with text_io; use text_io; with Communications_with_User; use Communications_with_User; procedure ts_commuser is -- DESCRIPTION : -- Tests the dialogues with the user. procedure Create_and_Write is file : file_type; c : character; begin put_line("Reading the name of an output file."); Read_Name_and_Create_File(file); put("Give a character : "); get(c); put(file,c); Close(file); end Create_and_Write; procedure Open_and_Read is file : file_type; c : character; begin put_line("Reading the name of an input file."); Read_Name_and_Open_File(file); get(file,c); put("The first character read : "); put(c); new_line; Close(file); end Open_and_Read; procedure Main is ans : character; begin loop put_line("Choose one of the following :"); put_line(" 0. Exit: leave this menu."); put_line(" 1. Create an output file and write a character to it."); put_line(" 2. Open an file for input and read a first character."); put("Make your choice : "); Ask_Alternative(ans,"012"); case ans is when '1' => Create_and_Write; when '2' => Open_and_Read; when others => null; end case; put("Do you want more tests ? (y/n) "); Ask_Yes_or_No(ans); exit when (ans /= 'y'); end loop; end Main; begin Main; end ts_commuser;