with text_io; use text_io; with Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems; use Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems; package Tableau_Formats is -- DESCRIPTION : -- Conversion between tableau and symbolic formats of polynomial systems. -- -- SYMBOLIC FORMAT : -- -- 2 -- x*y**2 - x**2 + 3; -- x + 2; -- -- TABLEAU FORMAT : -- -- 2 -- x y -- 3 -- 1 2 -- 2 0 -- 0 0 -- 3 -- 1 0 -- 0 0 -- 1.0 0.0 -- -1.0 0.0 -- 3.0 0.0 -- 1.0 0.0 -- 2.0 0.0 procedure get ( file : in file_type; realcoeff : in boolean; p : out Link_to_Poly_Sys ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Reads a polynomial system in tableau format from file. -- If realcoeff, then the imaginary part must be omitted. procedure put ( file : in file_type; realcoeff : in boolean; p : in Poly_Sys ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Writes a polynomial system in tableau format on file. -- If realcoeff, then the imaginary part is not written. end Tableau_Formats;