with Standard_Floating_Numbers_io; use Standard_Floating_Numbers_io; with Continuation_Parameters; with Continuation_Data; use Continuation_Data; with Power_Path_Trackers; use Power_Path_Trackers; package body Increment_Power_Continuation is procedure Silent_Power_Continue ( sols : in out Solution_List; powers : in Standard_Floating_Vectors.Vector ) is begin null; end Silent_Power_Continue; procedure Reporting_Power_Continue ( file : in file_type; sols : in out Solution_List; powers : in Standard_Floating_Vectors.Vector ) is sia : Solu_Info_Array(1..Length_Of(sols)) := Deep_Create(sols); ppa : Pred_Pars := Continuation_Parameters.Create_for_Path; cpa : Corr_Pars := Continuation_Parameters.Create_for_Path; cen : Corr_Pars := Continuation_Parameters.Create_End_Game; cnt : natural := 0; procedure Cont is new Power_Reporting_Path_Tracker(Norm,H,dH); begin put_line(file,"The vector of sorted powers : "); for i in powers'range loop cnt := cnt + 1; put(file,powers(i),2,3,3); if cnt > 5 then cnt := 0; new_line(file); end if; end loop; new_line(file); for i in sia'range loop Cont(file,sia(i),ppa,cpa,cen,powers); end loop; Deep_Clear(sols); sols := Shallow_Create(sia); end Reporting_Power_Continue; end Increment_Power_Continuation;