); M.cache.resolution#w.dd#i = map(M.cache.resolution#w#(i-1), M.cache.resolution#w#i, HWtoW Jgb); ); pInfo(2, "¥t¥t¥t Rank = " | #shiftvec | "¥t time = " | tInfo | " seconds"); i = i+1; ); hashTable {VResolution =>M.cache.resolution#w, TransferMap => transfermap} ) -- This routine computes a monomial from a list of variables -- and an exponent vector List ^ List := (Vars, Exps) -> ( product (Vars, Exps, (i,j) -> (i^j)) ) -- This routine takes a weight vector w of strictly positive integers -- and returns the exponents beta in N^n such that -- ( k_0 < w_1 beta_1 + ... + w_n bet_n <= k_1) findExps := (w, k0, k1) -> ( local minimum, local alpha, local tempExps; -- base case: weight vector w has dim 1 if #w == 1 and k0 >= 0 then ( tempExps = (toList((k0//w#0+1)..k1//w#0) / (i -> {i}) ) ) else if #w == 1 and k0 < 0 then ( tempExps = ( toList(0..k1//w#0) / (i -> {i}) ) ) else ( -- general case tempExps = {}; alpha = 0; while alpha <= k1//w#0 do ( tempExps = join( tempExps, apply ( findExps( drop(w,1), k0-alpha*(w#0), k1-alpha*(w#0) ), j -> prepend(alpha,j) ) ); alpha = alpha+1; ); ); tempExps) -- modified computeRestriction computeRestriction2 = (M,wt,n0,n1,output,options) -> ( -- ERROR CHECKING W := ring M; createDpairs W; -- check weight vector if #wt != #W.dpairInds#0 then error ("expected weight vector of length " | #W.dpairInds#0); if any(wt, i -> (i<0)) then error "expected non-negative weight vector"; -- PREPROCESSING local tInfo; local tempvar; tempvar = symbol tempvar; tInfo = ""; nW := numgens W; -- make the (-w,w) weight vector w := new MutableList from join(W.dpairInds#0,W.dpairInds#1); i := 0; while i < #W.dpairInds#0 do ( w#(W.dpairInds#0#i) = -wt#i; w#(W.dpairInds#1#i) = wt#i; i = i+1; ); w = toList w; d := #positions(w, i->(i>0)); -- the variables t_1, ..., t_d negVars := (entries vars W)#0_(positions(w, i->(i<0))); -- the substitution which sets t_1 = ... = t_d = 0 resSub := apply( negVars, i -> (i => 0) ); -- the variables Dt_1, ..., Dt_d, their indices, and their weights posVars := (entries vars W)#0_(positions(w, i->(i>0))); posInds := positions( w, i->(i>0) ); posWeights := select( w, i->(i>0) ); diffSub := apply( posVars, i -> (i => 0) ); -- the rest of the variables x_1, ..., x_n, D_1, ..., D_n otherVars := (entries vars W)#0_(positions(w, i->(i==0))); -- MAKE THE WEYL ALGEBRA "resW" OF THE RESTRICTED SUBSPACE -- Case 1: if restriction to pt, then "resW" a field if #otherVars == 0 then ( resW := coefficientRing W; WtoresW := map(resW, W, matrix{toList(numgens W: 0_resW)}); resWtoW := map(W, resW) ) -- Case 2: if restriction to coordinate subspace of dim d, then -- resW a Weyl algebra D_d. else (i = 0; resPairsList := {}; while i < #otherVars do ( deriv := select(otherVars, j -> (j*otherVars#i - otherVars#i*j == 1)); if (#deriv == 1) then resPairsList = append(resPairsList, otherVars#i=>deriv#0); i = i+1; ); resW = (coefficientRing W)(monoid [otherVars, WeylAlgebra=>resPairsList]); -- make the inclusion ring map "WtoresW" mapping W --> resW counter := 0; tempList := {}; WList := {}; i = 0; while i < numgens W do ( if w#i == 0 then ( tempList = append(tempList, resW_counter); WList = append(WList, W_i); counter = counter+1;) else (tempList = append(tempList, 0_resW)); i = i+1; ); WtoresW = map(resW, W, matrix{tempList}); resWtoW = map(W, resW, matrix{WList}); ); -- INITIALIZE THE OUTPUT FORMS if member(HomologyModules, output) then