% % Header file for tutorial.tex % % Spacing \newcommand{\singlespace} {\addtolength{\baselineskip}{-.333\baselineskip}} \newcommand{\doublespace} {\addtolength{\baselineskip}{.5\baselineskip}} % Spacing for the whole document \newcommand{\currentspace}{} % use this for single space % \newcommand{\currentspace}{\doubleespace} % use this for double space % Common abbreviations % (Remember to put '\ ' after if an interword space is % desired rather than end-of-sentence space. Same for '.etc)' ). \newcommand{\eg}{{\em e.g.}} % e.g. \newcommand{\ie}{{\em i.e.}} % i.e. \newcommand{\etc}{{\em etc.}} % etc. \newcommand{\vs}{{\em vs.}} % vs. \newcommand{\usec}{{$\mu$}sec} % microseconds % \boxfigure{pos}{wid}{text}: A figure with a box around it % % pos the usual figure placement arg: eg. htbp % wid the width of the figure, in some units: eg. 5in % text the contents of the figure, including picture/caption/label/etc % \newlength{\boxwidth} \newcommand{\boxfigure}[3]{ \begin{figure}[#1] \setlength{\boxwidth}{#2} \addtolength{\boxwidth}{.1in} \centering \framebox[\boxwidth]{ \begin{minipage}{#2} #3 \end{minipage} } \end{figure} } % use \fullboxwidth for arg 2 of boxfigure to get box of size \textwidth % To show a syntax for a gnutex command \newenvironment{syntax}{\begin{quote}\tt}{\end{quote}} \ifx\LaTeXe\undefined % old LaTeX version % add `,a4' to `toc_entry' to load settings for A4-paper % see below if you add 11pt or 12pt \documentstyle[titlepage,a4]{article} \else % LaTeX2e version % add `[a4paper]' before `{article}' to load settings for A4-paper % see below if you add 11pt or 12pt \documentclass[titlepage,a4paper]{article} % DSL 24 May 1995 \usepackage{latexsym} % If you are concerned about % LaTeX Warning: \oval, \circle, or \line size unavailable on input line % warnings, uncomment one of the following lines. You'll need to create % tutorial.ps then. %\usepackage{eepic} %\usepackage{pspicture} \fi % Margins \sloppy \setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in} \setlength{\textheight}{9in} \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.5in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0pt} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0pt} % see above \newlength{\fullboxwidth} \setlength{\fullboxwidth}{\textwidth} \addtolength{\fullboxwidth}{-0.1in}