with Standard_Complex_Vectors; use Standard_Complex_Vectors; with Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems; use Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems; with Standard_Complex_Solutions; use Standard_Complex_Solutions; package Total_Degree_Start_Systems is -- DESCRIPTION : -- This package constructs the start system based on the total degree. procedure Total_Degree_Info; -- DESCRIPTION : -- Displays information about the total degree on screen. procedure Start_System ( p : in Poly_Sys; q : in out Poly_Sys; c : in Vector; qsols : in out Solution_List); -- ON ENTRY : -- p the polynomial system that has to be solved; -- c a vector with constants. -- ON RETURN : -- q the start system, with for i in q'range : -- q(i) = x_i^Degree(p(i)) - c(i); -- qsols the solutions of the start system. procedure Start_System ( p : in Poly_Sys; q : in out Poly_Sys; qsols : in out Solution_List ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- The meaning of the parameters is here the same, except that instead -- of the vector c, a random number generator will be used for choosing -- the c(i)'s on the unit circle. end Total_Degree_Start_Systems;