with integer_io; use integer_io; with Standard_Complex_Numbers; use Standard_Complex_Numbers; with Standard_Complex_Matrices; use Standard_Complex_Matrices; with Standard_Complex_Matrices_io; use Standard_Complex_Matrices_io; with Matrix_Homotopies; package body Matrix_Homotopies_io is procedure Write is begin Write(Standard_Output); end Write; procedure Write ( file : in file_type ) is begin for i in 1..Matrix_Homotopies.Cardinality loop declare start : constant Matrix := Matrix_Homotopies.Eval(i,Create(0.0)); target : constant Matrix := Matrix_Homotopies.Eval(i,Create(1.0)); begin put(file,"Matrix homotopy no. "); put(file,i,1); put_line(file," :"); put_line(file,"Start matrix : "); put(file,start); put_line(file,"Target matrix : "); put(file,target); end; end loop; end Write; end Matrix_Homotopies_io;