with text_io; use text_io; with Arrays_of_Integer_Vector_Lists; use Arrays_of_Integer_Vector_Lists; package Drivers_for_Mixed_Contributions is -- DESCRIPTION : -- This package provides some drivers to compute essential sets of -- a tuple of support sets. -- SWEEPING (once/full) WITH (simple/exhaustive) CRITERION : procedure Once_Simple_Sweep ( file : in file_type; l : in out Array_of_Lists; nred : out natural ); procedure Once_Exhaustive_Sweep ( file : in file_type; l : in out Array_of_Lists; nred : out natural ); procedure Full_Simple_Sweep ( file : in file_type; l : in out Array_of_Lists; nred : out natural ); procedure Full_Exhaustive_Sweep ( file : in file_type; l : in out Array_of_Lists; nred : out natural ); -- DESCRIPTION : -- Applies simple/exhaustive criterion once/full to the point lists. -- Full means that the lists are scanned until the criterion fails -- for all points, while with the prefix Once, only one sweep is performed. -- ON RETURN : -- l reduced set of supports; -- nred number of eliminated vectors with zero contribution. end Drivers_for_Mixed_Contributions;