with text_io; use text_io; with Trees_of_Vectors; use Trees_of_Vectors; package Trees_of_Vectors_io is -- DESCRIPTION : -- This package provides i/o operations for Trees_of_Vectors. -- The formats for input are the same as those for output. procedure get ( n : in natural; tv : in out Tree_of_Vectors ); procedure get ( file : in file_type; n : in natural; tv : in out Tree_of_Vectors ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Reads a tree of vectors from standard input or from file, -- n equals the maximum length of a vectors in the tree. procedure put ( tv : in Tree_of_Vectors ); procedure put ( file : in file_type; tv : in Tree_of_Vectors ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Writes a tree of vectors on standard output or on file. -- The left branch in the tree comes first, -- for each vector a new line is taken, -- the entries in the vector are separated by spaces. -- The output of a whole tree is ended by a blank line. end Trees_of_Vectors_io;