homologyList := {}; if member(Cycles, output) then kerList := {}; if member(Boundaries, output) then imList := {}; if member(GenCycles, output) then explicitList := {}; if member(RestrictComplex,output) then ( restrictComplex := new ChainComplex; restrictComplex.ring = resW; ); outputList := {}; if member(Cycles, output) or member(Boundaries, output) or member(GenCycles, output) then explicitFlag := true else explicitFlag = false; -- GET MIN AND MAX ROOTS OF THE B-FUNCTION --<< "Computing b-function "; if n0 >= d then b := 1_(QQ[tempvar]) else if rank ambient M == 1 then ( -- used to use "ideal presentation M" here --<< "using ideal bFunction "; pInfo(1, "Computing b-function using ideal bFunction... "); tInfo = toString first timing( b = bFunction(ideal relations M, wt); ); ) else ( pInfo(1, "Computing b-function using module bFunction... "); tInfo = toString first timing( b = bFunctionM(M, wt, toList(rank ambient M: 0)); ); ); if b == 0 then ( error "Module not specializable. Restriction cannot be computed."; ); intRoots := getIntRoots b; -- NO INTEGER ROOTS if #intRoots == 0 then ( k0 := 0; k1 := 0; pInfo(4, "¥t bFunction = " | toString b); pInfo(2, "¥t No integer roots"); pInfo(3, "¥t time = " | tInfo); if member(RestrictComplex, output) then ( restrictComplex#n0 = resW^0; restrictComplex#n1 = resW^0; restrictComplex.dd#n0 = map(resW^0,resW^0,0); restrictComplex.dd#n1 = map(resW^0,resW^0,0); i = n0+1; while i < n1 do ( restrictComplex#i = resW^0; restrictComplex.dd#i = map(resW^0,resW^0,0); i = i+1; ); ); if member(HomologyModules, output) then homologyList = apply (toList(n0+1..n1-1), i -> (i => resW^0)); if member(Cycles, output) then kerList = apply (toList(n0+1..n1-1), i -> (i => gens W^0)); if member(Boundaries, output) then imList = apply (toList(n0+1..n1-1), i -> (i => gens W^0)); if member(GenCycles, output) then explicitList = apply (toList(n0+1..n1-1), i -> (i => gens W^0)); ) -- INTEGER ROOTS EXIST else ( k0 = min intRoots - 1; k1 = max intRoots; pInfo(4, "¥t bFunction = " | toString b); pInfo(2, "¥t min root = " | k0+1 | " , max root = " | k1); pInfo(3, "¥t time = " | tInfo | " seconds"); pInfo(2, " "); ----- SET k0 TO -infinity FOR EXPLICIT COHOMOLOGY CLASSES ----- if member(Explicit, output) then k0 = -infinity; -- COMPUTE FREE RESOLUTION ADAPTED TO THE WEIGHT VECTOR "w" tInfo = toString first timing ( Resolution := Dresolution2 (M, w, LengthLimit => n1, Strategy => options.Strategy); C := Resolution#VResolution; ); pInfo(2, "¥t Finished..."); pInfo(2, "¥t¥t¥t Total time = " | tInfo | " seconds"); pInfo(2, " "); -- COMPUTE THE RESTRICTED COMPLEX IN DEGREES "n0" TO "n1" tInfo = toString first timing ( pInfo(1, "Computing induced restriction complex in degrees " | n0 | " to " | n1 | "..."); -- INITIALIZE THE ITERATION : making the first differential pInfo(2, "¥t Degree " | n0+1 | "..."); -- MAKE THE TARGET MODULE AS DIRECT SUM OF D_m MODULES -- "targetGens" is a list of s lists, where the i-th list contains -- the monomial generators {dx^a} (as left D_m-module) of -- F_k1[u_i]((D_n/tD_n) e_i) / F_k0[u_i]((D_n/tD_n) e_i) tInfo = toString first timing ( s := numgens target C.dd#(n0+1); targetDeg := degrees target C.dd#(n0+1); targetGens := {}; if explicitFlag then targetMat := map(W^0,W^0,0); i = 0; while i < s do ( tempExps := findExps(posWeights, k0-targetDeg#i#0, k1-targetDeg#i#0); tempGens := apply(tempExps, j -> posVars^j); targetGens = append(targetGens, tempGens); if explicitFlag then ( if tempGens == {} then ( targetMat = directSum(targetMat, compress matrix{{0_W}}); ) else ( targetMat = directSum(targetMat, matrix{tempGens}); ); ); i = i+1; ); targetSize := sum(targetGens, i->#i); -- MAKE THE SOURCE MODULE AS DIRECT SUM OF D_m MODULES -- "sourceGens" is a list of r lists, where the i-th list contains -- the monomial generators {dx^a} (as left D_m-module) of -- F_k1[u_i]((D_n/tD_n) e_i) / F_k0[u_i]((D_n/tD_n) e_i) m := C.dd#(n0+1); r := numgens C#(n0+1); sourceDeg := degrees C#(n0+1); sourceGens := {}; if explicitFlag then sourceMat := map(W^0,W^0,0); i = 0; while i < r do ( -- Find generators of the current source -- "F_k1(D_n/tD_n)^r/F_k0(D_n/tD_n)^r" -- as a left D_m module. -- They have the form { ¥prod_{i=1}^n D_i^{a_i} }. tempExps = findExps(posWeights, k0-sourceDeg#i#0, k1-sourceDeg#i#0); tempGens = apply(tempExps, j -> posVars^j); sourceGens = append(sourceGens, tempGens ); if explicitFlag then ( if tempGens == {} then ( sourceMat = directSum(sourceMat, compress matrix{{0_W}}); ) else ( sourceMat = directSum(sourceMat, matrix{tempGens}); ); ); i = i+1; ); sourceSize := sum(sourceGens, i -> #i); -- MAKE THE DIFFERENTIAL AS MATRIX OF D_m MODULES if sourceSize == 0 and targetSize == 0 then ( oldDiff := map(resW^0,resW^0,0) ) else if sourceSize == 0 then ( oldDiff = compress matrix toList(targetSize:{0_resW}) ) else if targetSize == 0 then ( oldDiff = transpose compress matrix toList(sourceSize:{0_resW}) ) else ( -- For each generator j = ¥prod_i D_i^{a_i}, compute its image -- j*m_i as an element of the RHS. Get a matrix of image vectors. imageMat := matrix join toSequence apply( r, a -> apply(sourceGens#a, b -> substitute(b*m_a, resSub) ) ); -- differentiate with respect to targetGens oldDiff = transpose compress matrix toList(sourceSize:{0_W}); i = 0; -- compute the induced image while i < s do ( if targetGens#i =!= {} then oldDiff = oldDiff || substitute( contract(transpose matrix{targetGens#i}, imageMat^{i}), diffSub); i = i+1; ); oldDiff = WtoresW oldDiff; ); if member(RestrictComplex, output) then ( restrictComplex#n0 = resW^(rank target oldDiff); restrictComplex#(n0+1) = resW^(rank source oldDiff); restrictComplex.dd#(n0+1) = map(restrictComplex#n0, restrictComplex#(n0+1), oldDiff); ); if member(Cycles, output) or member(Boundaries, output) or member(GenCycles, output) then ( newKernel := zeroize2 mingens kernel oldDiff; -- newKernel := zeroize2 gens kernel oldDiff; explicitKernel := compress (sourceMat * resWtoW(newKernel)); ); ); pInfo(2, "¥t¥t¥t Rank = " | sourceSize | "¥t time = " | tInfo | " seconds" ); -- DO THE COMPUTATION IN HIGHER COHOMOLOGICAL DEGREES s = r; targetGens = sourceGens; targetSize = sourceSize; if explicitFlag then targetMat = sourceMat; targetMat = sourceMat; currDeg := n0 + 2; --newKernel = 0; --explicitKernel = 0; while currDeg <= n1 and C#?