# # $Id: makefile.dst,v 1.1 1998/11/26 19:06:30 lhecking Exp $ # # # Makefile for GNUPLOT documentation # # Note that the top-level file for documentation is gnuplot.doc. # See README. # # To print manual: # make gnuplot.dvi (for latex) # (print or view gnuplot.dvi) # OR # make gnuplot.nroff (for nroff) # (print or view gnuplot.nroff) # or # make "TROFF=itroff" troff (for troff; use your troff here) # # $Id: makefile.dst,v 1.1 1998/11/26 19:06:30 lhecking Exp $ # usually overridden by ../Makefile HELPDEST = /usr/local/lib # substitute your troff command (and any flags) for this one TROFF=troff # substitute cp if you do not have the install program INSTALL=install # substitute your DVI to PostScript conversion program here DVIPS=dvips # Compiler flags # -DSYSV if att sys V # -DMSDOS if MSDOS PS # -traditional -g -O if gcc (set 'CC = gcc') # no extra flags for BSD # HBB: this gets called from the toplevel Makefile, and gets passed some CFLAGS, # so I changed this to something completely different: DOC_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -s -I../ -I../term/ CC = gcc # Default information help: @echo "Please do a 'make ' where is one of" \ "the following:" @echo @echo "check check the gnuplot.doc file" @echo "clean remove all derived files" @echo "dvi DVI files (gnuplot.dvi gpcard.dvi)" @echo "gih Unix and MSDOS help file (gnuplot.gih)" @echo "help make help" @echo "hlp VMS help file (gnuplot.hlp)" @echo "html HyperText Markup language (gnuplot.html)" @echo "info Info documentation (gnuplot.info)" @echo "install-unix Unix and MSDOS install" @echo "install-vms VMS install" @echo "nroff nroff documentation (gnuplot.nroff)" @echo "ps PostScript files (gnuplot.ps gpcard.ps)" @echo "tex LaTeX documentation (gnuplot.tex)" @echo "troff troff documentation" @echo "tutorial LaTeX tutorial (latextut/tutorial.dvi)" @echo @echo "If you are not familiar with makefiles or just want" \ "to know what" @echo "'make ' would do without actually doing" \ "anything, then type" @echo " 'make -n '" @echo # default is what is needed for interactive gnuplot default: gnuplot.hlp gnuplot.gih # the converters doc2html : doc2html.c termdoc.c xref.c allterm.h $(CC) $(DOC_CFLAGS) -o doc2html doc2html.c termdoc.c xref.c doc2ms: doc2ms.c termdoc.c allterm.h $(CC) $(DOC_CFLAGS) -DALL_TERM_DOC -o doc2ms doc2ms.c termdoc.c doc2tex: doc2tex.c termdoc.c allterm.h $(CC) $(DOC_CFLAGS) -DALL_TERM_DOC -o doc2tex doc2tex.c termdoc.c doc2hlp: doc2hlp.c termdoc.c $(CC) $(DOC_CFLAGS) -o doc2hlp doc2hlp.c termdoc.c doc2gih: doc2gih.c termdoc.c $(CC) $(DOC_CFLAGS) -o doc2gih doc2gih.c termdoc.c checkdoc: checkdoc.c termdoc.c allterm.h $(CC) $(DOC_CFLAGS) -DALL_TERM_DOC -o checkdoc checkdoc.c termdoc.c allterm.h: @echo Hmm - need to concatenate all .trm files into allterm.h @echo should have been done by main makefile ### [tn]roff documentation troff: gnuplot.ms titlepag.ms tbl gnuplot.ms | eqn | $(TROFF) -ms nroff: gnuplot.nroff gnuplot.nroff: gnuplot.ms titlepag.ms tbl gnuplot.ms | neqn | nroff -ms | col > gnuplot.nroff ms: gnuplot.ms gnuplot.ms: doc2ms gnuplot.doc ./doc2ms gnuplot.doc gnuplot.ms html: gnuplot.html gnuplot.html : doc2html gnuplot.doc allterm.h ./doc2html gnuplot.doc gnuplot.html ### LaTeX documentation tex: gnuplot.tex gnuplot.tex: doc2tex gnuplot.doc ./doc2tex gnuplot.doc gnuplot.tex # this is how to make DVI files dvi: gnuplot.dvi gpcard.dvi gnuplot.dvi: gnuplot.tex titlepag.tex toc_entr.sty latex gnuplot latex gnuplot gpcard.dvi: gpcard.tex tex gpcard # this is how to make PostScript files # if pslatex has been installed, add "times" to titlepage.tex ps: gnuplot.ps gpcard.ps gnuplot.ps: gnuplot.dvi $(DVIPS) gnuplot gpcard.ps: gpcard.dvi $(DVIPS) gpcard # this is how to make gnuplot.hlp hlp: gnuplot.hlp gnuplot.hlp: doc2hlp gnuplot.doc ./doc2hlp gnuplot.doc gnuplot.hlp # this is how to make gnuplot.gih gih: gnuplot.gih gnuplot.gih: doc2gih gnuplot.doc ./doc2gih gnuplot.doc gnuplot.gih # this is how to make Info documentation info: gnuplot.info gnuplot.info: gnuplot.doc perl doc2texi.pl gnuplot.doc > gpltinfo.tex makeinfo +fill-column 80 gpltinfo.tex rm -f gpltinfo.tex tutorial: latextut/tutorial.tex ( cd latextut; $(MAKE) ) # this is how to check the gnuplot.doc file check: checkdoc gnuplot.doc ./checkdoc < gnuplot.doc # For Unix and MSDOS only install-unix: gnuplot.gih $(INSTALL) gnuplot.gih $(HELPDEST) # for VMS only install-vms: gnuplot.hlp $(INSTALL) gnuplot.hlp $(HELPDEST) # remove all derived files clean: rm -f doc2ms gnuplot.nroff gnuplot.ms \ allterm.h \ doc2html gnuplot.html \ doc2tex gnuplot.tex gnuplot.dvi \ gnuplot.aux gnuplot.log gnuplot.toc \ gnuplot.ps gpcard.dvi gpcard.log gpcard.ps \ doc2hlp gnuplot.hlp \ doc2gih gnuplot.gih \ checkdoc *~ *.o core a.out \ gnuplot.info* gpltinfo.tex ( cd latextut; $(MAKE) clean )