with Standard_Complex_Numbers; with Standard_Complex_Solutions; with Multprec_Floating_Numbers; use Multprec_Floating_Numbers; with Generic_Lists; with Multprec_Complex_Numbers; use Multprec_Complex_Numbers; with Multprec_Complex_Vectors; use Multprec_Complex_Vectors; package Multprec_Complex_Solutions is -- DESCRIPTION : -- This package provides an abstraction of a list and an array -- of solutions as vectors of multi-precision complex numbers. -- DATA STRUCTURES : type Solution ( n : natural ) is record t : Standard_Complex_Numbers.Complex_Number; -- continuation parameter t m : natural; -- multiplicity of the solution v : Vector(1..n); -- the solution err : Floating_Number; -- error = |correction| from Newton rco : Floating_Number; -- inverse of condition number res : Floating_Number; -- norm of residual vector end record; type Link_to_Solution is access Solution; package List_of_Solutions is new Generic_Lists(Link_to_Solution); type Solution_List is new List_of_Solutions.List; type Solution_Array is array ( positive range <> ) of Link_to_Solution; -- CREATORS : function Create ( sl : Solution_List ) return Solution_Array; function Create ( sa : Solution_Array ) return Solution_List; -- DESCRIPTION : -- Allows the transition from a list to an array and vice versa. function Create ( s : Standard_Complex_Solutions.Solution ) return Multprec_Complex_Solutions.Solution; -- DESCRIPTION : -- Converts the solution as a standard complex vector into a -- representation that uses multi-precision numbers. function Create ( l : Standard_Complex_Solutions.Solution_List ) return Multprec_Complex_Solutions.Solution_List; -- DESCRIPTION : -- Converts the list of solutions as standard vectors into a -- representation that uses multi-precision numbers. -- COMPARISON and COPYING : function Equal ( s1,s2 : Solution; tol : Floating_Number ) return boolean; -- DESCRIPTION : -- Returns true if for each component -- |s1.v(i)-s2.v(i)|/|s1.v(i)| < tol, for i in s1.v'range. function Equal ( s1,s2 : Solution_List; tol : Floating_Number ) return boolean; function Equal ( s1,s2 : Solution_Array; tol : Floating_Number ) return boolean; -- DESCRIPTION : -- Returns true if both lists of arrays are equal to each other, upon -- the given tolerance for the relative error. procedure Equals ( sols : in out Solution_List; flag : in natural; tol : in Floating_Number; same : out boolean ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- The solutions that are equal to each other are marked with a flag. procedure Equals ( sa : in Solution_Array; x : in Vector; i : in natural; tol : in Floating_Number; j : in out natural ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Compares the first i-1 vectors in sa with x. -- ON ENTRY : -- sa a solution array, containing at least i-1 elements; -- x a vector; -- i an index, normally the entry of x in sa; -- tol tolerance for relative error on two vectors; -- j must be equal to sa'first. -- ON RETURN : -- j the entry for which sa(j) equals x. procedure Copy ( s1 : in Solution; s2 : in out Solution ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Makes a deep copy of the solution s1 into the solution s2. procedure Copy ( s1 : in Solution_List; s2 : in out Solution_List ); procedure Copy ( s1 : in Solution_Array; s2 : in out Solution_Array ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Makes a deep copy of the list or the array of solutions. -- SELECTORS : function Number ( sols : Solution_List; flag : natural ) return natural; -- DESCRIPTION : -- Returns the number of solutions in the list with a multiplicity -- equal to flag. function Is_In ( sols : Solution_List; s : Solution; tol : Floating_Number ) return boolean; function Is_In ( sa : Solution_Array; s : Solution; tol : Floating_Number ) return boolean; -- DESCRIPTION : -- Returns true if the solution s belongs to the list or to the array. function Get ( sols : Solution_List; pos : positive ) return Solution; -- DESCRIPTION : -- Returns the solution at the given position. -- REQUIRED : pos <= Length_Of(sols). -- CONSTRUCTORS : procedure Append ( first,last : in out Solution_List; s : in Solution ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- The solution sol is appended to the list first; -- last is a pointer to the last element of the list first. procedure Add ( sols : in out Solution_List; s : in Solution ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- The solution sol is appended to the list sols. procedure Add ( sols : in out Solution_List; s : in Solution; tol : in Floating_Number; other : out natural ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Append the solution to the list, if it does not already belong to it. -- MODIFIERS : procedure Set_Size ( s : in out Solution; size : in natural ); procedure Set_Size ( ls : in out Link_to_Solution; size : in natural ); procedure Set_Size ( sols : in out Solution_List; size : in natural ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Adjustment of the size of the numbers to the given size. procedure Change ( sols : in out Solution_List; pos : in positive; s : in Solution; tol : in Floating_Number; other : out natural ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Changes the solution at the given position into s, if the solution -- does not already occur. -- REQUIRED : pos <= Length_Of(sols). procedure Set_Continuation_Parameter ( sols : in out Solution_List; t : in Standard_Complex_Numbers.Complex_Number ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- All solutions in the list will be given the continuation parameter t. procedure Change_Multiplicity ( sols : in out Solution_List; pos : in positive; m : in natural ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Changes the multiplicity of the solution with the given position -- into m. -- REQUIRED : pos <= Length_Of(sols). procedure Remove ( sols : in out Solution_List; pos : in positive ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Removes the solution with given position from the list. -- REQUIRED : pos <= Length_Of(sols). generic with function To_Be_Removed ( flag : in natural ) return boolean; procedure Delete ( sols : in out Solution_List ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Removes all solutions in s for which To_Be_Removed(s.m) holds. procedure Remove_All ( sols : in out Solution_List; flag : in natural ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- All solutions with a multiplicity equal to flag are removed. -- DESTRUCTORS : procedure Clear ( sa : in out Solution_Array ); procedure Clear ( s : in out Solution ); procedure Clear ( ls : in out Link_to_Solution ); procedure Shallow_Clear ( sl : in out Solution_List ); procedure Deep_Clear ( sl : in out Solution_List ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Deallocation of the occupied memory space. -- A shallow clear only deallocates the pointers, -- so that the data may still be accessible by sharing, -- whereas a deep clear also makes the data inaccessible. end Multprec_Complex_Solutions;