with integer_io; use integer_io; with Standard_Complex_VecMats; use Standard_Complex_VecMats; package body Deformation_Posets_io is procedure put_size ( poset : in Array_of_Array_of_VecMats ) is begin put_size(Standard_Output,poset); end put_size; procedure put_size ( file : in file_type; poset : in Array_of_Array_of_VecMats ) is np : natural; lavm : Link_to_VecMat; begin if poset'last < 10 then np := 1; else np := 2; end if; for i in poset'range loop put(file,"n = "); put(file,i,np); put(file," : "); if poset(i) /= null then for j in poset(i)'range loop lavm := poset(i)(j); if lavm = null then put(file," 0"); else put(file," "); put(file,lavm'length,1); end if; end loop; end if; new_line(file); end loop; end put_size; end Deformation_Posets_io;