/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/ox_gsl/ox_gsl.c,v 1.2 2018/03/29 11:52:18 takayama Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include "ox_toolkit.h" OXFILE *fd_rw; #define INIT_S_SIZE 2048 #define EXT_S_SIZE 2048 static int stack_size = 0; static int stack_pointer = 0; static cmo **stack = NULL; int Debug=1; void show_stack_top() { cmo *data; if (stack_pointer > 0) { data=stack[stack_pointer-1]; print_cmo(data); printf("\n"); }else { printf("The stack is empty.\n"); } } void init_gc() { GC_INIT(); } void initialize_stack() { stack_pointer = 0; stack_size = INIT_S_SIZE; stack = malloc(stack_size*sizeof(cmo*)); } static void extend_stack() { int size2 = stack_size + EXT_S_SIZE; cmo **stack2 = malloc(size2*sizeof(cmo*)); memcpy(stack2, stack, stack_size*sizeof(cmo *)); free(stack); stack = stack2; stack_size = size2; } void push(cmo* m) { stack[stack_pointer] = m; stack_pointer++; if (stack_pointer >= stack_size) { extend_stack(); } } cmo* pop() { if (stack_pointer > 0) { stack_pointer--; return stack[stack_pointer]; } return new_cmo_null(); } void pops(int n) { stack_pointer -= n; if (stack_pointer < 0) { stack_pointer = 0; } } #define OX_GSL_VERSION 2018032901 #define ID_STRING "2018/03/29 13:56:00" int sm_mathcap() { int available_cmo[]={ CMO_NULL, CMO_INT32, // CMO_DATUM, CMO_STRING, CMO_MATHCAP, CMO_LIST, // CMO_MONOMIAL32, CMO_ZZ, // CMO_QQ, CMO_BIGFLOAT32, CMO_COMPLEX, CMO_IEEE_DOUBLE_FLOAT, CMO_ZERO, // CMO_DMS_GENERIC, // CMO_RING_BY_NAME, // CMO_INDETERMINATE, // CMO_DISTRIBUTED_POLYNOMIAL, // CMO_RECURSIVE_POLYNOMIAL, // CMO_POLYNOMIAL_IN_ONE_VARIABLE, CMO_ERROR2, 0}; int available_sm_command[]={ SM_popCMO, SM_popString, SM_mathcap, SM_pops, // SM_executeStringByLocalParser, SM_executeFunction, SM_setMathCap, SM_shutdown, SM_control_kill, SM_control_reset_connection, SM_control_spawn_server, SM_control_terminate_server, 0}; mathcap_init(OX_GSL_VERSION, ID_STRING, "ox_gsl", available_cmo,available_sm_command); push((cmo *)oxf_cmo_mathcap(fd_rw)); return 0; } int sm_popCMO() { cmo* m = pop(); if (m != NULL) { send_ox_cmo(fd_rw, m); return 0; } return SM_popCMO; } cmo *make_error2(int code) { fprintf(stderr,"make_error2: not implemented.\n"); return ((cmo *)new_cmo_int32(-1)); } int get_i() { cmo *c = pop(); if (c->tag == CMO_INT32) { return ((cmo_int32 *)c)->i; }else if (c->tag == CMO_ZZ) { return mpz_get_si(((cmo_zz *)c)->mpz); }else if (c->tag == CMO_NULL) { return(0); }else if (c->tag == CMO_ZERO) { return(0); } make_error2(-1); return 0; } void get_xy(int *x, int *y) { pop(); *x = get_i(); *y = get_i(); } void my_add_int32() { int x, y; get_xy(&x, &y); push((cmo *)new_cmo_int32(x+y)); } double get_double() { cmo *c = pop(); if (c->tag == CMO_INT32) { return( (double) (((cmo_int32 *)c)->i) ); }else if (c->tag == CMO_IEEE_DOUBLE_FLOAT) { return ((cmo_double *)c)->d; // see ox_toolkit.h }else if (c->tag == CMO_ZZ) { return( (double) mpz_get_si(((cmo_zz *)c)->mpz)); }else if (c->tag == CMO_NULL) { return(0); }else if (c->tag == CMO_ZERO) { return(0); } make_error2(-1); return 0; } void my_add_double() { double x,y; pop(); y = get_double(); x = get_double(); push((cmo *)new_cmo_double(x+y)); } double *get_double_list(int *length) { cmo *c; cmo *entry; cell *cellp; double *d; int n,i; c = pop(); if (c->tag != CMO_LIST) { make_error2(-1); *length=-1; return(0); } n = *length = list_length((cmo_list *)c); d = (double *) GC_malloc(sizeof(double)*(*length+1)); cellp = list_first((cmo_list *)c); entry = cellp->cmo; for (i=0; itag == CMO_INT32) { d[i]=( (double) (((cmo_int32 *)entry)->i) ); }else if (entry->tag == CMO_IEEE_DOUBLE_FLOAT) { d[i]=((cmo_double *)entry)->d; }else if (entry->tag == CMO_ZZ) { d[i]=( (double) mpz_get_si(((cmo_zz *)entry)->mpz)); }else if (entry->tag == CMO_NULL) { d[i]= 0; }else { fprintf(stderr,"entries of the list should be int32 or zz or double\n"); make_error2(-1); *length = -1; return(NULL); } cellp = list_next(cellp); entry = cellp->cmo; } return(d); } void show_double_list() { int n; double *d; int i; pop(); // pop argument number; d = get_double_list(&n); printf("show_double_list: length=%d\n",n); for (i=0; itag == CMO_STRING) { return (((cmo_string *)c)->s); } make_error2(-1); return(NULL); } int sm_executeFunction() { cmo_string *func = (cmo_string *)pop(); if (func->tag != CMO_STRING) { push(make_error2(0)); return -1; } // Test functions if (strcmp(func->s, "add_int32") == 0) { my_add_int32(); }else if (strcmp(func->s,"add_double")==0) { my_add_double(); }else if (strcmp(func->s,"show_double_list")==0) { show_double_list(); // The following functions are defined in call_gsl.c }else if (strcmp(func->s,"gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e")==0) { call_gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e(); }else { push(make_error2(0)); return -1; } return(0); } int receive_and_execute_sm_command() { int code = receive_int32(fd_rw); switch(code) { case SM_popCMO: sm_popCMO(); break; case SM_executeFunction: sm_executeFunction(); break; case SM_mathcap: sm_mathcap(); break; case SM_setMathCap: pop(); break; default: ; } return(0); } int receive() { int tag; tag = receive_ox_tag(fd_rw); switch(tag) { case OX_DATA: push(receive_cmo(fd_rw)); if (Debug) show_stack_top(); break; case OX_COMMAND: if (Debug) show_stack_top(); receive_and_execute_sm_command(); break; default: ; } return 0; } jmp_buf Ox_env; void usr1_handler(int sig) { longjmp(Ox_env,1); } int main() { if ( setjmp(Ox_env) ) { fprintf(stderr,"resetting libgsl and sending OX_SYNC_BALL..."); initialize_stack(); send_ox_tag(fd_rw,OX_SYNC_BALL); fprintf(stderr,"done\n"); }else{ ox_stderr_init(stderr); initialize_stack(); init_gc(); fd_rw = oxf_open(3); oxf_determine_byteorder_server(fd_rw); } signal(SIGUSR1,usr1_handler); while(1) { receive(); } return(0); }