with text_io; use text_io; with Standard_Natural_Vectors; with Abstract_Ring_io; with Generic_Vectors; with Generic_Vectors_io; with Generic_VecVecs; with Generic_Lists_of_Vectors; with Generic_Lists_of_Vectors_io; with Generic_Arrays_of_Vector_Lists; generic with package Ring_io is new Abstract_Ring_io(<>); with package Vectors is new Generic_Vectors(Ring_io.Ring); with package Vectors_io is new Generic_Vectors_io(Ring_io,Vectors); with package VecVecs is new Generic_VecVecs(Ring_io.Ring,Vectors); with package Lists is new Generic_Lists_of_Vectors(Ring_io.Ring,Vectors,VecVecs); with package Lists_io is new Generic_Lists_of_Vectors_io (Ring_io,Vectors,Vectors_io,VecVecs,Lists); with package Arrays is new Generic_Arrays_of_Vector_Lists(Ring_io.Ring,Vectors,VecVecs,Lists); package Generic_Arrays_of_Vector_Lists_io is -- DESCRIPTION : -- Input/Output of arrays of lists of links to vectors. use Arrays; procedure get ( al : in out Link_to_Array_of_Lists ); procedure get ( n : in natural; m : in Standard_Natural_Vectors.Vector; al : out Array_of_Lists ); procedure get ( file : in file_type; al : in out Link_to_Array_of_Lists ); procedure get ( file : in file_type; n : in natural; m : in Standard_Natural_Vectors.Vector; al : out Array_of_Lists ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Reads a number of lists from standard input or from file; -- the ith list must contain m(i) vectors of length n. -- If n and m are not provided, then they are first read. procedure put ( al : in Array_of_Lists ); procedure put ( file : in file_type; al : in Array_of_Lists ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Writes the lists in al on standard output or on file. end Generic_Arrays_of_Vector_Lists_io;