/* -*- mode: C; coding: euc-japan -*- */ /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/ox_math/math2ox.c,v 1.7 1999/11/19 20:51:36 ohara Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ox.h" #include "parse.h" #include "serv2.h" static char *host = "localhost"; static char *ctlserv = "ox"; static char *oxprog = "ox_sm1"; ox_file_t sv; MLINK lp; /* Mathematica から直接呼び出される関数の定義. */ /* 呼び出しの方法は math2ox.tm で定義される. */ void OX_receive() { cmo *c = NULL; receive_ox_tag(sv->stream); c = receive_cmo(sv->stream); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "received ox in OxReceive[].\n"); print_cmo(c); fflush(stderr); #endif MATH_sendObject(c); } int OX_executeStringByLocalParser(const char *str) { ox_executeStringByLocalParser(sv, str); return 0; } char *OX_popString() { return ox_popString(sv, sv->stream); } void OX_popCMO() { cmo *c = ox_pop_cmo(sv, sv->stream); MATH_sendObject(c); } int OX_close() { ox_close(sv); return 0; } int OX_reset() { ox_reset(sv); return 0; } /* 文字列 s を parse() にかけて生成された cmo を サーバに送る. */ int OX_parse(char *s) { cmo *m; symbol *symp; int len = strlen(s); setmode_mygetc(s, len); if(s != NULL && len > 0 && (m = parse()) != NULL) { if (m->tag == OX_DATA) { send_ox_cmo(sv->stream, ((ox_data *)m)->cmo); }else if (m->tag == OX_COMMAND) { send_ox_command(sv->stream, ((ox_command *)m)->command); }else { send_ox_cmo(sv->stream, m); } return 0; } return -1; /* 失敗した場合 */ } int OX_start(char* s) { if (s != NULL && s[0] != '\0') { oxprog = s; } sv = ox_start(host, ctlserv, oxprog); fprintf(stderr, "open (%s)\n", "localhost"); lp = stdlink; return 0; } int OX_start_insecure(char *host, int portCtl, int portDat) { if (host != NULL || host[0] == '\0') { host = "localhost"; } if (portCtl == 0) { portCtl = 1200; } if (portDat == 0) { portDat = 1300; } sv = ox_start_insecure_nonreverse(host, portCtl, portDat); fprintf(stderr, "math2ox :: connect to \"%s\" with (ctl, dat) = (%d, %d)\n", host, portCtl, portDat); lp = stdlink; return 0; } static char *cp_str(char *src) { char *dest = malloc(strlen(src)+1); strcpy(dest, src); return dest; } int OX_setClientParam(char *h, char* c, char* p) { host = cp_str(h); ctlserv = cp_str(c); oxprog = cp_str(p); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* 構文解析器の設定 */ setflag_parse(PFLAG_ADDREV); setgetc(mygetc); MLMain(argc, argv); }