/* -*- mode: C; coding: euc-japan -*- */ /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/ox_toolkit/mathcap.c,v 1.8 2003/05/19 06:57:38 ohara Exp $ */ /* This module includes functions for handling mathcap databases. */ #include #include #include "ox_toolkit.h" #define MATHCAP_FLAG_DENY 0 #define MATHCAP_FLAG_ALLOW 1 static void table_init(table *m, int key); static table *new_table(int *src); static table *table_lookup(table *tbl, int tag); static void table_ctl(table *tbl, int tag, int flag); static void table_ctl_all(table *tbl, int flag); static cmo_list *table_get_all(table *tbl); static void table_allow(table *tbl, int tag); static void table_deny(table *tbl, int tag); static void table_update(table *cmotbl, cmo_list* types); static int table_allowQ_tag(table *tbl, int tag); static int table_allowQ_cmo_list(table *cmotbl, cmo_list *ob); static int table_allowQ_cmo_monomial32(table *cmotbl, cmo_monomial32 *ob); static int table_allowQ_cmo_mathcap(table *cmotbl, cmo_mathcap *ob); static int table_allowQ_cmo(table *cmotbl, cmo *ob); static cmo_list *sysinfo_get(); static char *new_string(char *s); static int *new_int_array(int *array); static cmo_list *get_messagetypes(cmo_list *ob, int type); static cmo_list *cmo_mathcap_get_cmotypes(cmo_mathcap *mc); static int cmotbl_a[] = { CMO_NULL, CMO_INT32, CMO_DATUM, CMO_STRING, CMO_MATHCAP, CMO_LIST, CMO_MONOMIAL32, CMO_ZZ, CMO_ZERO, CMO_DMS_GENERIC, CMO_RING_BY_NAME, CMO_INDETERMINATE, CMO_DISTRIBUTED_POLYNOMIAL, CMO_ERROR2, 0, }; static int smtbl_a[] = { SM_popCMO, SM_popString, SM_mathcap, SM_pops, SM_executeStringByLocalParser, SM_executeFunction, SM_setMathCap, SM_shutdown, SM_control_kill, SM_control_reset_connection, SM_control_spawn_server, SM_control_terminate_server, 0, }; static struct { int version; char *version_string; char *sysname; char *hosttype; int *cmo_tags; int *sm_cmds; } sysinfo = {0, "NO VERSION", "NONAME", "UNKNOWN", cmotbl_a, smtbl_a}; __inline__ static void table_init(table *m, int key) { m->tag = key; m->flag = MATHCAP_FLAG_ALLOW; } static table *new_table(int *src) { table *new; int len=0; int i; while (src[len++] != 0) { } new = malloc(sizeof(table)*len); for(i=0; itag != 0) { if (tbl->tag == tag) { return tbl; } tbl++; } return NULL; } /* controller about a cmo identified by the tag */ static void table_ctl(table *tbl, int tag, int flag) { table *e = table_lookup(tbl, tag); if (e != NULL) { e->flag = flag; } } /* controller about all CMObjects */ static void table_ctl_all(table *tbl, int flag) { while (tbl->tag != 0) { tbl->flag = flag; tbl++; } } /* getting the list of tags of all allowed objects */ static cmo_list *table_get_all(table *tbl) { cmo_list *list = new_cmo_list(); while (tbl->tag != 0) { if (tbl->flag == MATHCAP_FLAG_ALLOW) { list_append(list, (cmo *)new_cmo_int32(tbl->tag)); } tbl++; } return list; } /* giving a permssion to send objects identified by the tag. */ __inline__ static void table_allow(table *tbl, int tag) { table_ctl(tbl, tag, MATHCAP_FLAG_ALLOW); } /* taking a permssion to send objects identified by the tag. */ __inline__ static void table_deny(table *tbl, int tag) { table_ctl(tbl, tag, MATHCAP_FLAG_DENY); } static void table_update(table *cmotbl, cmo_list* types) { cell *el = list_first(types); cmo_int32 *ob; while(!list_endof(types, el)) { ob = (cmo_int32 *)el->cmo; if (ob->tag == CMO_INT32) { table_allow(cmotbl, ob->i); } el = list_next(el); } } /* getting a permission to send objects identified by the tag. */ static int table_allowQ_tag(table *tbl, int tag) { while (tbl->tag != 0 && tbl->tag != tag) { tbl++; } return tbl->flag; } static int table_allowQ_cmo_list(table *cmotbl, cmo_list *ob) { cell *el; if (table_allowQ_tag(cmotbl, ob->tag)) { el = list_first(ob); while (!list_endof(ob, el)) { if (!table_allowQ_cmo(cmotbl, el->cmo)) { return MATHCAP_FLAG_DENY; } el = list_next(el); } return MATHCAP_FLAG_ALLOW; } return MATHCAP_FLAG_DENY; } __inline__ static int table_allowQ_cmo_monomial32(table *cmotbl, cmo_monomial32 *ob) { return table_allowQ_tag(cmotbl, ob->tag) && table_allowQ_cmo(cmotbl, ob->coef); } __inline__ static int table_allowQ_cmo_mathcap(table *cmotbl, cmo_mathcap *ob) { return table_allowQ_tag(cmotbl, ob->tag) && table_allowQ_cmo(cmotbl, ob->ob); } /* getting a permission to send the following object. */ static int table_allowQ_cmo(table *cmotbl, cmo *ob) { int tag = ob->tag; switch(tag) { case CMO_LIST: case CMO_DISTRIBUTED_POLYNOMIAL: return table_allowQ_cmo_list(cmotbl, (cmo_list *)ob); case CMO_MATHCAP: case CMO_ERROR2: case CMO_RING_BY_NAME: case CMO_INDETERMINATE: return table_allowQ_cmo_mathcap(cmotbl, (cmo_mathcap *)ob); case CMO_MONOMIAL32: return table_allowQ_cmo_monomial32(cmotbl, (cmo_monomial32 *)ob); default: return table_allowQ_tag(cmotbl, tag); } } /* getting the System Information */ static cmo_list *sysinfo_get() { cmo_list *syslist = new_cmo_list(); cmo_int32 *ver = new_cmo_int32(sysinfo.version); cmo_string *vers = new_cmo_string(sysinfo.version_string); cmo_string *host = new_cmo_string(sysinfo.hosttype); cmo_string *sname = new_cmo_string(sysinfo.sysname); return list_appendl(syslist, ver, sname, vers, host, NULL); } static char *new_string(char *s) { char *t = malloc(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(t, s); return t; } static int *new_int_array(int *array) { int *new_array; int length = 0; while(array[length++] != 0) ; new_array = malloc(sizeof(int)*length); return memcpy(new_array, array, sizeof(int)*length); } void mathcap_init(int ver, char *vstr, char *sysname, int cmos[], int sms[]) { char *host = getenv("HOSTTYPE"); sysinfo.hosttype = (host != NULL)? new_string(host): "UNKNOWN"; sysinfo.sysname = new_string(sysname); sysinfo.version_string = new_string(vstr); sysinfo.version = ver; if (cmos != NULL) { sysinfo.cmo_tags = new_int_array(cmos); } if (sms != NULL) { sysinfo.sm_cmds = new_int_array(sms); } } mathcap *new_mathcap() { mathcap *new = malloc(sizeof(mathcap)); new->cmotbl = new_table(sysinfo.cmo_tags); new->smtbl = new_table(sysinfo.sm_cmds); return new; } /* generating a cmo_mathcap by a local database. */ cmo_mathcap* mathcap_get(mathcap *this) { cmo_list *mc = new_cmo_list(); cmo_list *l3 = new_cmo_list(); list_append(l3, list_appendl(new_cmo_list(), new_cmo_int32(OX_DATA), table_get_all(this->cmotbl), NULL)); list_appendl(mc, (cmo *)sysinfo_get(), (cmo *)table_get_all(this->smtbl), (cmo *)l3, NULL); return new_cmo_mathcap((cmo *)mc); } /* ( ..., ( type, (...) ), (cmo_int32, (...) ), ... ) */ /* ^^^^^ Here! */ static cmo_list *get_messagetypes(cmo_list *ob, int type) { cmo_list *c; cell *el; for (el = list_first(ob); !list_endof(ob, el); el = list_next(el)) { c = (cmo_list *)el->cmo; if (((cmo_int32 *)list_nth(c, 0))->i == type) { return (cmo_list *)list_nth(c, 1); } } return NULL; } /* cmo_mathcap->ob = ( (...), (...), ( ( cmo_int32, (...) ), ...), ...) */ /* ^^^^^ Here! */ __inline__ static cmo_list *cmo_mathcap_get_cmotypes(cmo_mathcap *mc) { cmo_list *ob = (cmo_list *)list_nth((cmo_list *)mc->ob, 2); return get_messagetypes(ob, OX_DATA); } /* The mathcap_update integrates received cmo_mathcap into the mathcap database. If this == NULL, then an instance of mathcap is generated. */ mathcap *mathcap_update(mathcap *this, cmo_mathcap *mc) { cmo_list *types; types = cmo_mathcap_get_cmotypes(mc); if (types != NULL) { table_ctl_all(this->cmotbl, MATHCAP_FLAG_DENY); table_update(this->cmotbl, types); } return this; } int mathcap_allowQ_cmo(mathcap *this, cmo *ob) { return table_allowQ_cmo(this->cmotbl, ob); }