with text_io,integer_io; use text_io,integer_io; with Communications_with_User; use Communications_with_User; with Driver_for_SAGBI_Homotopies; with Driver_for_Pieri_Homotopies; with Driver_for_Quantum_Pieri; procedure mainenum is m,p,q : natural; file : file_type; ans : character; begin new_line; put_line("Reading the name of the output file."); Read_Name_and_Create_File(file); new_line; put("Give p, dimension of the solution planes : "); get(p); put("Give m, the co-dimension so that n = m+p : "); get(m); new_line; put_line("MENU of Homotopies to solve Enumerative Geometry Problems"); put_line(" 1. SAGBI for intersection hypersurface conditions"); put_line(" 2. Pieri for hypersurface and general co-dimensions"); put_line(" 3. Pieri to compute maps of degree q that produce p-planes"); put("Type 1, 2 or 3 to select : "); Ask_Alternative(ans,"123"); case ans is when '1' => put(file,"SAGBI Homotopies for m = "); put(file,m,1); put(file," and p = "); put(file,p,1); new_line(file); Driver_for_SAGBI_Homotopies(file,m+p,p); when '2' => put(file,"Pieri Homotopies for m = "); put(file,m,1); put(file," and p = "); put(file,p,1); new_line(file); Driver_for_Pieri_Homotopies(file,m+p,p); when '3' => new_line; put("Give q, the degree of the maps : "); get(q); put(file,"Quantum Pieri for m = "); put(file,m,1); put(file,", p = "); put(file,p,1); put(file," and q = "); put(file,q,1); new_line(file); Driver_for_Quantum_Pieri(file,m+p,p,q); when others => put_line("Option not recognized. Please try again..."); end case; end mainenum;