/* -*- mode: C -*- */ /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/ox_toolkit/sample1.c,v 1.2 2000/03/10 12:24:39 ohara Exp $ */ /* This sample program explains how to construct (OX_DATA,(CMO_INT,32)) (OX_DATA,(CMO_STRING,"Hello")) (OX_DATA,(CMO_LIST,1,2,3)) (OX_COMMAND,(SM_popCMO)) etc by using C functions. */ #include #include #include #include "ox_toolkit.h" /* This program uses High-level functions of OpenXM C library. */ int main() { ox_file_t s; cmo_list *c; /* starting an OpenXM server */ s = ox_start("localhost", "ox", "ox_sm1"); ox_push_cmo(s, (cmo *)new_cmo_int32(32)); ox_push_cmo(s, (cmo *)new_cmo_string("Hello")); /* making a list {10000, -2342, 3141592653289793238462643383279}. the elements are a bignum. */ c = new_cmo_list(); append_cmo_list(c, new_cmo_zz_set_si(10000)); append_cmo_list(c, new_cmo_zz_set_si(-2342)); append_cmo_list(c, new_cmo_zz_set_string("3141592653289793238462643383279")); /* sending the list above. */ ox_push_cmo(s, (cmo *)c); ox_push_cmd(s, SM_popCMO); ox_push_cmd(s, SM_popCMO); ox_push_cmd(s, SM_popCMO); ox_close(s); return 0; }