(currDeg) do ( -- MAKE THE NEXT SOURCE MODULE -- "sourceGens" is a list of r lists, where the i-th list contains -- the monomial generators {dx^a} (as left D_m-module) of -- F_k1[u_i]((D_n/tD_n) e_i) / F_k0[u_i]((D_n/tD_n) e_i) pInfo(2, "¥t Degree " | currDeg | "..."); tInfo = toString first timing ( r = numgens C#currDeg; m = C.dd#currDeg; sourceDeg = degrees C#(currDeg); sourceGens = {}; if explicitFlag then sourceMat = map(W^0,W^0,0); i = 0; while i < r do ( -- Find generators of the current source -- "F_k1(D_n/tD_n)^r/F_k0(D_n/tD_n)^r" -- as a left D_m module. -- They have the form { ¥prod_{i=1}^n D_i^{a_i} }. tempExps = findExps(posWeights, k0-sourceDeg#i#0, k1-sourceDeg#i#0); tempGens = apply(tempExps, j -> posVars^j); sourceGens = append(sourceGens, tempGens ); if explicitFlag then ( if tempGens == {} then ( sourceMat = directSum(sourceMat, compress matrix{{0_W}}); ) else ( sourceMat = directSum(sourceMat, matrix{tempGens}); ); ); i = i+1; ); sourceSize = sum(sourceGens, i -> #i); -- MAKE THE NEXT DIFFERENTIAL OF D_m MODULES if sourceSize == 0 and targetSize == 0 then ( newDiff := map(resW^0,resW^0,0) ) else if sourceSize == 0 then ( newDiff = compress matrix toList(targetSize:{0_resW}) ) else if targetSize == 0 then ( newDiff = transpose compress matrix toList(sourceSize:{0_resW}) ) else ( -- For each generator j = ¥prod_i D_i^{a_i}, compute its image -- j*m_i as an element of the RHS. Get a matrix of image vectors. imageMat = matrix join toSequence apply( r, a -> apply(sourceGens#a, b -> substitute(b*m_a, resSub) ) ); -- differentiate with respect to targetGens newDiff = transpose compress matrix toList(sourceSize:{0_W}); i = 0; while i < s do ( if targetGens#i =!= {} then newDiff = newDiff || substitute( contract(transpose matrix{targetGens#i}, imageMat^{i}), diffSub); i = i+1; ); newDiff = WtoresW newDiff; ); -- UPDATE THE OUTPUT LIST if member(RestrictComplex, output) then ( restrictComplex#currDeg = resW^(rank source newDiff); restrictComplex.dd#currDeg = map(restrictComplex#(currDeg-1), restrictComplex#currDeg, newDiff); ); if member(HomologyModules, output) then ( tempHomology := homology(zeroize2 oldDiff, zeroize2 newDiff); if tempHomology =!= null then tempHomology = cokernel Dprune presentation tempHomology; if tempHomology === null then tempHomology = resW^0; homologyList = append(homologyList, (currDeg-1) => tempHomology); ); -- MAKE EXPLICIT COHOMOLOGY CLASSES if member(Cycles, output) or member(Boundaries, output) or member(GenCycles, output) then ( oldImage := zeroize2 mingens image newDiff; -- oldImage := zeroize2 gens image newDiff; if member(GenCycles, output) then ( if #otherVars == 0 then ( explicitList = append(explicitList, (currDeg-1) => targetMat * resWtoW(mingens subquotient(newKernel, oldImage))) ) else ( explicitList = append(explicitList, (currDeg-1) => explicitKernel); ); ); if member(Cycles, output) then kerList = append(kerList, (currDeg-1) => explicitKernel); if member(Boundaries, output) then ( explicitImage := compress (targetMat * resWtoW(oldImage)); imList = append(imList, (currDeg-1) => explicitImage); ); newKernel = zeroize2 mingens kernel newDiff; -- newKernel = zeroize2 gens kernel newDiff; explicitKernel = compress (sourceMat * resWtoW(newKernel)); ); -- PREPARE FOR NEXT ITERATION s = r; targetGens = sourceGens; targetSize = sourceSize; if explicitFlag then targetMat = sourceMat; oldDiff = newDiff; currDeg = currDeg+1; ); pInfo(2, "¥t¥t¥t Rank = " | targetSize | "¥t time = " | tInfo | " seconds"); ); ); pInfo(2, "¥t Finished..."); pInfo(2, "¥t¥t¥t Total time = " | tInfo | " seconds"); pInfo(2, " "); ); -- OUTPUT FORMAT if member(HomologyModules, output) then outputList = append( outputList, HomologyModules => hashTable homologyList); if member(GenCycles, output) then outputList = append( outputList, GenCycles => hashTable