$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/ox_toolkit/todo.txt,v 1.2 1999/12/15 13:32:14 takayama Exp $ * We need a sample program that explains how to construct (OX_DATA,(CMO_INT,32)) (OX_DATA,(CMO_STRING,"Hello")) (OX_DATA,(CMO_LIST,1,2,3)) (OX_COMMAND,(SM_popCMO)) etc by using C functions. * We also need a sample program that explains how to get int, char *, and so on from the received data. * Sample ox_server: ox_X. It accepts the following commands: m setcolor x y setpixel x y moveto x y lineto clear and draw pixels and lines on a window. Reference: unkei:~taka/this/Joho/glib.c (How to use -lX11?)