/* -*- mode: C; coding: euc-japan -*- */ /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/ox_toolkit/cmo.c,v 1.26 2016/06/29 05:07:23 ohara Exp $ */ /* This module includes functions for sending/receiveng CMO's. Some commnets is written in Japanese by the EUC-JP coded character set. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ox_toolkit.h" #include "parse.h" static cell* new_cell(cmo *ob, int e); static char* new_string_set_cmo_null(); static char* new_string_set_cmo_int32(int integer); static char* new_string_set_cmo_list(cmo_list *c); static char* new_string_set_cmo_zz(cmo_zz *c); static char* new_string_set_cmo_double(cmo_double *m); /* functions for a cmo_list */ static cell* new_cell(cmo *ob, int e) { cell* h = MALLOC(sizeof(cell)); h->next = NULL; h->prev = NULL; h->cmo = ob; h->exp = e; return h; } cell* list_next(cell *el) { return el->next; } cell* list_first(cmo_list *this) { return this->head->next; } cmo* list_first_cmo(cmo_list *this) { return list_first(this)->cmo; } int list_endof(cmo_list *this, cell *el) { return (this->head == el); } /* (prev, head) => (prev, new, head) */ static void list_cons(cell *head, cell *new) { cell* prev = head->prev; new->prev = prev; head->prev = new; prev->next = new; new->next = head; } cmo_list *list_append(cmo_list* this, cmo* ob) { list_cons(this->head, new_cell(ob, 0)); this->length++; return this; } cmo_list *list_append_monomial(cmo_list* this, cmo* coef, int exp) { list_cons(this->head, new_cell(coef, exp)); this->length++; return this; } /* call as list_appendl(List, ob1, ob2, ob3, NULL) */ cmo_list *list_appendl(cmo_list* this, ...) { cmo *ob; va_list ap; va_start(ap, this); if (this == NULL) { this = new_cmo_list(); } while((ob = va_arg(ap, cmo *)) != NULL) { list_append(this, ob); } va_end(ap); return this; } int list_length(cmo_list* this) { return this->length; } cmo *list_nth(cmo_list* this, int n) { cell* el; if(list_length(this) > n) { el = list_first(this); while(n-- > 0) { el = list_next(el); } return el->cmo; } return NULL; } /* for GNU mpz */ void resize_mpz(mpz_ptr mpz, int size) { _mpz_realloc(mpz, abs(size)); mpz->_mp_size = size; } /* functions named new_cmo_*. */ cmo_null* new_cmo_null() { cmo_null* m = MALLOC_ATOMIC(sizeof(cmo_null)); m->tag = CMO_NULL; return m; } cmo_int32* new_cmo_int32(int i) { cmo_int32* c; c = MALLOC_ATOMIC(sizeof(cmo_int32)); c->tag = CMO_INT32; c->i = i; return c; } cmo_string* new_cmo_string(char* s) { cmo_string* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_string)); c->tag = CMO_STRING; if (s != NULL) { c->s = MALLOC_ATOMIC(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(c->s, s); }else { c->s = NULL; } return c; } cmo_mathcap* new_cmo_mathcap(cmo* ob) { cmo_mathcap* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_mathcap)); c->tag = CMO_MATHCAP; c->ob = ob; return c; } cmo_list* new_cmo_list() { cmo_list* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_list)); c->tag = CMO_LIST; c->length = 0; c->head->next = c->head; c->head->prev = c->head; return c; } cmo_list* new_cmo_list_array(void *array[], int n) { int i; cmo_list* c = new_cmo_list(); for(i=0; itag = CMO_MONOMIAL32; return c; } cmo_monomial32* new_cmo_monomial32_size(int size) { cmo_monomial32* c = new_cmo_monomial32(); if (size>0) { c->length = size; c->exps = MALLOC(sizeof(int)*size); } return c; } cmo_zz* new_cmo_zz() { cmo_zz* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_zz)); c->tag = CMO_ZZ; mpz_init(c->mpz); return c; } cmo_zz* new_cmo_zz_noinit() { cmo_zz* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_zz)); c->tag = CMO_ZZ; return c; } cmo_zz* new_cmo_zz_set_si(int i) { cmo_zz* c = new_cmo_zz(); mpz_set_si(c->mpz, i); return c; } cmo_zz* new_cmo_zz_set_mpz(mpz_ptr z) { cmo_zz* c = new_cmo_zz(); mpz_set(c->mpz, z); return c; } cmo_zz *new_cmo_zz_set_string(char *s) { cmo_zz* c = new_cmo_zz_noinit(); mpz_init_set_str(c->mpz, s, 10); return c; } cmo_zz* new_cmo_zz_size(int size) { cmo_zz* c = new_cmo_zz(); resize_mpz(c->mpz, size); return c; } cmo_qq* new_cmo_qq() { cmo_qq* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_qq)); c->tag = CMO_QQ; mpq_init(c->mpq); return c; } cmo_bf* new_cmo_bf() { cmo_bf* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_bf)); c->tag = CMO_BIGFLOAT32; mpfr_init(c->mpfr); return c; } cmo_complex* new_cmo_complex() { cmo_complex* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_complex)); c->tag = CMO_COMPLEX; return c; } cmo_qq* new_cmo_qq_set_mpq(mpq_ptr q) { cmo_qq* c = new_cmo_qq(); mpq_set(c->mpq, q); return