\documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\bf twistedLogCohomology(List,List) -- twisted logarithmic cohomology groups in two variables} \end{center} \begin{flushleft} {\bf Synopsis} \begin{itemize} \item Usage: twistedLogCohomology(F,A) \item Function: twistedLogCohomology \item inputs: \begin{itemize} \item F, a list of polynomials in two variables \item A, a list of rational numbers \end{itemize} \item outputs: \begin{itemize} \item a hashtable, with entries $\{$ Bfunction, CohomologyGroups, LogBasis, OmegaRes, PreCycles, VResolution $\}$ \end{itemize} \end{itemize} {\bf Description} Bases of twisted logarithmic cohomology groups are contained in a hashtable LogBasis. Bases of $H^1$ and $H^2$ are outputted only numerators. In following example, a basis of $H^1$ is $\{ \frac{y^2dx-xydy}{x(x+y)}, \frac{2x^2dx+2xydx}{x(x+y)} \}$, a basis of $H^2$ is $\{ \frac{ydxdy}{x(x+y)} \}$. {\footnotesize \begin{verbatim} i1 : loadPackage "Dmodules"; i2 : load "twistedLogCohomology.m2"; i3 : R = QQ[x,y]; i4 : twistedLogCohomology({x,x+y},{-1,0}) Warning: not a generic weight vector. Could be difficult... o5 = HashTable{BFunction => (s - 1) } 1 CohomologyGroups => HashTable{0 => QQ } 2 1 => QQ 1 2 => QQ LogBasis => HashTable{0 => | x | } 1 => | y2dx-xydy 2x2dx+2xydx | 2 => | ydxdy | 1 2 1 OmegaRes => (QQ[x, y, dx, dy]) <-- (QQ[x, y, dx, dy]) <-- (QQ[x, y, dx, dy]) <-- 0 0 1 2 3 PreCycles => HashTable{0 => | -x2-xy |} | -x | 1 => | 0 -2x | | -y 0 | | 0 0 | 2 => | y | 1 3 2 VResolution => (QQ[x, y, dx, dy]) <-- (QQ[x, y, dx, dy]) <-- (QQ[x, y, dx, dy]) <-- 0 0 1 2 3 o5 : HashTable \end{verbatim} } \end{flushleft} \end{document}