with unchecked_deallocation; with Generic_Lists; with Graded_Lexicographic_Order; use Graded_Lexicographic_Order; package body Generic_Polynomials is -- REPRESENTATION INVARIANT : -- 1. Only terms with a coefficient different from zero are stored. -- 2. The terms in any polynomial are ordered from high to low degree -- according to the graded lexicographic order. use Ring; -- DATA STRUCTURES : package Term_List is new Generic_Lists(Term); type Poly_Rep is new Term_List.List; procedure free is new unchecked_deallocation(Poly_Rep,Poly); -- AUXILIARY OPERATIONS : procedure Shuffle ( p : in out Poly ) is -- DESCRIPTION : -- Changes the position of the terms in p back to the normal order. -- Needed to guarantee the second representation invariant. res : Poly := Null_Poly; procedure Shuffle_Term ( t : in Term; cont : out boolean ) is begin Add(res,t); cont := true; end Shuffle_Term; procedure Shuffle_Terms is new Visiting_Iterator(Shuffle_Term); begin Shuffle_Terms(p); Clear(p); Copy(res,p); Clear(res); end Shuffle; procedure Append_Copy ( first,last : in out Poly_Rep; t : in Term ) is -- DESCRIPTION : -- Appends a copy of the term to the list. tt : Term; begin Copy(t,tt); Append(first,last,tt); end Append_Copy; -- CONSTRUCTORS : function Create ( n : natural ) return Poly is begin return Create(Ring.Create(n)); end Create; function Create ( n : number ) return Poly is t : Term; begin Copy(n,t.cf); return Create(t); end Create; function Create ( t : Term ) return Poly is p : Poly; begin if Equal(t.cf,zero) then p := Null_Poly; else declare tt : Term; begin Copy(t,tt); p := new Poly_Rep; Construct(tt,p.all); end; end if; return p; end Create; procedure Copy ( t1 : in Term; t2 : in out Term ) is begin Clear(t2); Standard_Natural_Vectors.Copy (Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(t1.dg), Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(t2.dg)); Copy(t1.cf,t2.cf); end Copy; procedure Copy ( p: in Poly_Rep; q : in out Poly_Rep ) is lp,lq : Poly_Rep; t : Term; begin Clear(q); if not Is_Null(p) then lp := p; while not Is_Null(lp) loop t := Head_Of(lp); Append_Copy(q,lq,t); lp := Tail_Of(lp); end loop; end if; end Copy; procedure Copy ( p : in Poly; q : in out Poly ) is l : Poly_Rep; begin Clear(q); if p /= Null_Poly then Copy(p.all,l); q := new Poly_Rep'(l); else q := Null_Poly; end if; end Copy; -- SELECTORS : function Equal ( t1,t2 : Term ) return boolean is begin if not Equal(t1.dg,t2.dg) then return false; else return Equal(t1.cf,t2.cf); end if; end Equal; function Equal ( p,q : Poly_Rep ) return boolean is lp, lq : Poly_Rep; begin lp := p; lq := q; while not Is_Null(lp) and not Is_Null(lq) loop if not Equal(Head_Of(lp),Head_Of(lq)) then return false; else lp := Tail_Of(lp); lq := Tail_Of(lq); end if; end loop; if Is_Null(lp) and Is_Null(lq) then return true; else return false; end if; end Equal; function Equal ( p,q : Poly ) return boolean is begin if (p = Null_Poly) and (q = Null_Poly) then return true; elsif (p = Null_Poly) or (q = Null_Poly) then return false; else return Equal(p.all,q.all); end if; end Equal; function Number_Of_Unknowns ( p : Poly ) return natural is temp : Term; begin if (p = Null_Poly) or else Is_Null(p.all) then return 0; else temp := Head_Of(p.all); if temp.dg = null then return 0; else return temp.dg'length; end if; end if; end Number_Of_Unknowns; function Number_Of_Terms ( p : Poly ) return natural is begin if (p = Null_Poly) or else Is_Null(p.all) then return 0; else return Length_Of(p.all); end if; end Number_Of_Terms; function Degree ( p : Poly ) return integer is temp : Term; begin if (p = Null_Poly) or else Is_Null(p.all) then return -1; else temp := Head_Of(p.all); if temp.dg = null then return 0; else return integer(Sum(temp.dg)); end if; end if; end Degree; function Degree ( p : Poly; i : integer ) return integer is res : integer := 0; procedure Degree_Term (t : in