c; } cmo_qq* new_cmo_qq_set_mpz(mpz_ptr num, mpz_ptr den) { cmo_qq* c = new_cmo_qq(); mpq_set_num(c->mpq, num); mpq_set_den(c->mpq, den); return c; } cmo_bf* new_cmo_bf_set_mpfr(mpfr_ptr num) { cmo_bf* c = new_cmo_bf(); mpfr_init2(c->mpfr,num->_mpfr_prec); mpfr_set(c->mpfr,num,MPFR_RNDN); return c; } cmo_complex* new_cmo_complex_set_re_im(cmo *re,cmo *im) { cmo_complex* c = new_cmo_complex(); c->re = re; c->im = im; return c; } cmo_zero* new_cmo_zero() { cmo_zero* m = MALLOC_ATOMIC(sizeof(cmo_zero)); m->tag = CMO_ZERO; return m; } cmo_double *new_cmo_double(double d) { cmo_double* m = MALLOC_ATOMIC(sizeof(cmo_double)); m->tag = CMO_IEEE_DOUBLE_FLOAT; m->d = d; return m; } cmo_dms_generic* new_cmo_dms_generic() { cmo_dms_generic* m = MALLOC_ATOMIC(sizeof(cmo_dms_generic)); m->tag = CMO_DMS_GENERIC; return m; } cmo_ring_by_name* new_cmo_ring_by_name(cmo* ob) { cmo_ring_by_name* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_ring_by_name)); c->tag = CMO_RING_BY_NAME; c->ob = ob; return c; } cmo_indeterminate* new_cmo_indeterminate(cmo* ob) { cmo_indeterminate* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_indeterminate)); c->tag = CMO_INDETERMINATE; c->ob = ob; return c; } cmo_distributed_polynomial* new_cmo_distributed_polynomial() { cmo_distributed_polynomial* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_distributed_polynomial)); c->tag = CMO_DISTRIBUTED_POLYNOMIAL; c->length = 0; c->head->next = c->head; c->head->prev = c->head; c->ringdef = NULL; return c; } cmo_polynomial_in_one_variable* new_cmo_polynomial_in_one_variable(int var) { cmo_polynomial_in_one_variable* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_polynomial_in_one_variable)); c->tag = CMO_POLYNOMIAL_IN_ONE_VARIABLE; c->length = 0; c->head->next = c->head; c->head->prev = c->head; c->var = var; return c; } cmo_recursive_polynomial* new_cmo_recursive_polynomial(cmo_list* ringdef, cmo* coef) { cmo_recursive_polynomial* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_recursive_polynomial)); c->tag = CMO_RECURSIVE_POLYNOMIAL; c->ringdef = ringdef; c->coef = coef; return c; } cmo_tree* new_cmo_tree(cmo_string* name, cmo_list* attributes, cmo_list* leaves) { cmo_tree* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_tree)); c->tag = CMO_TREE; c->name= name; c->attributes = attributes; c->leaves = leaves; return c; } cmo_lambda* new_cmo_lambda(cmo_list* args, cmo_tree* body) { cmo_lambda* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_lambda)); c->tag = CMO_LAMBDA; c->args = args; c->body = body; return c; } cmo_error2* new_cmo_error2(cmo* ob) { cmo_error2* c = MALLOC(sizeof(cmo_error2)); c->tag = CMO_ERROR2; c->ob = ob; return c; } /* Following functions translate cmo's to (asciiz) strings. */ static char *new_string_set_cmo_zz(cmo_zz *c) { return mpz_get_str(NULL, 10, c->mpz); } static char *new_string_set_cmo_null() { static char* null_string = ""; return null_string; } static char *new_string_set_cmo_int32(int integer) { char buff[1024]; char *s; sprintf(buff, "%d", integer); s = MALLOC(strlen(buff)+1); strcpy(s, buff); return s; } static char *new_string_set_cmo_list(cmo_list *m) { char *s; int i; int size = 0; int len = list_length(m); char **sp = ALLOCA(len*sizeof(cmo *)); cell* cp = list_first(m); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { sp[i] = new_string_set_cmo(cp->cmo); size += strlen(sp[i]) + 3; cp = list_next(cp); } s = MALLOC(size+2); strcpy(s, "[ "); for(i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) { strcat(s, sp[i]); strcat(s, " , "); } if (len > 0) strcat(s, sp[len-1]); strcat(s, " ]"); return s; } static char *new_string_set_cmo_double(cmo_double *m) { char buff[1024]; char *s; sprintf(buff, "%.20f", m->d); s = MALLOC_ATOMIC(strlen(buff)+1); strcpy(s, buff); return s; } char *new_string_set_cmo(cmo *m) { switch(m->tag) { case CMO_ZZ: return new_string_set_cmo_zz((cmo_zz *)m); case CMO_INT32: return new_string_set_cmo_int32(((cmo_int32 *)m)->i); case CMO_STRING: return ((cmo_string *)m)->s; case CMO_NULL: return new_string_set_cmo_null(); case CMO_LIST: return new_string_set_cmo_list((cmo_list *)m); case CMO_64BIT_MACHINE_DOUBLE: case CMO_IEEE_DOUBLE_FLOAT: return new_string_set_cmo_double((cmo_double *)m); default: ox_printf("unconvertible <%s>\n", get_symbol_by_tag(m->tag)); /* yet not implemented. */ return NULL; } } int cmo_to_int(cmo *n) { switch(n->tag) { case CMO_ZERO: return 0; case CMO_INT32: return ((cmo_int32 *)n)->i; case CMO_ZZ: return mpz_get_si(((cmo_zz *)n)->mpz); default: return 0; } }