explicitList); if member(Cycles, output) then outputList = append( outputList, Cycles => hashTable kerList); if member(Boundaries, output) then outputList = append( outputList, Boundaries => hashTable imList); if member(BFunction, output) then outputList = append( outputList, BFunction => factorBFunction b); if member(VResolution, output) then outputList = append( outputList, VResolution => C); if member(RestrictComplex, output) then outputList = append( outputList, RestrictComplex => restrictComplex); if member(ResToOrigRing, output) then outputList = append( outputList, ResToOrigRing => resWtoW); if member(TransferMap,output) then if Resolution =!= null then outputList = append(outputList, TransferMap => Resolution#TransferMap); hashTable outputList ) twistedLogCohomology2 = method( Options => {Strategy => Schreyer} ); twistedLogCohomology2 (List, List) := options -> (f, a) -> ( k := #f; if k != #a then error "number of factors is not equal number of parametors"; i := 0; prodf := 1; while i < k do ( prodf = prodf * f_i; i = i+1; ); R = ring prodf; if class R =!= PolynomialRing then error "expected element of a polynomial ring"; if R.monoid.Options.WeylAlgebra =!= {} then error "expected element of a commutative polynomial ring"; v := generators(R); n := #v; if n != 2 then error "we compute 2-dimention logCohomology"; d := {diff(v#1,prodf),-diff(v#0,prodf),prodf}; syzf := kernel matrix{d}; m := numgens syzf; msyz := gens syzf; W := makeWeylAlgebra( R, SetVariables=>false); phi := map(W,R); vw := generators(W); i = 0; ell := 0; j := 0, sum := 0; op := {}; while i outputTable#BFunction}; if outputTable#VResolution =!= null then outputList = append(outputList, VResolution => FourierInverse outputTable#VResolution) else outputList = append(outputList, VResolution => null); outputList = outputList | { PreCycles => hashTable apply(toList(0..n), i -> (n-i => FourierInverse outputTable#GenCycles#i)), CohomologyGroups => hashTable apply(toList(0..n), i -> (n-i => outputTable#HomologyModules#i)) }; intTable := hashTable outputList; -- make basis of H^0 -- dim H^0 is -1 or 0 basis0 := 0; if dim intTable#CohomologyGroups#0 == 0 then ( sumx := 0; sumy := 0; j = 0; while j < k do ( sumx = sumx + a_j * prodf * diff(v#0,f_j) // f_j; sumy = sumy + a_j * prodf * diff(v#1,f_j) // f_j; j = j+1; ); I := ideal(phi prodf * vw_(2) + phi sumx, phi prodf * vw_(3) + phi sumy ); basis0 = matrix{PolySols I}; ) else basis0 = intTable#PreCycles#0; -- make basis of H^1 if outputTable#?TransferMap then( transfermap := transpose Dtransposition FourierInverse outputTable#TransferMap; mat := transpose(intTable#PreCycles#1)*transfermap; l := numRows mat; mat = mutableMatrix mat; i = 0; while i < l do( j = 0; while j < m do( mat_(i,j) = substitute(mat_(i,j),{vw_(2) => 0, vw_(3) => 0}); j = j+1; ); i = i+1; ); mat = matrix mat; msyz = phi msyz; Basis1 := {}; i = 0; while i < l do( base = 0; j = 0; while j < m do( base = base + mat_(i,j) * (msyz_(0,j) * vw_(2) + msyz_(1,j) * vw_(3)); j = j+1; ); Basis1 = join(Basis1,{base}); i = i+1; ); Basis1 = matrix{Basis1}; ) else Basis1 = intTable#PreCycles#1; if intTable#VResolution =!= null then ( createDpairs W; Omega := Dres ideal W.dpairVars#1; Basis := hashTable {0 => basis0, 1 => Basis1, 2 => intTable#PreCycles#2 * vw_(2)*vw_(3)}; outputList = outputList | {LogBasis => Basis, OmegaRes => Omega}; ); hashTable outputList )