Term; continue : out boolean) is index,temp : integer; begin if t.dg /= null then index := t.dg'first + i - 1; temp := t.dg(index); if (temp > 0) and then (temp > res) then res := temp; end if; continue := true; end if; end Degree_Term; procedure Degree_Terms is new Visiting_Iterator(process => Degree_Term); begin if p = Null_Poly or else Is_Null(p.all) then return -1; else Degree_Terms(p); return res; end if; end Degree; function "<" ( d1,d2 : Degrees ) return boolean is begin return Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(d1) < Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(d2); end "<"; function ">" ( d1,d2 : Degrees ) return boolean is begin return Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(d1) > Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(d2); end ">"; function Coeff ( p : Poly; d : degrees ) return number is l : Poly_Rep; t : term; res : number; begin Copy(zero,res); if p /= Null_Poly then l := p.all; while not Is_Null(l) loop t := Head_Of(l); exit when (t.dg < d); if Equal(t.dg,d) then Copy(t.cf,res); exit; else l := Tail_Of(l); end if; end loop; end if; return res; end Coeff; -- ARITHMETICAL OPERATIONS : function "+" ( p : Poly; t : Term ) return Poly is temp : Poly; begin Copy(p,temp); Add(temp,t); return temp; end "+"; function "+" ( t : Term; p : Poly ) return Poly is begin return p+t; end "+"; function "+" ( p,q : Poly ) return Poly is temp : Poly; begin Copy(p,temp); Add(temp,q); return temp; end "+"; function "+" ( p : Poly ) return Poly is res : Poly; begin Copy(p,res); return res; end "+"; function "-" ( p : Poly; t : Term ) return Poly is temp : Poly; begin Copy(p,temp); Sub(temp,t); return temp; end "-"; function "-" ( t : Term; p : Poly ) return Poly is temp : Poly; begin temp := Create(t); Sub(temp,p); return temp; end "-"; function "-" ( p : Poly ) return Poly is temp : Poly; begin Copy(p,temp); Min(temp); return temp; end "-"; function "-" ( p,q : Poly ) return Poly is temp : Poly; begin Copy(p,temp); Sub(temp,q); return temp; end "-"; function "*" ( p : Poly; a : number ) return Poly is temp : Poly; begin Copy(p,temp); Mul(temp,a); return temp; end "*"; function "*" ( a : number; p : Poly ) return Poly is begin return p*a; end "*"; function "*" ( p : Poly; t : Term ) return Poly is temp : Poly; begin Copy(p,temp); Mul(temp,t); return temp; end "*"; function "*" ( t : Term; p : Poly ) return Poly is begin return p*t; end "*"; function "*" ( p,q : Poly ) return Poly is temp : Poly; begin Copy(p,temp); Mul(temp,q); return temp; end "*"; procedure Add ( p : in out Poly; t : in Term ) is l1,l2,temp : Poly_Rep; tt,tp : Term; begin if t.cf /= zero then Copy(t,tt); if p = Null_Poly then p := new Poly_Rep; Construct(tt,p.all); else tp := Head_Of(p.all); if tt.dg > tp.dg then Construct(tt,p.all); elsif Equal(tt.dg,tp.dg) then Add(tp.cf,tt.cf); if tp.cf /= zero then Set_Head(p.all,tp); else Clear(tp); if Is_Null(Tail_Of(p.all)) then Term_List.Clear(Term_List.List(p.all)); free(p); else Swap_Tail(p.all,l1); Term_List.Clear(Term_List.List(p.all)); p.all := l1; end if; end if; Clear(tt); else l1 := p.all; l2 := Tail_Of(l1); while not Is_Null(l2) loop tp := Head_Of(l2); if tt.dg > tp.dg then Construct(tt,temp); Swap_Tail(l1,temp); l1 := Tail_Of(l1); Swap_Tail(l1,temp); return; elsif Equal(tt.dg,tp.dg) then Add(tp.cf,tt.cf); if tp.cf /= zero then Set_Head(l2,tp); else Clear(tp); temp := Tail_Of(l2); Swap_Tail(l1,temp); end if; Clear(tt); return; else l1 := l2; l2 := Tail_Of(l1); end if; end loop; Construct(tt,temp); Swap_Tail(l1,temp); end if; end if; end if; end Add; procedure Add ( p : in out Poly; q : in Poly ) is procedure Add ( t : in Term; continue : out boolean ) is begin Add(p,t); continue := true; end Add; procedure Adds is new Visiting_Iterator(Add); begin Adds(q); end Add; procedure Sub ( p : in out Poly; t : in Term ) is temp : Term; begin Standard_Natural_Vectors.Copy (Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(t.dg), Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(temp.dg)); temp.cf := -t.cf; Add(p,temp); Standard_Natural_Vectors.Clear (Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(temp.dg)); Clear(temp.cf); end Sub; procedure Sub ( p : in out Poly; q : in Poly ) is temp : Poly := -q; begin Add(p,temp); Clear(temp); end Sub; procedure Min ( p : in out Poly ) is procedure Min ( t : in out Term; continue : out boolean ) is begin Min(t.cf); continue := true; end Min; procedure Min_Terms is new Changing_Iterator (process => Min); begin Min_Terms(p); end Min; procedure Mul ( p : in out Poly; a : in number ) is procedure Mul_Term ( t : in out Term; continue : out boolean ) is begin Mul(t.cf,a); continue := true; end Mul_Term; procedure Mul_Terms is new Changing_Iterator (process => Mul_Term); begin Mul_Terms(p); end Mul; procedure Mul ( p : in out Poly; t : in Term ) is procedure Mul ( tp : in out Term; continue : out boolean ) is begin Standard_Natural_Vectors.Add (Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(tp.dg), Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(t.dg)); Mul(tp.cf,t.cf); continue := true; end Mul; procedure Mul_Terms is new Changing_Iterator (process => Mul); begin Mul_Terms(p); end Mul; procedure Mul ( p : in out Poly; q : in Poly ) is res : Poly; l : Poly_Rep; t : Term; begin if (q = Null_Poly) or else Is_Null(q.all) then Clear(p); else l := q.all; res := Null_Poly; while not Is_Null(l) loop t := Head_Of(l); declare temp : Poly; begin temp := p * t; Add(res,temp); Clear(temp); end; l := Tail_Of(l); end loop; Copy(res,p); Clear(res); end if; end Mul; procedure Diff ( p : in out Poly; i : in integer ) is procedure Diff_Term ( t : in out Term; continue : out boolean ) is temp : number; index : integer := t.dg'first + i - 1; begin if t.dg(index) = 0 then Clear(t); Copy(zero,t.cf); else temp := Create(t.dg(index)); Mul(t.cf,temp); Clear(temp); t.dg(index) := t.dg(index) - 1; end if; continue := true; end Diff_Term; procedure Diff_Terms is new Changing_Iterator( process => Diff_Term ); begin Diff_Terms(p); end Diff; function Diff ( p : Poly; i : integer ) return Poly is res : Poly; begin Copy(p,res); Diff(res,i); return res; end Diff; -- ITERATORS : procedure Visiting_Iterator ( p : in Poly ) is l : Poly_Rep; temp : Term; continue : boolean; begin if p /= Null_Poly then l := p.all; while not Is_Null(l) loop temp := Head_Of(l); process(temp,continue); exit when not continue; l := Tail_Of(l); end loop; end if; end Visiting_Iterator; procedure Changing_Iterator ( p : in out Poly ) is q,lq,lp : Poly_Rep; t : Term; continue : boolean := true; procedure Copy_append is temp : Term; begin Copy(t,temp); if continue then process(temp,continue); end if; if not Equal(temp.cf,zero) then Append(q,lq,temp); else Clear(temp); end if; Clear(t); end Copy_append; begin if p = Null_Poly then return; else lp := p.all; while not Is_Null(lp) loop t := Head_Of(lp); Copy_append; lp := Tail_Of(lp); end loop; Term_List.Clear(Term_List.List(p.all)); free(p); if Is_Null(q) then p := Null_Poly; else p := new Poly_Rep'(q); end if; Shuffle(p); -- ensure the second representation invariant end if; end Changing_Iterator; -- DESTRUCTORS : procedure Clear ( d : in out Degrees ) is begin Standard_Natural_Vectors.Clear(Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(d)); end Clear; procedure Clear ( t : in out Term ) is begin Clear(t.dg); Clear(t.cf); end Clear; procedure Clear ( p : in out Poly_Rep ) is l : Poly_Rep := p; t : Term; begin if Is_Null(p) then return; else while not Is_Null(l) loop t := Head_Of(l); Clear(t); l := Tail_Of(l); end loop; Term_List.Clear(Term_List.List(p)); end if; end Clear; procedure Clear ( p : in out Poly ) is begin if p /= Null_Poly then Clear(p.all); free(p); p := Null_Poly; end if; end Clear; end Generic_Polynomials;