$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/todo.txt,v 1.6 1999/12/16 04:23:26 takayama Exp $ * Automatic and periodic generation of .tgz and binaries. Transfer to ftp.math.kobe-u.ac.jp (maekawa project) * Starting our web cite www.freemath.org or www.openxm.org *PHC pack for free BSD. (Install Ada compiler and try to generate binary). Reference: www.mth.msu.edu/~jan * ox_porta (Polytopes). Reference: ftp.elib.zib-berline.de/pub/mathprog * ox_sound OX server for mathematically synthesized music. For example, I want to hear the sound of (x-1)(x-2)(x-3)*sin(x). * ox_ray_tracer It outputs a high quality graphics. * KLIC interface for OpenXM. * (Nara) Standard Lisp interface for OpenXM. * MCP on OpenXM (Web interface and protocols --- by B.Char See http://snake.mcs.kent.edu.) Middle regulator ... on OpenXM (Deguchi project) * OX_DATA_MP (See http://snake.mcs.kent.edu/areas/protocols/mp.html)